Apr 192012

Well, this could be interesting:

Rocket companies hope to repurpose Saturn 5 engines

Short form: Dynetics and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne have announced they intend to update the F-1 for the SLS. It appears that these will be for liquid-fueled strap on boosters to replace the five-segment RSRMs planned for the first two launches.

While a decent enough plan for this sort of thing, the reality is that for a booster rocket the size of the SLS, politics is more important than specific impulse in getting off the ground. A Delta rocket can swap out strap on booster rockets to suit needs, but the Shuttle spent thirty years promising advanced boosters,a nd never got anything fundamentally different than what it started off with. If SLS gets built, it may very well also spend thirty years using essentially the same configuration it stats off with.

Press release:

Dynetics and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Announce Exclusive Partnership to Compete for NASA SLS Booster Contract

 Posted by at 6:05 pm
Apr 192012

India has just successfully test launched a modern ICBM, the solid fueled Agni-V. Who would India be building this missile to defend themselves from? Well…….

India test-fires ‘China killer’ missile capable of reaching Beijing, Europe

I suspect India is not really in the market for nuking Europe. But then…

the missile had been dubbed the “China killer” by the Indian press.

[youtube oymhMFbZ1bY]

 Posted by at 1:10 pm
Apr 192012

When I see someone acting the fool or expressing patently ridiculous notions, my instinct is to Sheldon-up and tell them in no uncertain terms that they are an idiot (or whatever might be appropriate). I feel relatively free to do this because I am just some random schmoe. I’m not running for office. I hold no power, political or otherwise, and nobody – so far as I’m aware – counts me as their representative.

My “free speech rights” would of course not be curtailed were I to become a politician or the President For Life of  some advocacy group. However, I’d have to be a Grade-A Moron to not curtail my *own* speech were I to become such an individual. Your average jerk can, for example, generally express racist, sexist or just plain dumbass views with relatively little threat to their livelihoods, so long as they do so away from work. But a politician, athlete, actor, singer or any other Public Person who expresses the same views, even in a non-work setting, puts his future at risk (see: Jimmy the Greek, Mel Gibson, even Gilbert Gottfried).

Outside of a cult, you’re never likely to find even close allies who agree with you on *everything.* And while good friends can give each other crap, going public and talking smack about your allies – especially calling them names – is ill-advised. And if’n yer anything like a politician, you’d think that that would be monumentally *stupid.* And yet… it happens.

For example, take the National Geographic Channel documentary “Mars: Making the New Earth.” It’s an hour long (well, 45 or so minutes once you chop out the commercials) show from, I think, late 2010 on the subject of terraforming Mars. Most of the interviews are with Chris McKay, a planetary scientist at NASA-Ames. On such topics, he’s really pretty much of a go-to expert. Where this becomes relevant to my yammerings is when the discussion turns to the idea of whether or not we *should* terraform Mars if it turns out that there is an existing Martian microbe ecosystem, either active or dormant. This discussion starts at about 2:10 here:

[youtube zwFgujBYLCg]

At about 5:00, McKay suggests that if there is already life on Mars, we should leave the planet alone.

Now, I disagree. If it turns out there is an active technological civilization living under the surface… sure, leave ’em alone. But if native life on Mars is just Martian bacteria, maybe evolved all the way up to fungus…. meh, screw ’em. Native Martian life is, in that case, at it’s endpoint. Given how essentially dead the planet is, that life is never going to evolve anywhere on its own. The only way Mars is going to become a living world is if we *make* it a living world. And I just can’t get that worked up about the rights and dignity of bacteria, neato-keen and scientifically fascinating though it might be.

But keep watching the video clip. At about 5:50, another opinion is interjected. It is an opinion that accords much more closely with mine than McKays does. But unlike my meaningless blog-post-opinion, this is a supposedly Important Guy, in a position of some political prominence. Does he say “I disagree and here’s why?” No, he calls McKays position irrational and “lunacy.”

Yeah, that’ll win ’em over.

That sort of thing makes for good TV, I suppose, but piss-poor diplomacy.

 Posted by at 10:46 am
Apr 182012

From what I can tell, the only real agreement seems to be “all-in-one computers suck.” A fair number of suggestions to build a computer from sub components. But I continue to casually examine off-the-shelf possibilities, and some of them *seem* good and cost effective.

A computer from Costco:

One from a specialty computer store:

Two from Staples:

And one on sale at Staples:

This last one has an AMD Quad Core processor and 8 gig of RAM. Any reason to assume that this would be a disappointing hunk of crap?

 Posted by at 7:28 pm
Apr 182012

An animation from NASA-Langley, 1972, showing structural/vibrational responses of an early Space Shuttle configuration. While hardly “Avatar,” it’s certainly interesting to see such early CGI.

[youtube D-b6ko4wbZ0]

Three years later, Case Western Reserve University produced another structural response video, this time of an SST configuration. In those three years, some pretty obvious advances were made.

[youtube LsN1V8d7-8c]

 Posted by at 12:25 am
Apr 172012

Last night when I went into my bedroom I was assaulted with a *monumentally* horrible and inexplicable stench. Medium story short, it came from outside. And when I went outside and looked around with my little 15,000,000 lamp, the air was *full* of dust. It was not obvious where either the stench or the dust came from, though it was clear they were linked. Long story medium, a tractor was trundling through a field a half mile or so away, kicking up dust and creating whatever the stink was. Since getting here in 2004, I’ve never seen or smelled anything quite like it. But the smell was vaguely familiar; when I was a horrible little brat, my parents would occasionally toss my squallering ass in the car and drive along the Mississippi from our home, past or through the city of Clinton, Iowa. The city had something like a hog fat rendering plant that STANK… as in “this physically hurts me it smells so bad.” It was *this* horrible stench that filled the air last night. It was sufficiently gag-worthy that the only way I could stand to be outside was to wear a dust mask meant to protect against solvents.

What exactly the tractor was doing that could cause that same stink, I’ve no idea. Spreading rancid hog fat over a field seems an unlikely sort of thing to do.

I tried, and failed, to take some photos that would show just how dusty the air was. Oddly enough, trying to focus on dust in the air in the dark is a non-trivial task. Still, some photos down the way past the neighbors house showed some interesting views. The light rays & such visible here are otherwise never visible.

 Posted by at 8:47 pm