May 222012

The Democrat war on women continues. In this case, a Union official whackin’ the crap out of a pinata made up to look like Governor Nikki Haley.

[youtube giX6URln8ms]

Isn’t this, by the normal definitions used by those who use such definitions, a “hate crime?” I wonder what the response would be to Obama, say, being hung in effigy and then pummeled by baseball bats.

 Posted by at 7:51 pm
May 222012

Oy. This feller sounds like a stereotype of the deep south from the 1930’s.

[youtube d2n7vSPwhSU]

CNN is flackin’ this story, and focussing on his political statements and whether that will lead to his church’s tax-exempt status being revoked. If someone can explain to me why churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc., should be tax exempt in the first place, I’d love to read it.

PS: I’m sure you’ve all been waiting with baited (bated?) breath to learn my stance on gay marriage. Well, here it is:







It neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, so I cannot gin up a good reason to get upset about it one way or the other. What two (or, face it, three, four, n, …) consenting adults want to do with each other is neither of interest to me nor necessarily my business. I only care when people try to force things on other people. Like forcing groups that don’t want to be involved with X to be involved with X.

 Posted by at 7:45 pm
May 212012

Last night I took a boatload of photos of the eclipse. This being the first time I’ve made an effort to photograph the sun, there was just a whole lot of FAIL involved. Still, a few shots are ok. Here’s one:

I posted more over at the photo blog. Three points to whoever can say with precision where this was photographed.

 Posted by at 7:01 pm
May 202012

Saw this coming, but still. Got an email from the Planetary Resources HR department regarding my recent application for employment. It starts off with “We regret…” and you can fill in the rest from there.

 Posted by at 8:19 pm
May 192012

Emails are starting to trickle in letting me know that the DVD sets from March’s D.C. archive expedition are starting to arrive. Groups 1 and 2 have been sent; Group 3 is done and packaged but not yet mailed.

 Posted by at 11:38 pm