Jul 262018

Who needs actual engineering training, when you can design and build things based on feels?

Builder of doomed duck boat had no engineer training

I had thought that this was an antique, a leftover from WWII. Turns out it was a stretched replica built by a guy with no mechanical or engineering training.

Good Jorb!

Who needs STEM, when you can have Other Ways Of Knowing? That’s just as good. Anyone who says otherwise is a western civilization chauvinist. Probably a right winger. Probably a fascist. Probably a misogynist NAZI.


As may be obvious, I have little patience for those who would debase science and engineering by demanding that standards be lowered in order to cram in some BS quotas. This incident is not a result of that (the builder has been doing this for some decades, it seems), but the results are the same. Boats are not exactly some mysterious magical concept that humans only have some vague notions about; designing them properly is something that engineers have been working on for THOUSANDS OF FREAKING YEARS. Designing and building a boat without the benefit of actual engineering is STUPID.

 Posted by at 10:51 am
Jul 252018

Very late 1950’s Convair promo art of their “Outpost” space-base built from an Atlas launch vehicle. This was publicized enthusiastically by the likes of Krafft Ehricke; it preceded the MOL program, and would have resulted in a manned facility somewhat similar in size, thought dissimilar in capability. The MOL was a pre-finished, single-launch space lab, while the “Outpost” as a “wet lab” would have required considerable effort by workers in space suits to finish. To service the Outpost, an Atlas with a Centaur-like upper stage would orbit two wedge-like lifting bodies.

 Posted by at 4:10 pm
Jul 252018

It seems that “Democratic Socialism” is the political flavor of the month. So what is it? if you listen to celebrities and other talking heads, DS is all about democracy. It’s all about social safety nets. It’s all fluffy-bunny awesomeness, giving the poor free stuff. Behold this article full of kissassery:

Democratic Socialism Is About Democracy

It quote Alexandria Ocasio-cortez, who defines Democratic Socialism thusly:

I believe that in a modern, moral, and wealthy society, no person in America should be too poor to live. So what that means is health care as a human right. It means that every child, no matter where you are born, should have access to a college or trade school education if they so choose it. And, you know, I think that no person should be homeless if we can have public structures and public policies to allow for people to have homes and food and lead a dignified life in the United States.

Well, now, that just sounds more or less like standard modern liberalism, right? “Just give people stuff.”

But the reality is, Democratic Socialism is far darker than that. From the same article, the author writes:

But despite significant advances, we’re still living with many of the despotisms that early socialists abhorred.

The American workplace is one of the most glaring examples. The place where most people spend the bulk of their adult lives, it’s also a place where workers relinquish the most basic of democratic freedoms. Bosses can fire their subordinates for nearly any reason. They can tell workers what to say and what not to say. They can decide whether to keep the worksite where it is or move it abroad. They alone determine how to spend the company’s profits and invest the resources the enterprise has generated.

Democracy says that people should have equal control over the decisions that affect their lives.

So what do socialists oppose here? Bosses being able to fire employees. Companies having some measure of control over the speech of employees (hello, James Gunn…). Someone who owns something determining where to put that something. Instead, Socialists want the *government* to make those decisions. Got a crappy employee? Tough, it’s a ten-year process to fire him. Got an employee texting horrifying things on the company Twitter account? Too bad. Is your factory ridiculously far from your vendors? Tough.

“But,” I hear you say, “That’s socialism, not Democratic Socialism.” That would be a good point… if the Democratic Socialists *themselves* made any such distinction. Let’s go to the Democratic Socialists of America webpage, shall we?

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?

Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy.

Say! That’s a relief! Let’s hope they shut up right there and don’t say anyth…

We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Well, shit.

Further, elsewhere the DSA states:

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. DSA’s members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in American communities and politics.

At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as means and end. As we are unlikely to see an immediate end to capitalism tomorrow, DSA fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people.

The difference between Democratic Socialists  and Socialists is that Socialists want complete control over the economy and an instant end to Capitalism, while democratic Socialists only want that same end… a little later, maybe.

The DSA wants the government to take over the major industries. This will no doubt go over well with the idiot class who think they’re stigginit to the Rich Pigs. But once the government gets a taste of that sort of power, who *honestly* thinks they’ll stop there? Smaller companies, mom & pop shops, privately owned farms, sol proprietorships… these are in many ways the bedrock of the American economy. Once the government determines that it has the right to nationalize a company with ten thousand workers, how long before they can take over companies with a thousand workers? A hundred? Ten? Are *you* going to start a business if you know that the moment you hire some dimwitted lummox to carry heavy boxes from one side of the shop to the other, you will be forced to share the decision making process with him? That you cannot fire him unless he votes to let you?

