Feb 292020

Two Days Later

Woman Brutally Attacked by Somali Refugee Says Authorities Let Him Go Free Because of His 49 IQ

A woman in St. Louis was brutalized by her 15 year old neighbor with a metal rod, after said neighbor had had numerous other run-ins with criminality. The article comes complete with quite a few fairly graphic photos of headwounds… and with this:

“On arrival, we learned from that same patient advocate that Hassan’s IQ is 49,” the post reads. “This makes him incompetent to aid in his own defense, therefore all charges were formally dismissed by the prosecutor, Sakina Ahmad.”

Let that sink in.  Being a dumbass not only lets you off the hook from risking your life for your country, it also seems to let you off the hook from responsibility for attempted murder.

Ahhhhmmmm… what big-brained genius decided that it was a neato-keen idea to insert foreigners with IQs of 49 into American cities? Go peddle stupid somewhere else. We’re all stocked up here.

Actual local news coverage of the situation.

Also, Facebook link with graphic photos and very long discussion of the whole situation after the break:

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 7:21 pm
Feb 292020

As of today I have 100 diagrams completed for the book project. Not cruising along quite as quickly as I’d hoped… in mid January I had a few short of 70 and had hoped to do at least one per day. But there has been about two weeks worth of work time lost of various and sundry issues, and a few of the diagrams turned out to be more of a headache than expected. Things are nonetheless progressing. The spreadsheet of planned diagrams is now just a bit short of 210 total, though I expect some of those might not come to pass… better to plan to throw in *every* damn thing than plan to run lean. If nothing else, I want this book to be the sort of thing that anyone else who might have ideas about doing the same thing would take one look at and give up in despair, knowing that there is nothing more to say on the topic.

 Posted by at 5:08 pm
Feb 292020

By which I mean, “let’s toss Socialism out on it’s rotten, democidal and vampirish ears and go to 40% nuclear power for our electricity.”

Below is a video made by comedians who are far, FAR more honest than those lying jackals in the Democrat party who extol the “virtues” of Scandinavian socialism success stories, without ever mentioning that socialism almost destroyed Sweden so they got rid of it. The fact that they got rid of socialism without resorting to bloodshed is, I think, what has allowed the fact that Sweden is a free market capitalist system to slip under the radar. Consider that: what makes Scandinavian socialism a “success” is that it failed to result in gulags and pogroms, and they managed to *escape* socialism.

This would seem to be a good video to share. Perhaps even with lefties who drone on and on about how great it would be to have Nordic-style socialism in the US.

 Posted by at 9:31 am
Feb 292020

There’s a lesson here:

Fallout from coronavirus outbreak triggers 25% decrease in China’s carbon emissions

In short, China has locked down whole regions, stopping aircraft (13,000 fewer flights per day), cars, factories, steel plants and powerplants. As a result, China’s carbon emissions dropped by 25%. This three week drop works out to the *annual* carbon output of New York state; for these three weeks, the *world* produced about 6% less carbon. If this keeps up, the global CO2 emissions will drop this year rather than increase.

There are in fact *several* lessons here. The first and biggest is that climate activists who berate the west or the United States in particular for CO2 emissions are barking up the wrong tree… they need to be going after China. Another is that the Green New Deal would have an economic impact substantially *greater* than a pandemic that causes nations to drop the authoritarian martial law banhammer.

I look forward with great interest to reading about the inevitable rise of EVEN MORE leftie whackadoodles who advocate for the extinction of mankind via pandemic as a way to “fix the planet.”

 Posted by at 1:09 am
Feb 282020

The BBC uses the funds they extort from the British populace through the unjustifiable “TV license fee” to produce this sort of hilariously insane twaddle:

Where some ill defined… well, let’s say “person,” drones on and on about the difficulties in getting a haircut when you decide to be a weirdo. My concern over the difficulty of your fashion choices is *always* going to be minimal, but when you present yourself with large radial bearings plunged through your earlobes, my concern drops approximately to zero. And when your ulcerate over a *haircut,* the sort of thing that can be dealt with by, oh, I dunno, how about not getting one, then… yeah, bugger off, buddy.

