Dec 212019

With a signature, Trump brings Space Force into being

Around 16,000 active duty Air Force personnel will be temporarily assigned to the Space Force, but only five to six thousand of them will actually become members of the USSF. Eventually the ranks should grow to 15,000… compared to the USAF’s 300,000. The USSF budget for 2020 is a whopping $40 million.

It’s a start, I suppose. But the USSF won’t really come into its own until it starts contracting for the construction of its very own 4,000-ton Orion space battleships.


 Posted by at 11:58 am
Dec 192019

I think this feller seems a little upset about the current state of California.

Settle for Less, You White Bastards!

… how could any Californian retain high expectations these days? We haven’t just defiled paradise; we’ve turned it into a Taco Bell restroom. We’re nationally ranked last in quality of life. We’re in the top ten worst states to retire. We’re top ten worst in student academic performance (right above D.C. and Arkansas), and twelfth worst overall school system in the U.S. We’re the worst state for working moms (even though we’re so proudly “feminist”). We’re the worst state for business, and the worst state for pollution. We have the highest taxes, and the highest poverty rate. And we’re ranked 49 out of 50 for “opportunity” (only Louisiana outsucks us).

It’s amazing to think that not so long ago California was a Republican stronghold.

 Posted by at 7:46 am
Dec 192019

UConn student caught saying racial slur on video expected to appear in court

He’s charged with “racial ridicule.” According to the article and an earlier one, he’s *not* accused of committing any crime *other* than saying bad words. Not saying bad words while committing an *actual* crime, but simply saying bad words.

Ahhhh… ummmm…



 Posted by at 7:32 am
Dec 032019

This is the best the Dems have.



 Posted by at 9:50 am
Nov 222019

Some people are of the opinion that civilized folk shouldn’t celebrate or take pleasure int he death of others, no matter how evil. I am not one of those people. You want to celebrate the deaths of bin laden or Hitler or Stalin or Castro or Che, you go right ahead.

Here’s one to add to the list:

Noel Ignatiev, scholar who called for abolishing whiteness, dies at 78

This genocidal Marxist schmuck lent a false gloss of academic favor to racist nonsense, in no small part contributing to the whackadoodle state of race relations today.

Unsurprisingly, the usual suspects are singing his praises:

Al Jazeera: Abolishing whiteness has never been more urgent

Slate: Noel Ignatiev Understood White Privilege and White Supremacy—and How to Destroy Them

“Among the lessons we should learn from Ignatiev’s life and work is that the abolition of the white race is not the matter of the self-satisfaction of white liberals but of the unfinished struggle for human emancipation, which awaits the new kinds of organizations that can aim to reach it.”

To all those who agree with that sentiment: eat me.

 Posted by at 5:07 pm
Nov 212019

Whenever the subject of some white celebrity, politician or just some random schmoe getting in hot water for using the “N-word” comes up, someone always asks, “well, why do you want to say the word, anyway?” There is a simple reason why there is the urge to say this word, a word which will torpedo careers and ruin lives. It’s the same urge to push that red, candy-like button. That same urge to eat the apple you’ve been told not to eat. The urge every cat has to push everything off of every other thing. The urge to do what you know you’re not supposed to (or at least, what those who hold power over you tell you to not do) is a universal urge. Everyone, to one degree or another, just wants to watch the world burn, to sit back and laugh as chaos unfolds and entropy builds.

And thus, this:

Text Messages Show How Syracuse University Students Are Too Scared To Go To Classes After A Series Of Racist Incidents

Some people received a “white supremacist manifesto” (apparently a copy of the Christchurch Mosque shooter manifesto) on their phones. There was a swastika in the snow, some sort of racist graffiti. As a result, some people have lost their minds to panic, demanding that the university shut down. Numerous students – somehow I suspect not a lot of STEM students, but who knows – are quoted as being afraid for their lives, not sleeping, crying a lot.


To people who like to sow chaos – and that’s just about everybody – these sort of reactions are *gold.* Those of you old enough to remember 9-11: remember how people who were afraid of anthrax attacks or terrorists popping up out of the bushes were mocked? Well, these people were panicking as a result of three thousand of their fellows being murdered in a single event. Here, these true snowflakes are exhibiting just as much panic over… snow swastis? Group texts?

I’m sorry (not sorry) but their fear is not worthy of respect. Their panic-mongering is worthy solely of mockery.


 Posted by at 2:38 pm
Nov 062019

Forgive the lack of proper formatting and quoting; the computer still ain’t fixed.

Where the author claims that the solution to the “gun crisis” is not to ban guns, because that would be unconstitutional… but to ban all currently produced calibers of ammunition. That, somehow, would make criminals give up their lives of crime, because once they’ve burned through their nine millimeter ammo, they’re not going to get more from the black market of foreign ammo, and they’re certainly not going to go to the bother of reloading rounds.

“Freedom of the press” doesn’t mean you can ban ink or paper so long as you leave the actual presses alone.

 Posted by at 6:56 pm
Oct 192019

What he did was technically illegal. Time for the jury to be reminded of the concept of “jury nullification.”

Protesting is fine. But when your form of protest is to block the streets like this, you are IMO illegally detaining random citizens… essentially, you’re kidnapping or hijacking them.

 Posted by at 8:42 am
Oct 092019

A number of people have told me to try self-publishing my books on Amazon. Stories like this one just add to the pile of “why bother” reasons:

Amazon Bans ‘A Shifting Alliance’ Ad for Featuring “Inappropriate Display of a Weapon”

According to section 7.13 of Amazon’s Creative Acceptance Policies, which was updated in the wake of the Dayton and El Paso terror attacks, ads featuring weapons are prohibited in order “to protect our customers from uncomfortable or shocking experiences.”

Curiously, while Amazon explicitly prohibits “images of firearms demonstrated as firing or having been recently used (for example, bullets visibly exiting the weapon, smoke or other residue shown around the barrel),” it allows for “non-violent depictions of non-realistic firearms that are fantasy weapons, including fantasy/sci-fi firearms such as ray-guns and phasers.”

Of course, a more immediate road block for me self publishing is that I have absolutely zero talent or skill in the areas of graphic design or painting or anything relevant to the task of creating a good book cover. Shootin’ irons going kerblam wouldn’t really fit on a “Zaneverse” cover, but they’d be all kinds of appropriate for “War With The Deep Ones,” what with it being a war and all…

But then some power mad SJW scoldmonster would find – or invent – some rule that takes a giant ump on my work. Feh.



 Posted by at 11:56 pm