The Democratic Socialists want:

massive redistribution of income from corporations and the wealthy to wage earners and the poor and the public sector, in order to provide the main source of new funds for social programs,income maintenance and infrastructure rehabilitation

Uh-huh. That first year, when you soak the rich, the government coffers will be full to overflowing. What about year two? If the wealthy are no longer wealthy, how are you going to extract wealth from them?

Democratic Socialism is just a stepstool to full-up Socialism.

So the next time you see some idiot on the street tell you that the Democratic Socialists want social safety nets, or food for the poor, housing, that sort of stuff… keep in mind what they really want: EVERYTHING.

 Posted by at 3:53 pm
Jul 252018

Scientists Discover the First Large Body of Liquid Water on Mars

Might be more accurate to say that the European Mars Express orbiter has found evidence (via radar) of water *in* Mars, a subsurface lake  beneath the polar ice cap that is 12 miles across and several feet thick… and about a mile below the surface. With no geothermal warming of any consequence, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for thee to be sub-ice cap water, but the researchers think that the water is probably saturated with various salts that lower the freezing point.

 Posted by at 10:08 am
Jul 242018

While this makes entirely too much sense, it will no doubt cause a lot of peple who are already none too damn sane to lose what little remains of their minds:

Justice Department: Use ‘illegal aliens,’ not ‘undocumented’

The Justice Department has instructed US attorneys offices not to use the term “undocumented” immigrants and instead refer to someone illegally in the US as “an illegal alien,” …

“The word ‘undocumented’ is not based in US code and should not be used to describe someone’s illegal presence in the country,”
 Posted by at 10:09 pm
Jul 242018

The moon is a terrible place for life. Primarily, it has no atmosphere of note, so no form of life currently known could live in any meaningful way there. But there were a few points in the *distant* past when the Moon could have supported a meaningful atmosphere. The possibility exists that very early on (3.5 to 4 billion years ago) it could have had a liquid water over, enough to cover the whole moon 1 kilometer deep; and while the atmosphere would be held to the Moon rather weakly due to the low gravity, and thus be easily blown away by the solar wind, the atmosphere would have been constantly replenished by evaporation from the ocean. A later phase would theoretically have seen a thick atmosphere generated by outgassing from the basalt rocks. The lifespan of this sort of atmosphere would be short on geological timescales… seventy million years or so. But while that is pretty short for biogenesis and natural selection to produce a native ecosystem of any complexity, had terrestrial organisms such as cyanobacteria been blasted off Earth by meteor bombardment, they *could* have been carried to the moon and set up shop there, spending several million years spreading and thriving until the atmosphere did eventually fade away. Additionally, it *seems* that Earth generated primitive cyanobacteria in a very short time once the conditions were right for it… something like ten million years. If the moon had windows of 70 million years, that would have been enough.

Was There an Early Habitability Window for Earth’s Moon?

Had life started off on the moon, I’m not sure we’ll ever know. The place has been blasted to hell and gone by meteor bombardment; any fossils would likely have been quite near the surface, and likely long since turned to powder. I suspect, though, that once we set up shop there and generations of humans start calling the place home, there will be big rewards set up to be the first to find a fossil lunar stromatolite. Long before they find a fossil stromatolite, they’ll probably have to find a fossil shoreline or a fossil river.

 Posted by at 6:13 pm
Jul 242018

… this won’t help. At all.

Woman Accused of Setting 6-month-old Baby on Fire in Louisiana Is Arrested

One Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith kidnapped a baby boy (Levi Cole Ellerbe), took him to some train tracks, set the kid on fire then left. The firefighters got there just in time to watch the kid die.

If you want something to ponder, ponder this: how big of a news story would this be if some of the politically charged details of this story were reversed? See here

This is the new story that tends to have comment sections filled with people expressing their desire to see all manner of horrible tortures imposed upon the criminal. Well, I’m nipping that in the bud. Such things would serve no purpose except to dehumanize whoever is tasked, appointed, hired, volunteers, or *pays* to do the job. Instead: simply put her into gen pop with a PA system announcement of who she is and what she did, and how chocolate pudding is off the menu until “certain issues” are resolved. It seems she may have had two accomplices; the same would seem to apply to them as well.

Rust Cohle has the best advise possible for these folks:

 Posted by at 5:48 pm
Jul 242018

So I was passed this link. Since it’s to an RT (Russia Today) story, I naturally assume it’s not trustworthy, so I put it to the test. The story claims that if you feed a string of the word “dog”  repeated 20 times into Google Translate, set it to some non-English language translating to English, it spits out End Times prophesies. Seemed dubious. But what the hell I gave it a shot.

