A 1999 Galileo photo of Io, tinkered with to approximate what it’d look like to the human eye. If’n ya want the high-rez version, Astronomy Picture of the Day can hook you up:
A photo taken in August from a ship in the “Inside Passage,” Alaska, same trip that produced this photo. Evening, looking east into an inlet, with a cruise ship emerging.
You can also download the very much larger version by LOOKING HERE (over at my photo blog), good for printing and such. Permission granted for personal use.
If you like the photo and want to toss a few coins my way… well, here ya go.
Arrest Climate-Change Deniers
Sadly, the derp isn’t confined to the article… check out the comments for some weapons grade derptitude.
A 1980 USAF video describing the MX missile basing scheme as it was then planned. A 25 square mile facility would be built in the southwest. A large number of shelter/launchers would be built, connected by roads. But only a few of the shelters would actually have an MX. Instead, they would each have an MX mass simulator. A very large truck would regularly trundle along from shelter to shelter, transporting either the missile or the simulator. Thus, the Soviets would not know which shelter contained a simulator, and which contained an ICBM.
[youtube 3DaQQ4ia5TA]
Interesting how much effort was made on making the MX environmentally “green,” considering its role.
Man chops off his own hand with a homemade guillotine… and is now threatening to amputate his arm
Why would he do such a thing? He was in a motorcycle wreck and suffered substantial nerve pain. Apparently the British National Health System has refused to treat him for 16 years so… he did it himself. Neat!
From 1975… which was approximately when I saw it. Wow, do I feel old…
[youtube YEi8m55Tq3c]
I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
Air Pollution in World: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map
Wow. The US, for once, actually comes off pretty good compared to just about everybody except Australia. China, though… yeesh.
Looks like a whole lot of work, but damn if it ain’t cool…
[youtube FN0cHYm3YtU]
A 1976 AT&T film on the history of ballistic missile defense. A number of interesting missile launches are shown, including Nike-Zeus, Spartan and Sprint. Interestingly, *failed* launches are also shown, including one serious *d’oh* Sprint failure at about 22:40. Footage at 25:40 shows the effects of a nuclear blast on missile control system radar antennae and such (by use of big piles of high explosives).
[youtube ARx2-wRn9-Y]