Apr 152013

Some news worth knowing:

First, and potentially one of the most important news stories you’ll read in a while:

Scientists make ‘laboratory-grown’ kidney

In short: a rat kidney was extracted, then soaked in a  detergent. This washed out everything in the kidney except the “glue” that holds the cells to each other, leaving a ghostly “scaffold” in the detailed shape of a kidney. Cells from the “recipient” rat were then spread throughout the scaffold; 12 days of artificial incubator growth later, the cells had repopulated and rebuilt the kidney. Effectiveness compared to a natural kidney was 23%; the kidney was transplanted into a rat, where effectiveness dropped further to 5%. But the researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital point out that only 10% kidney function is enough to get someone off dialysis. And of course, this is early days with this technology.

The ability to essentially clone kidneys would vastly improve the lives of millions of people. The technology as described would still require donor kidneys… but since the cellular material is washed out and replaced with the recipients own adult stem cells, the complex nightmare of finding just the right donor would disappear. Now, all that would be needed are kidneys of about the right *size,* and maybe even that might not be so important. Kidneys could be collected from donors (who could potentially even have diseases that would otherwise bar them from being donors, diseases that would be washed away with the detergent), the kidneys quickly processed into the empty scaffolds, then carefully stored for perhaps extended periods. If this technology comes to fruition, if you find you need a new kidney, a proper scaffold could be pulled off the shelf, your own cells would be harvested (perhaps from your existing kidneys, perhaps processed stem cells), and the new kidney grown. The whole process from diagnosis to transplant might only take a matter of weeks.

So… yay, science!


Aww, booo:

Awesome Mars-Comet Impact Less Likely

The odds of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)  whacking Mars in October 2014 have dropped from1-in-8,000 to 1-in-120,000. It will likely pass within 68,000 miles of Mars.


Mysteriously Shrinking Proton Continues to Puzzle Physicists

Accepted radius of a proton is 0.8768 femtometers, based on measurements using electron orbitals. Measurements using muon orbitals gives a proton radius of 0.84087 femtometers.

 Posted by at 12:35 pm
Apr 152013

“Ignorance of the law is no excuse” has been standard legal dogma for thousands of years. But I believe it is time to revisit that. Can it really be reasonable to expect every citizen to know *all* of the law? Or even a modest fraction of the law? Not so very long ago, the US Supreme Court ruled that, yes, you are allowed to sell something you legally bought. This ruling surprised many… because many were unaware that it was actually illegal to sell many things you bought legally.

Beyond that, witness the growth in the US Tax Code:


In a hundred years, it went from 400 pages to nearly 74,000 pages… a factor of 185. Could the average citizen really be expected to know the tax code even if it was “only”400 pages?

And beyond that: the new immigration/amnesty bill is reported to be about one thousand five hundred pages in length, and lawmakers will have *one* *day* to review it before hearings begin… and then voting. Should we allow lawmakers to vote for bills that they could not possibly have read, never mind understood and puzzled out the important implications of?

Ayn Rand nailed it in Atlas Shrugged:

“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”

So what to do here? Seems to me some changes in the law would be called for. Perhaps a complete overhaul… toss out *everything,* then do a complete re-write. All US Federal laws must fit within the confines of a standard 1,000 page paperback, 12-point font, double-spaced. Anything not in that is… not the law.

 Posted by at 12:03 pm
Apr 152013

The Cookson Repeater was a type of firearm that originated in the late 1680s and lasted into the 1800’s. It was a black powder flintlock, but with a difference… internal magazines were provided for powder and balls, up to at least 12, and the turning of a lever would cause a ball and a proper charge of powder to load into the breech. Thus the weapon could fire two shots in only a few seconds, rather than twenty or thirty seconds with a conventional muzzle loading flintlock.

These would have been the machine guns of their day, and likely would have had an appropriately high selling price.

[youtube cs4vjq6sW40]

[youtube J_hnC6x036Q]

 Posted by at 9:28 am
Apr 132013

Another exciting North Korean propaganda video with late 1980’s production values threatens to nuke Colorado Springs… which is apparently somewhere in Missouri. Maybe Kansas. But with the sort of advanced nuclear weapons Best Korea has produced, what does it matter?

[youtube PUP8T7Qar88]

I’d pay real money if only Mike and the bots would come back to rip these videos…

 Posted by at 9:41 pm
Apr 132013

NASA artwork from 1962 depicting a single-launch space station. Launched by a Saturn V, this space station would be folded up, then would unfold once on orbit to form something of a torus. Rotation would then supply a measure of artificial gravity. With a design like this, much of the inner volume would not be very efficiently used… as the straight cylindrical segments diverge further from a circular centerline for a hypothetical truly circular torus, the more the inner surface of the segment would seem to slope “uphill.” Thus the interior would probably be stepped so that the floor would be “flat” from the acceleration vector point of view, to keep everything from rolling or sliding “downhill.” In this case the central hub appears to be rotationally decoupled.

Image is related to this radial-arm concept, and was scanned at the NASA HQ history archive.

 Posted by at 6:46 pm
Apr 122013

School apologizes for ‘Nazi’ writing assignment

The assignment:

“You must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!”

Now, in part the assignment makes sense. The idea is to make the youngun’s think critically and formulate arguments they – presumably – normally wouldn’t. But… damn. C’mon.

I can think of a whole bunch of alternates that would be just as challenging, and not nearly as *specific* in offensiveness. Argue that:

Slavery is just and proper

Nations should have a single religion

Killing babies is ok

Democracy should be done away with in favor of totalitarian monarchy

The world is flat

Only those with concealed carry permits are to be allowed to vote

Voting restrictions based on IQ

Voting restrictions based on credit rating

Voting restrictions based on percentage paid in income tax

Access to technology should be limited to some populations based on their demonstrated ability to handle it appropriately

Scientific research should be limited to those branches of science that will do the most good.

Any other suggestions?

 Posted by at 7:09 pm
Apr 112013

Something I see with some regularity is some – typically European – commenter talking about how weird it is that Americans largely don’t have passports. This is assumed to imply that Americans are insular, don’t care about the larger world. But there is a simpler reason why we often don’t give a damn about passports: we don’t need them.


By overlaying laying a map of Europe over the US, it’s immediately obvious just how *small* Europe is. What I consider to be a modest vacation in the US, the kind I’ve been on many times, would cover enough territory to cover virtually the entirely of Europe. And never once was a passport needed. And the trips I’ve been on have not yet covered all of the US. It’s entirely feasible for an American to spend his whole life traveling far and wide and never once need a passport. Until 9/11, it was possible for Americans to also journey into Canada without a passport, but circumstances have obviously changed that.

So the real question should not be “why do0n’t more Americans have passports,” the question should be “why should so many other people have any need of them?”

 Posted by at 1:13 pm