Jun 032012

Cosmic Smashup Predicted, Earth to Survive

Short form: Hubble space telescope studies have confirmed that the Andromeda galaxy will plow more or less directly into the Milky Way galaxy (or the other way around, depending on your frame of reference)… in about four billion years. Andromeda would need about six time the lateral motion that it is observed to have in order to miss.

The “Earth to survive” part of the title is kinda odd, as the writer makes it plain that in  4 billion years the sun will have started expanding, and the Earth will be a burned-out cinder.

 Posted by at 9:31 am
Jun 022012

In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins

Not “creationist” in the sense of God created the world and man evolved in it according to God’s design, no. No, it’s this:

God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years


A belief in God (or gods, or whatever) is fine. But a belief that the Earth is 10,000 years old or younger flies in the face of virtually every branch of science. It’s not a matter of reconciling belief with fact; it’s a matter of ignoring fact. A 10,000 year-old-Earth is as logically defensible as a flat Earth or a geocentric solar system.

The one good thing about this survey is that it shows no real trend one way or the other since the mid 1990s.

 Posted by at 10:22 pm
Jun 022012

Last Tuesday the Sierra Nevada Corp flew a full-scale version of their Dream Chaser lifting body spaceplane – under a Sikorsky Skycrane helicopter. This was an engineering test article… something like halfway between a mockup and a functioning craft. Aerodynamically and probably mass-wise it was an accurate representation of the proposed vehicle, with some aerodynamic control, but not space-capable nor fitted with propulsion systems.

With SpaceX’s recent success, Virgin Galactic hopefully to begin powered flights of the Spaceship2 shortly, and Sierra Nevada and Xcor both seeming to be on track to fly manned vehicles shortly, there just might be hope for the American space program after all.

 Posted by at 4:13 pm
Jun 022012

This is what you get when you put video cameras all over the Shuttle solid rocket boosters… and let Skywalker Sound enhance the audio.

[youtube 2aCOyOvOw5c]

I kept telling my bosses – and anyone else I could get hold of – back in my ATK days that some of the costs of a Shuttle or Ares V launch could be offset by mounting capsules on the noses of the boosters. Big lightweight capsules with big windows, with room for a number of paying customers who want the wildest ride out there. The capsules would separate a split second after RSRM sep from the ET, and would splash down separately.

Don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to go…

 Posted by at 3:43 pm
Jun 022012

A less-known aspect of the F-104 Starfighter was its experimental use as a launch platform for small sounding rockets. By using a jet fighter as a first stage, an expensive expendable rocket stage could be dispensed with, and launch location could be chosen pretty much at will. Studies showed that an F-104 launched single-stage Viper sounding rocket should attain 800,000 feet altitude; a two stage Altair should reach 6,000,000 feet (1136 miles).

From about 1958 to 1962, NASA undertook a series of tests to demonstrate the concept. An F-104 that had been modified for air launched weapons testing was used. The aircraft had an extendable launch rack for the MB-1 “Genie” nuclear tipped air-to-air missile; a Sidewinder launch rail was attached to that rack, and was used to hold and launch the sounding rocket. The rocket was a single-stage vehicle based on the Grand Central Rocket Co. Viper I-C solid rocket motor. This rocket was referred to as the ALSOR (Air Launched Sounding Rocket).

Image of F-104 with ALSOR (via NASA)

Image of F-104 with ALSOR (via NASA)

The rocket was produced with two different nose geometries, Model A and Model B. The Model A design was for the launch of a balloon: it would inflate after deployment (using water and isopentante, which would boil in the low pressure environment), and included an aluminized corner reflector inside. The balloon would fall and be measured by radar; atmospheric density could then be measured by careful examination of acceleration profiles.

Photo of a deployed atmospheric density-measuring balloon.

Model A payload section

As for Model B:

The model B vehicle was designed for a classified experimental scanning device that telemetered a continuous signal to ground receivers during a flat – trajectory launch in which maximum range (160 nautical miles) was desired.

The “Viperscan” was a Naval Ordnance Test Station device designed to take infrared images of the surface of the Earth and transmit them to ground station; it was not recoverable. Not much is known about it; it seems like the sort of thing that might have made for a handy fast-reaction recon system. Nowhere near as capable as an SR-71, but probably far cheaper and faster (no film recovery and development, for instance).

Models A and B

Artists impression of F-104 in steep vertical climb launching an ALSOR.

ALSOR mission profile

Data on the five test flights.

The test program demonstrated that the concept of an aircraft-launched sounding rocket was practical. However, the F-104 proved to be temperamental in this role, and apparently the concept was dropped.

This fifty-year-old concept was recently revived by the Star Lab project, which is planned to use an F-104 to launch a suborbital rocket.

 Posted by at 10:09 am
Jun 022012

… and I’ll close off “investment” on this little project:

Kickstarter: Computer/2001:SSV

I have reached the goal (woo!), though I haven’t blown past it far enough to retire upon (boo!). The products to be produced will be produced in extremely limited quantities and won’t be otherwise commercially available , so if detailed diagrams and technical description of the Space Station V floats your boat, here’s your shot.

UPDATE: The project was successful in obtaining a sufficiency of pledges; it is now closed to new pledges.

 Posted by at 1:49 am
Jun 022012

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry have granted official names to elements 114 (Flerovium) and 116 (Livermorium). Both are of course synthetic elements; Flerovium has an isotope with a half-life measurable in seconds, which is a really long time for these super-heavy elements. It is thought that there might be an “island of stability” for the super heavy elements, with elements 114, 120 and 126 theoretically having isotopes with half-lives measurable in years, perhaps millions of years. But it’s difficult enough mashing together atomic nuclei to get the right number of protons… getting the right number of neutrons as well is a hell of a trick.

Whenever you see a sci-fi flick where someone analyzes a bit of alien spacecraft wreckage and blathers something about it being composed of some mysterious, unknown element… if you want to imagine scientific plausibility, you have to imagine that the aliens are cranking out industrial quantities of these super-heavy elements.

 Posted by at 1:36 am
Jun 012012

…vote for this guy.

Vermin Supreme

Vermin Love Supreme[1] (born June 1961) is an American performance artist, anarchist and activist who is known for running as an alternative candidate in various local, state, and national elections in the United States.[2][3][4] Supreme is known for wearing a boot shaped hat and carrying a large toothbrush.[5] He claims that if elected President of the United States, he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth.[6][7][8][2] He also campaigned in 2012 on a platform of zombie apocalypse awareness and time travel research,[9] and he promises a free pony for every American.[10] Supreme claims to mock the political system.[11][2] In 2011, he participated in the ongoing Occupy Boston protests.[12]

December 19, 2011: He participated in the Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Presidential Forum and “glitterbombed” fellow candidate Randall Terry, claiming that Jesus told him to turn Terry gay.

Compared to Obama, Vermin is downright statesmanlike.

 Posted by at 8:55 pm