Animation of equakes in Okla. & parts of adjoining states, 2004-16. Size of dots and volumes are proportional to equake strengths. #okquake pic.twitter.com/5qmgZKqKs5
— USGS in Oklahoma (@USGS_Oklahoma) July 20, 2017
Animation of equakes in Okla. & parts of adjoining states, 2004-16. Size of dots and volumes are proportional to equake strengths. #okquake pic.twitter.com/5qmgZKqKs5
— USGS in Oklahoma (@USGS_Oklahoma) July 20, 2017
Since ComiCon is currently ongoing in San Diego, a lot of trailers for forthcoming movies and TV shows have been released. Some of ’em:
Westworld, season 2, which looks to continue to be spectacular.
Thor: Ragnarok, which looks like more fun than it has a right to be:
Stranger Things, Season 2. GIMME NOW
Star Trek: Discovery, which continues the downward spiral by turning the main character into not just someone who knows Sarek (Spocks father) but was actually adopted by him… making her Spocks human sister. Which he and Sarek failed to mention EVER.
Since STD will only be available in the United States on CBS All Access – which is six bucks a month just to watch CBS shows, of which STD: Lensflare is probably the only one most people will give a damn about – I don’t expect too many people will actually watch the whole first (and potentially only) season.
On the other hand…this autumn *does* see the appearance of a Star Trek show people can actually watch, and that actually looks good: The Orville dropped another trailer. GIMME NOW.
Due to a combination of a crappy California educational system that has chosen to not do an adequate job of educating students in the basics, and various sub-cultures that do not stress the importance of intellectual achievement, the chancellor of California’s community college system, one Eloy (as opposed to Morlock) Oakley has decided that it would be best if the California community college system did away with the algebra requirement.
On one hand, this would not affect those who actually want to get a STEM degree; they’d still need proficiency in basic math. But it would make it easier for other “students” to get crappy, useless non-STEM degrees in vacuous subjects like Grievance Studies or Identity Politics or STEM Derision. It would make it easier for kids who got something no sane person would consider to be a valid education in the public schools to get a “degree” from the glorified daycares known as “post-STEM community colleges.”
You know how it’s all kinds of popular these days to complain that Hollywood doesn’t produce anything new? How everything is either a reboot or a sequel? Well… here y’all go, “Bright,” coming to Netflix in December. The plot? Will Smith is an LAPD cop with a new partner. Yawn, seen it. The partner, however, is an ork. LA is loaded with orks and elves and fairies and magic and gangbangers and whatnot. It actually looks fairly entertaining.
A few weeks back I posted an old Chrysler ad I found online. The image quality was ok, but kinda small. Subsequently I found a copy on ebay, bought it, scanned it and cleaned it. I’ve posted the full-rez, fully cleaned version of the ad to the 2017-07 APR Extras folder on Dropbox, available for free for all APR patrons at the $4 level and above. The full rez image is 4043×6270 pixels, or 13.5×20.9 inches at 300 dpi. It could probably be safely printed off at 200 dpi, giving 20.2X32.35 inches.
Here’s a dinkyscale version of the new scan:
And here, because I want y’all to know that these things take time and effort, are some full-size crops from both the final version and the raw scan, showing the improvement in image quality. Some of it is done via a few keystrokes, such as tweaking the rightness and contrast, but erasing thousands of little specks and fixing flaws? That’s all genuine artisanal hand-made old-school photoshoppery craftsmanship.
If you are interested in accessing these and other aerospace historical goodies, consider signing up for the APR Patreon.
Because why not, I’ve written a short story. Not sure if it’s any good or not, so I’m hoping to find three martyrs volunteers willing to give it a read and give me feedback. There are two things:
I’ve been poking away at the next Pax Orionis story, but this one sort of popped into my head and I had to scribble it down. If interested, comment. First three volunteers get to read free fiction.
Through the use of cats, humor and profanity, exurb1a explains the limitations that our brains put on understanding the universe… and how those limits might grow. There’s a good line about how our descendants might grow in capacity and learn things we alive now would be wholly incapable of understanding… “they couldn’t have gotten there without us, but they’ll get there without us.”
“Party members should not have religious beliefs, which is a red line for all members … Party members should be firm Marxist atheists, obey Party rules and stick to the Party’s faith … they are not allowed to seek value and belief in religion,” Wang Zuoan, director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) wrote in an article released in the Qiushi Journal on Saturday, the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.
Officials who have religious faith should be persuaded to give it up, and those who resist would be punished by the Party organization, Wang wrote.
How terribly progressive of them.
“It is important that Wang constantly reminds Party members not to have religious beliefs. Some people who claim to be scholars support religious beliefs in the Party, which has undermined the Party’s values based on dialectical materialism,” Zhu Weiqun, chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
Ah, the ol’ “dialectical materialism” ploy.
It should be pointed out that in Marxism, “atheism” isn’t exactly “atheism.” The normal definition of an atheist is someone who does not believe in god (cue the arguments over the difference between “not believing there’s a god” and “believing there is no god”), but commies are a bit different. They yammer on about how there is no god, and about how religion is bad, and how their form of “dialectical materialism” is good. But at the same time, they elevate the state to the *role* of god, turn the Communist Party and its ideology into the exact duplicate of a religion, and the objective results of their materialism *sucks.* The only reason why Communist China has turned itself into something of an economic powerhouse is because they have fallen from the true communist faith and have embraced capitalism, just not in name. They are now something far closer to National Socialism than Communism in the way they run their economy, but the way they run their government is still classically communist.
Some of this is due to an innate need in many, perhaps most, humans to believe that there’s some sort of magical superpower out there, whether it’s God or the State or Fate or whatever. But mostly I think it’s because religion was developed over perhaps tens of thousands of years and refined into a *really* quite effective way to keep most of a society in line, and commies, who are all about power and control, want that ability for themselves.
Remember, kiddies: this is the same China that a whole lot of people are hoping will take the reins from the US as the “leader of the world.”
Boring headline:
Interesting photo attached to MSNBC tweet:
Alternative interpretation of the photo: