Feb 212014

Spike Aerospace, about which I know approximately nothing, wants to build a Mach 1.6 SSBJ known as the S-512. For a SSBJ, it’s a fairly conventional design. However, what’s getting it some press is the idea that it won’t have any passenger compartment windows; instead, it will have a long window-like high-def display strip which will show an external view.


While it looks spiffy in the PR art… unless this display is some sort of sci-fi holographic display, it will looks distinctly “off” compared to a real window. If you are up front, for example, and you look out the “window” well aft, rather than showing you a view looking aft, it will show you a view looking off to the side.

Someday I imagine materials tech will be such that an actual window strip can be made for pressurized aircraft. And that… will be odd.

If the computer generated artwork on their site is anything to go by (and it may not be), the design does not seem to be very far advanced. The landing gear, for example… yeesh. Span is 60 feet, length 131 feet; 12 to 18 passengers; cruises at Mach 1.6, dash at Mach 1.8; MTOW = 84,000 lbs; engines, 2 P&W JT8D; range 4000 nautical miles. There are a few sonic boom-fighting elements… long nose, engines hidden above the fuselage, reduced number of surfaces. But it remains to be seen if the FAA would allow supersonic overflight of land areas in the US.

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 Posted by at 8:10 am
Feb 202014

Some days ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me at home, I thought I would drive about a little and see the snowy part of southern Idaho. It is much like the northern part of Utah… not terribly surprising considering that the states share a border. A drive of a few miles took me to that border. I continued north to Malad and, having never taken the road before, turned right and headed to Preston through Caribou National Forest.

Dscf4198 Dscf4200 Dscf4269 Dscf4261 Dscf4239 Dscf4220 Dscf4210

 Posted by at 10:07 pm
Feb 202014

Just back from the grocery store. The mission: procure a can of chicken broth. This idea was to add chicken broth to water, cats will like it and drink more, and it’ll help flush ’em out. End result: cats apparently don’t like chicken broth. Who knew.

While there I wandered the frozen pizza aisle and suddenly noticed this:

OK, frozen pizza. Big deal. But two aspects of it grabbed me:
1) “Feast For One.”

2) Photo of *three* friends goofing off.

On the basic level, this is a simple mismatch, like the art department got conflicting instructions. But on a deeper level… this seems to be wholly depressing marketing. What must the Honest Ad for this say?

“You’re all alone. That’s why you only need enough pizza for one person. But here is a photo of you with two friends you *used* to hang around with. And they’re not here anymore. Dwell on happier times and enjoy the pizza!”


 Posted by at 5:48 pm
Feb 202014

It seems odd to me that there are people with careers and in the military and such who weren’t born when these commercials first aired… commercials that are *still* airing.

From 1994, the “Cadbury Bunny Tryouts” (it has been re-edited in recent years, but it’s the same basic thing):

[youtube 731B20sSX1w]

From 1990, the Corona Christmas commercial:

[youtube l9Jk9DmNqMM]

Any others this old? Of course, the Simpsons has been on the air freakin’ forever, too…




 Posted by at 3:17 pm
Feb 202014

He has returned home, and behaves as if he was simply on a short adventure. The other cats greeted him with a quick “Oh. You’re back” look, then turned their backs on him; he proceeded to tackle Speedbump. He has medicine he needs to take, and getting those into him has been – and will probably continue to be – something of a chore.

“Let me out of this box!”




Note that his foreleg and belly are shaved.









 Posted by at 12:52 pm
Feb 202014

The moon just behind the Wasatch range a few nights back, lighting up the clouds.


You can also download the very much larger version by LOOKING HERE (over at my long-disused photo blog), good for printing and such. Permission granted for personal use.

I’m trying something new here. For several years I have attempted to sell my panoramic photos in a number of venues; those who have been reading this blog for a while may recall that it has been one financial failure after another.  So… screw it. I’m going to try *giving* the high-rez digital photos away. However, I’ll add a donation button to each photo posting. If you like the photo and want to toss a few coins my way… well, there ya go.

 Posted by at 10:10 am
Feb 202014

This house has been incredibly still today. Fingers, Raedthinn and Speedbump have not played, have not fought, chased each other or done much of anything except lay there and give me accusatory looks. They all saw me pick up Buttons, put him in a cat-carrier and take off with him… and come back without him. I don’t know if the resulting stillness has been because the cats are disturbed that I made Buttons go away… or if it was because he was the life of the party.

 Posted by at 1:14 am
Feb 192014

Just got a call from the Vet… One-Eye has been successfully spayed, and they *really* want me to pick her up… apparently she’s tearing the joint apart. Heh.

But then…

Buttons turns out to have a serious urinary tract infection. The vet described it as being nearly as bad as the UTI that killed Fluffy a few years ago. Suddenly this day has taken a serious down turn. They’re keeping him overnight on an IV and antibiotics in the hopes of cleaning him out.

UPDATE: One-Eye is back downstairs. It’s hard to glare with only one eye… but she found a way.

I spoke more with the vet; he believes Button’s prognosis is good. He wasn’t fully plugged up, but he was close. From here on out he will be on a special diet… as will the other cats. Sadly, “special” equates to “more expensive.” But as I explained to the vet…One-Eye is a visitor and gets basic care, while Buttons gets full medical and dental, 401K, retirement plan, the whole package.

 Posted by at 1:23 pm