Start with:

dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog

And you get with most languages, a string of “dog” repeated twenty times because “dog” is not a word in that language.

But there are a few anomalies:

Icelandic (and Norwegian, and Swedish): “However, however, however, however, however, though, though, however, however, though died though, however, however died died

That’s a little odd. But then:

Hausa (a west African language): “Doomsday Clock is three minutes at twelve We are experiencing characters and a dramatic developments in the world, which indicate that we are increasingly approaching the end times and Jesus’ return”

Umm. That is *specific*enough of a turn of phrase that I assume that it is the result of someone at Google having a little fun. the RT article apparently spoke with a computer expert who thinks that the Google translation algorithm is an imperfect AI (I’m shocked at the very idea!) that “hallucinates” if you feed it gibberish.

So, experimenting further. Sticking with Hausa, I changed the number of times I use “dog:”

DogX6: dog dog dog – reader email

Dog X 16: Doomsday Clock is three minutes at twelve We are experiencing characters and a dramatic developments in the world

Dog X 24: krist dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog

I swapped out “dog” for “cat” and only got a string of “cat.” Color me stunned that cats won’t be involved in the apocalypse.

I tried dog x 20 with other languages. The great majority only spit out a number (generally less than 20) of “dog.” But that “end times” message was repeated in Igbo (another west African language) and Samoan.

And Urdu gives: Double Dude Double Drop Double Drop Double Drop Double Pain Two

I assume if you said “dog” to someone who speaks Urdo, they’d think you meant “two” or “drop” and maybe even “pain,” so I guess that one makes sense in  way. But the “end times” message sure seems like it was programmed in, hallucinating AI or no.

so if you see an unkempt, unshaven wild-eyed weirdo in a bathrobe standing on a soapbox screaming about dogs, it’s up you to decide: “whackjob or prophet?”

 Posted by at 4:03 pm
Jul 242018

This video tackles the question “why don’t we just make more F-1 rocket engines?” A similar question, “Why don’t we just restart production of the Saturn V” has been common among space fans for *decades.* And the fact is… we can’t.

The video points to the loss of skills and direct knowledge of those who worked the F-1 fifty years ago. When the F-1s were built, it took more than the blueprints; it also took manufacturing instructions. It’s more than juat “weld these parts together,” it’s *how* to weld. And while the blueprints still exist, the notes – and the knowledge stored only in the technicians heads – are long gone. This is a problem I saw directly back in my days working at United Tech and ATK. A story I’ve related before is how through virtually sheer random chance, while working at ATK I was called up by one of the techs hoping that I could direct them to a former co-worker from United Tech, because that co-worker was responsible for the manufacturing instructions on a motor that had been transferred from the one company to the other (because United Tech collapsed and all their programs were transferred to other companies). I got them to explain just what the issue they were having was… and then I burst out laughing because *I* was the guy at United Tech who had figured out how to solve the manufacturing issue. My co-worker had apparently never gotten around to re-writing the instructions, so an important detail had been lost and only rediscovered through an unlikely circumstance. Now, the ATK techs certainly could have figured out a solution, quite possibly the exact same solution, or maybe even a better solution… but they’d never have known if their solution was the “right” one, and Odin only knows how long it would have taken them to work the problem. And in government rocketry, “well, we’re unsure how it was supposed to be done, so we’re doing it this way” is almost never the right answer. Management will Freak The Hell Out.

And along with the loss of knowledge and skills is the loss of *stuff.* If you try to rebuild the Saturn V based on a complete and pristine set of fifty-year-old blueprints, one of many problems you’ll discover is that a lot of the off-the-shelf stuff meant to go in it… doesn’t exist anymore. “Install a MomNPopCo Brand temperature sensor model 14B HERE.” Ooops, they went out of business in 1971. “Wrap with Bleedin’ Lungs Brand six-inch-wide asbestos tape.” Ooops. “Install a HAL 90 computer here.” Ooops, especially because the mass of the thing is require for balance, but that’s not called out in the blueprint because why would it be. “Insulate with bakelite.” Ooops. “Machine from thorium-alloy component 128047h-8 from Bomarc program.” Ooops.

In aerospace, once it’s lost, it’s *very* hard to get back. No more Saturns. No more F-1s. No more SR-71s. No more Avro Arrows or Peacekeeper missiles or F-22s.

See also “FOGBANK.” Never let your nuclear weapons manufacturing programs sit idle.

 Posted by at 12:24 pm