Feb 292020

Two Days Later

Woman Brutally Attacked by Somali Refugee Says Authorities Let Him Go Free Because of His 49 IQ

A woman in St. Louis was brutalized by her 15 year old neighbor with a metal rod, after said neighbor had had numerous other run-ins with criminality. The article comes complete with quite a few fairly graphic photos of headwounds… and with this:

“On arrival, we learned from that same patient advocate that Hassan’s IQ is 49,” the post reads. “This makes him incompetent to aid in his own defense, therefore all charges were formally dismissed by the prosecutor, Sakina Ahmad.”

Let that sink in.  Being a dumbass not only lets you off the hook from risking your life for your country, it also seems to let you off the hook from responsibility for attempted murder.

Ahhhhmmmm… what big-brained genius decided that it was a neato-keen idea to insert foreigners with IQs of 49 into American cities? Go peddle stupid somewhere else. We’re all stocked up here.

Actual local news coverage of the situation.

Also, Facebook link with graphic photos and very long discussion of the whole situation after the break:

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 7:21 pm
Feb 182020

VIDEO: Fight Breaks Out At Bernie Sanders Rally In Colorado

This time – THIS TIME – it was just two guys pummeling each other. And… why? Let’s find out:

It allegedly shows Tyler, in a jeans jackets, and another man arguing about the man’s shirt. That man with the “Black Guns Matter” shirt also contacted CBS4, although anonymously. He called Tyler the aggressor and said he is African American.

“He had a problem with the shirt I was wearing,” this man said. “I was recording the event, he walks up and calls me a racist. But I thought, ‘What’s he know about black lives, about discrimination, or, for that matter, the representation of the shirt.’”

In short, Bernie Bros are apparently getting violent over the topic of civilian enfeeblement by way of gun confiscation. So white Sandernistas are calling black Sandernistas racist for wanting to retain their ability to defend themselves against the likes of white maxi-government enthusiasts. Go figure.

But the interesting thing is that while Sanders is attracting the most violent and power-hungry of fans, the man himself is about as weak and ineffectual as is possible to be:

Sanders interrupted by anti-dairy industry protesters during Nevada rally

This giant among men, this would-be Commander In Chief who would lead the most powerful nation in the world against all the threats that face us and into a bold and yet unknown future, lets a little girl take his microphone away from him. While she rambles incoherently about the evils of letting people not starve to death and takes her top off, he stumbles away like a confused, broken little old man.

One is left to wonder what would have happened in a similar Trump situation. Firstly, I doubt someone like this would have gotten to Trump past security. That someone is able to get right up to Commissar Bernie indicates that his security *really* doesn’t like him, which certainly makes sense. Secondly, I can’t imagine Trump giving up ground. Heck, I could see Trump smacking her around some.

 Posted by at 10:13 am
Feb 132020

Here’s a recent news story to add to the pile:

Suspect back out on the street after arrest for attempted arson at Eureka GOP office

Short form: yet another Bernie Sanders supporter committed an act of political terrorism, this time by breaking windows at a GOP office and apparently (incompetently) trying to burn it down. This follows after leftists attempted mass murder by ramming vans into GOP voter registration events and another tried to commit mass murder with an SUV at Mar-A-Lago and Bernie workers were caught on tape suggesting democide. And let’s not forget James T. Hodgkinson, the poster child for Bernie Bros, who shot multiple people a few years back in support of Sanders’ politics. Many more stories out there of Sanders supporters committing acts of political violence great and small. Why are so many of Bernie supporters so ready to carry out acts of violence?

It’s probably simple: Bernie is a communist. Sure, he and his supporters often try to soften the blow by claiming that he is a “Democratic Socialist” and not a communist, but as has been clearly explained hereabouts before, the express aim of the Democratic Socialists is to bring about actual, factual *communism.* So Bernie claiming that he’s a Democratic Socialist and not a Communist is kinda like me explaining that I’m not a fabulously wealthy author, I’m really just a dirt poor author. While this is true, being a dirt poor author does not negate the fact that I want to be a fabulously wealthy one… just as Bernie wants actual communism. The policies he advocates for, such a limits on income that would essentially end innovation in the United States (just how much investing in Tesla and SpaceX would Musk have done had he been limited to selling PayPal for, say, a million bucks) and nationalization of major corporations, speak strongly and clearly to a worldview that is close enough to communist as to make no difference. This is clear not only to his political opponents, but also those who agree with him and his policies. And if the history of the last century taught us anything, it’s that socialist economics, from Venezuela to Zimbabwe and Cuba and Nazi Germany and Red China and the Soviet Union, lead to governmental mass violence against the public. After a century and well over a hundred million dead, no honest person can believe that this is just an accidental byproduct; instead, violence is baked into the belief that some group has the right and obligation to tell others how much they can make, what they can make, how well they can live based on their own labor. Communism and Socialism *are* violence. Communism and Socialism attract the violent. Sanders, coming off as a communist, attracts the violent.

