Apr 062012

One of the pleasant surprises from my recent trip to D.C. was obtaining a scan of a color version of an illustration I’ve only ever seen in B&W… the Goodyear “METEOR” spaceplane design from about 1956. This was part of a truly audacious plan put forward by Goodyear’s Darrel Romick and others to develop a “city in space,” a giant space station with artificial gravity and giant hangars for spacecraft.

The color seems to be off, due, likely, to the fading effects of half a century. But even after some “fade correction” processing, it’s clear that the spaceplane was painted red… an interesting choice.

Much more on the METEOR plan is available HERE.

A bit more on this piece of art is HERE.

 Posted by at 12:38 am
Apr 052012

A photo of unfortunate quality showing a collection of supersonic transport designs from North American Aviation, circa late 1963. Note that this is about 50 years ago, and each of these designs still look futuristic.

 Posted by at 12:39 pm
Apr 052012

RoboCop is coming to Detroit, it’s just a matter of when

Short form: a 10-foot-tall bronze statue of Robocop is being cast and will be put on display in Detroit. And probably vandalized within five seconds.

Who, What, Why: How many soldiers died in the US Civil War?

Short form: it has been generally agreed that 620,000 or so Americans died in the War Of Southern Aggression  150 years ago. New assessments add another 21% or so, to a total of about 750,000.

Woman Jailed After Threatening To Kill President Obama Over Child Custody Laws

Short form:

 Posted by at 12:14 pm