Jun 212012

As anyone who has been online for more than a few minutes knows, the Net is packed to the rafters with scumbags. But the, it also has its share of people who *don’t* suck.

A Video Of This Woman Getting Humiliated Went Viral, And Now The Internet Has Raised More Than $300K To Make Her Feel Better

It’s odd what brings out the charitable side of people. Not that I begrudge this poor bus monitor a dime, but that’s just a whole lot of money from random strangers.

As of my posting this, there are 29 days to go... and they’ve raised $362,000.

 Posted by at 4:34 pm
Jun 202012


Behold: the next generation.

NSFW language.

[youtube l93wAqnPQwk]

Go ahead and *try* to tell yourself that these kids don’t need a good whoopin’.

Remember: your tax dollars are being used to bus these little monsters to a public education. I’m thinking that that’s a waste of everyone’s time and money. There are better things to do with individuals such as this. Farm work. Basic factory labor. Digging ditches.

 Posted by at 5:50 pm
Jun 202012

When contemplating why the current US Attorney General does what he does about programs like “Fast and Furious” which seem to have been calculated to make firearm owners and dealers look like villains, keep in mind what his views on firearms actually are. In 1995, he gave a speech where he makes it plain that he wanted a “brainwashing” campaign to convince citizens to disarm themselves.

[youtube GDCQTzBzl1A]

 Posted by at 8:15 am
Jun 202012

Seems Fantastic Plastic has released the Space Station V I modeled for ’em:

I haven’t seen one of the kits in person, but I have seen the laser stereolithographically produced master parts… and I gotta say it looked pretty spiffy even in that unfinished format. What with the photoetched-steel “unfinished rim” bits, the finished model photos look pretty snazzy.

 Posted by at 12:24 am
Jun 192012

The McDonnell Douglas Model 176 was a generic spaceplane design derived from the FDL-7 (Flight Dynamics Lab – USAF Wright-Pat). It was incorporated into small spaceplanes adequate for taking a few crewmembers to a space station on up to Space Shuttle competitors. Below are two pieces of art (found in the NASA HQ historical archive) showing a late 1960′s concept for a Model 176 optimized for the ILRV (Integral Launch and Recovery Vehicle) role. ILRV was one of the immediate predecessors to the Space Shuttle program.

The Model 176 was a sleek dart-like design with stubby fins. While details varied from iteration to iteration, all (or nearly all) featured high aspect ratio variable geometry wings for landing.

 Posted by at 10:55 pm
Jun 182012

I have no doubt that this is not even remotely a new idea. Probably already in works. But here goes:

Step 1: Get “augmented reality” glasses like the ones discussed HERE.

Step 2: Get AR glasses widely accepted.

Step 3: create an app for them that works thusly:

3a: You are out and about, and you see someone you are interested in, who is also wearing AR glasses. You are, however, something of a social coward (not too surprising, given that you’re an early adopter of augmented reality glasses).

3b: You look at said interesting person and mutter “bing” or some such. The glasses, due to the magic of WiFi or whatever, taps in and recognizes the user.

3c1: Nothing happens, and you go about your day, a sad, lonely shell of a person. End of story.

3c2: The other person has looked around, seen you and decided that you were interesting, so they “binged” you as well.

4: Since both glasses “binged” the other, an alert pops up, and puts you two in touch.

5: You may now approach each other with minimal worry of soul-crushing rejection.

The beauty of this: it only works if there is mutual interest.

 Posted by at 11:06 am