If you find yourself near a Bernie supporter, do not let your guard down. It seems that they want to take your stuff and will use violence to get it. Someone publicly proclaiming their support for Sanders should be viewed in the same light as someone publicly proclaiming their support for anti-semitism or their support for pedophilia or Star Trek: Discovery or gulags. These people are not to be trusted.

 Posted by at 10:41 am
Feb 122020

Scandinavian Airlines has decided that the best way to sell their services to Scandivanian people is to insult Scandinavian people and culture. This wokist piece of garbage commercial plays into the latest anti-European trope that Europeans – in this case, Scandinavians – have created and are *nothing.*

Gillette, eat your heart out.

“Scandinavians, you people are nothing special. Your culture and heritage and technological and biological distinctiveness are nonexistent. Fly with us.”


Some commentary on this atrocious self-hating racist insult.

Do Chinese companies try to sell stuff to Chinese people by insulting and dispiriting the Chinese people? Indians? Iranians? Mexicans? Nigerians? Seems unlikely. Cultural Marxism seems to focus solely on tearing down successful western cultures. I bet that if there were coordinated campaigns such as this to convince Zoroastrians or Uighur or whatnot to forget *their* cultures, the UN just might step in. Granted, not in a truly meaningful way, just with a bunch of tut-tutting and hand-wringing, but here? Nada. Niente. There’s no such thing. Cultural genocide is just fine so long as it’s *western* culture that is being denigrated, torn down and replaced.


 Posted by at 4:18 pm
Feb 102020

Democrat Bre Kidman is running for US Senate in Maine. Her chosen symbol makes her desire for murder of the opposition obvious:

Remember when her side got all snippy when Sarah Palin’s people showed a map that had little cross-hairs on it showing “targeted” districts. Now they’re showing tools of revolution, mass murder and terror.

 Posted by at 4:53 pm
Jan 162020

… the dumbest movie review you’ll read all day.

“1917” has one major flaw – it’s irresponsibly nationalistic

The film has amazing acting and technical achievements, but its simplistic storytelling falls in line with Trumpism

I watched “1917” today. It was a fine war movie… perhaps even a great one. Technically it is an amazing achievement… the whole two hour run is made to look like one (well, two) continuous shot. Every frame is filled with beauty and/or horror. The acting and visuals are impeccable. The plot is simple and straightforward and, in its way, tells a small story: two soldiers have to go from A to B to deliver a message.

But that’s not enough for the scold who wrote the “review” for Salon linked above, who demands that every movie tell not just a story, but an ideological one. And, of course, that better ideology had damn well better be the *right* ideology. Woe betide the film that skimps on cramming Present Day into stories set a century ago.

I’m sure there are people who will defend “1917” by saying that it’s the story of individual soldiers in a greater conflict, not a political manifesto. There are three problems with that argument. First, as mentioned earlier, it is immoral to tell a story about a war without analyzing the reasons behind that war.

Cripes, it’s like saying that every Batman movie *has* to include a scene of Thomas and Martha Wayne getting plugged by a low-rent Single Source Socialist. Every movie about spaceflight has to include a discussion of whether Tsiolkovsky, Goddard or Oberth is the true founder of modern rocketry. Every Terminator movie has to have a discussion about the politics of yellowcake uranium trafficking.

So, do yourself a favor *and* cheese off some single-minded SJW fanatics and go see “1917.” It’s a good movie well told… and, to be honest, it could *easily* be re-written to make the nationalities whatever you like.

 Posted by at 2:24 am
Dec 252019

Gimmy the Winter Solstice Goblin has a gift for the people of Virginia:

Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners

Anyone with a brain recognizes that anything even *remotely* resembling a civil war in the US would be a tragedy of monumental proportions and should be avoided. The only people who might benefit from such an event would be Americas geopolitical adversaries. Which makes one wonder why the Virginia Democrats are working so hard to make another civil war happen. Perhaps the Democratic Party should be broken up under RICO statutes, and higher ranking members investigated by the FBI for possible collusion with the Russians?


 Posted by at 1:08 pm
Dec 232019

Who would have expected that *Virginia* would be the state with the most restrictive gun-grabber laws?

Repeat after these Democrat talking points:

“Nobody is coming to take your guns.” Except, of course, when they are. And in one of the most hilariously ironic headlines of the last decade…

‘The law is the law’: Virginia Democrats float prosecution and National Guard deployment if police don’t enforce gun control

Democrats have repeatedly called for making speech they disagree with illegal, for ignoring the Constitution where it suits them, for using nuclear weapons on American citizens who simply want to be left alone. How is that somehow less impeachment worthy than whatever they frak they were babbling about with Trump?

 Posted by at 8:44 pm