Hmmmph. Bad news, everyone…
Dead Again: Futurama Canceled for the Second Time
Comedy Central has apparently cancelled Futurama. The last season starts June 19, ends September 4.
Hmmmph. Bad news, everyone…
Comedy Central has apparently cancelled Futurama. The last season starts June 19, ends September 4.
[youtube NJlyMFCX9CA]
Report: Boston attack suspects not licensed to own firearms
Massachusetts is one of those states where you have to have a license to own firearms. And as it turns out, the Boston Bombers did not have those licenses. But yet they had guns. Huh. It’s almost as if criminals don’t follow laws. But what’s really confusing is this:
The news that the suspects were not authorized to own firearms will likely add fuel to calls for tougher gun laws
Ummm… why? How would increased-scope background checks and licensing have helped here?
Glenn Beck…
Radio host Glenn Beck has reportedly obtained information regarding the Saudi Arabian national initially detained as a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.
According to Beck, the lies surrounding this suspect run so deep that should they become public they will have consequences so severe that the United State of America as we know it will be “done” if the Obama Administration is not held to account.
Yeah, uh-huh.
Look, Beck used to do pretty good work. A few years ago when he was helping to dig up the facts about the likes of Van Jones and ACORN, he was doing fine work. But he sorta slipped into evangelist mode, and wandered away from relevance. This latest seems kinda… nutty.
Two and a half hours of CNN coverage live on 9-11-2001.
[youtube uT9jkBGFlr0]
Never forget, never forgive.
The Chicago-political-machine-dominate House in Illinois failed to pass a bill allowing concealed carry permits. This actually moves concealed carry in Illinois closer to reality. Illinois, the only state to not recognize this basic right, is under orders from a federal appeals court to get on the ball and start issuing permits. If Illinois misses a June 9 deadline, then “Constitutional carry” will automatically become the law of the land in Illinois. In other words, if the organized crime family that is “the Illinois State House” fails to pass a law regulating concealed carry permits, then *every* Illinois resident (barring felons) would be default be legally allowed to carry whatever they want.
“To stimulate interest in math and science among students in the public schools of this state, the State Board of Education shall prescribe minimum standards by which samples of grade-appropriate science fiction literature are integrated into the curriculum of existing reading, literature or other required courses for middle school and high school students.”
This is a *really* good idea. Rather than dreary, incomprehensible and culturally irrelevant dreck like Dickens and Bronte and whatnot, how about the likes of Heinlein or L. Neill Smith?
The author of the bill, one Ray Canterbury, is “not interested in fantasy novels about dragons,” but instead “in things where advanced technology is a key component of the storyline, both in terms of the problems that it presents and the solutions that it offers.”