As for the cost differential between “mens” haircuts and “womens” haircuts, you wouldn’t think that it would need to be pointed out that there tends to be a whole lot more resources and effort expended on women than men in this regard… but here we are. Most men are satisfies spending approximately two to five minutes in a barber chair, getting no more than a trim. Women seem to like not only a more involved trimming process but also the careful application of various stinkprettys, all of which take time and presumably some sort of skill.

So, strange BBC spokesentity, if the process of getting your weird haircut is too traumatic, just get a buzz cut. Or just tell the barber “trim a little off the top” and stop wasting your damn time and effort on something as fundamentally useless as the fashionability of your hair. After all: fashion and whatnot evolved as a way to attract the opposite sex so you could reproduce. And that doesn’t really seem to be in the cards, now, does it.


 Posted by at 9:04 am
Feb 282020

If you like the aircraft that applied atomic boot to Imperial Japanese ass – and who doesn’t – then the Smithsonian institution can hook you up. Not only do they have the famed Enola Gay on display, they also have a bunch of photos from 1945 up to more recent restorations available on their website in the form of a couple PDF collections. If you are building a B-29 model or are jsut interested in the B-29 in general or the Enola Gay in particular, this is a heck of a trove.

The first one is 419 pages (313 megabytes), with a lot of photos from what looks like the fifties to the nineties as the Enola Gay was trucked around and variously restored:


The second is 318 pages (77 meg) and seems to be detail photos (mostly of pretty much individual components) from a restoration:


A number of the photos can be viewed – thought not readily downloaded – here:



Support the APR Patreon to help bring more of this sort of thing to light! Alternatively, you can support through the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.

 Posted by at 8:10 am
Feb 272020

Watch this:

Short form: during Viet Nam, a project was instituted to send low-IQ soldiers through training and then into combat. The idea seemed to be that by training them and getting them experience, they’d come home with more useful skills and be less of a burden on society. The actual result was that a lot of them seemed to be untrainable for even the most basic tasks; they sucked up resources that could have been better used elsewhere; they were a discipline nightmare; and they got killed at three times the rate of non-morons. Thus, the project was considered a failure.

Consider this, though: the military tends to make a big deal about how the troops are America’s Best And Brightest. Which means that when the fighting starts, the Best And Brightest End Of The Gene Pool gets drained, while the dummies stay home and reproduce. How is this a good thing?

Further: an argument can be made not to send low IQ soldiers because they’re too dumb to really understand what’s going on. But doesn’t that imply that the other soldiers *are* smart enough to understand what’s going on and fully comprehend the horror of the situation they’re in? Couldn’t an argument be made that you shouldn’t send into harms way those who have the brainpower to truly understand the nightmare they’re in?

Obviously soldiers too dumb to know how to operate a rifle or who to aim it at are unlikely to be of much use in combat; they are quite likely to be a detriment. But if there is a war big enough to merit a draft, does being dumb really earn you a ticket out of service? Perhaps the thing to do would be to use such troops as *actual* cannon fodder. Dump them behind enemy lines with a basic set of tools and instructions to just cause havoc. If they get killed… well, that’s a soldiers lot. If they get captured, the enemy will have one hell of a time trying to interrogate them, and will (depending on the enemy) have to devote their own troops and resources to imprisoning them. But between the time they get dropped off and they get killed or captured, they could be wandering the enemies streets stealing their stuff and setting their stuff on fire and trying to convince the locals to vote for Bernie.

 Posted by at 7:00 pm
Feb 272020

A *final* solution, you might say:

San Francisco, Orange County declare coronavirus health emergencies

Poop in the streets? Bah. One quick street-clearing pandemic, and San Francisco will be *fine.*


There are as yet no confirmed cases of the exciting new coronavirus in San Francisco. But it is a high certainty that if there aren’t any actual cases in San Francisco, with it’s substantial population that travel back and forth to China, there soon will be. And I’m sure that if San Fran uses the same reasoned and logical approach to dealing with an infectious plague that has an identity politics aspect that it used with AIDS, it’ll be *fine.* Everything will be fine.


 Posted by at 4:41 pm