Doctors claim to have “functional cure” for HIV
The facts:
- About 1% of Caucasians are immune to HIV/AIDS (likely a holdover from surviving The Plague)
- One such genetically immune person donated bone marrow stem cells.
- These were implanted in one Timothy Ray Brown in 2007 in Berlin. The new bone marrow produced white blood cells that were not infectable with HIV, and which seem to have purged his system of the virus. He now has no signs of AIDS or HIV.
- The treatment did give him neurological damage affecting his speech and motor skills.
- This sort of treatment is rather more difficult than popping some pills; requires a lot of individualized attention and careful matching of donor to recipient.
There are millions of people with HIV/AIDS; not so many of them could afford this treatment. It’s made more difficult by the fact that even though 1% of white folks may be immune to AIDS… *which* 1%? A white person *with* AIDS obviously wasn’t immune. A white person without AIDS may or may not be immune. I suppose there are tests to determine that. But such tests would be invasive and quite possibly painful… especially if they require bone marrow. So even if the treatment works, a whole bunch of donors would be required. How to find them? Well… offer to *pay* them.
Sadly, in the US it is illegal to sell your organs, or the organs of the deceased, for reasons that are just sad and silly. Offer people good money for the organs of their dearly deceased beloved, and suddenly there will be a *lot* of organs on the market, and those months and years-long waiting lists for hearts and livers and such will get cleared out. The same would seem to apply to bone marrow anti-AIDS donations. Offer people money to take the immunity test… and then *real* *good* money for actual donations of bone marrow. I suspect only a single donation would be required; the bone marrow would be cultured and grown in whatever quantity required. But you’d need a whole lot of donors to cover a whole lot of recipient types.
So, who would pay for all this? Well… how much have the AIDS activists and celebritards spent over the decades on concerts and protests and quilts and museum and whatnot? Now that there’s an actual cure… it would seem to be time for these individuals and organizations to put their money where their protest signs are, and start paying. According to Wiki, some 60 million people were HIV infected in 2009. If this treatment can be had for the bargain basement price of $100,000 each, then the total elimination of AIDS would only cost six trillion dollars. Bono had best get busy with some benefit concerts.