Jun 142020

Hmmm. One thing any religion needs is “faith.” And when facts run counter to faith, religious people have a history of getting rather upset. So any ideological movement that disdains facts that run counter to the Truth would seem to be rather religious in nature, yes? And thus there are a *lot* of examples of this sort of thing:

Another feature of at least the more zealous side of religion is that the zealot demand that everyone else display an adequate level (as determined by the zealot) of adherence to their religion. And thus we get this:

White silence on social media: Why not saying anything is actually saying a lot

Where we get to witness some self-selected inquisitor say this:

“A friend of mine posted something without posting anything about hashtag blacklivesmatter. And some people might say that’s a first-world problem of some sort but it’s not. I want to tell you the definition of social media. So social means relating to society and media is the means of mass communication, right. That means it is the portal at this time, where we are, y’know, told to stay in our homes, to avoid getting contact with other people because of coronavirus. It is one of the most powerful ways to communicate right now and you’re telling me you have no hesitations posting a selfie of yourself or a shirtless pic of yourself or what you’re eating for dinner and yet you’re telling me you’re afraid to say something because you might hurt other people’s feelings, or you don’t know what to say, or you don’t have an audience to reach. Were you thinking those things when you posted the other photos? I don’t think you were.”

Basically he’s upset that people have interests and lives that don’t revolve around the thing he’s currently obsessed with. I have seen this before: several times over the course of my life I have witnessed – both as distant news and right in my face – the outrage of Christian fundamentalists pissed off about public schools not promoting their religion. These people saw Not Mentioning God as being the same as Denying God Exists. Which, of course, it doesn’t, as anyone with an above-idiot intellect should be able to confirm. How many people two days ago said absolutely nothing about the existence of a Mars-sized planet orbiting the sun some 120 AU out? Probably a whole lot of people. Yet a lot of those same people would hardly deny that such a world is at least possible, and very few people would get upset about “Planet X silence” here. But if Planet X was instead a religion… ayup, people are gonna get their knickers in a twist.

So, go ahead. Be a heretic and don’t be pressured to wave banners and spout slogans that you don’t agree with… or just don’t care that much about. You are allowed to like what you want, and to dislike what you want, and to utterly not care about what you want. Anyone who suggests otherwise is pushing a religion. And if people don’t push back against the apotheosis of a political ideology, what started out as the willing participation of a bunch of submissives may become mandatory.

You want to be religious… hey, great. You do you. If, however, you *demand* that I join along?


 Posted by at 4:38 pm
Jun 132020

Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments

Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments.

Good, goooooooood………

Cities that tolerate packs of degenerate genetic defectives hijacking their local politics should get to experience the full consequence of their mind-boggling stupidity. Truckers should take note and should avoid these hellholes. That a lack of shipping of food and important supplies to such regions will only accelerate their collapse… well, all to the better.

Bonus round:

Survey says: Truckers love their guns


 Posted by at 1:46 pm
Jun 112020

Now Anarchists in the Seattle Autonomous Zone Have a ‘Garden’ and It’s as Funny as You’d Expect

Unrelated anecdote: my first semester at Iowa State University back in 1991, one of my classmates was a Scottish exchange student. He was a nice enough guy (and he’ll be called “guy,” because damned if I can remember his name), but he was exactly the sort of guy I should have stayed far away from. The reasons? He was tall, blue-eyed, blond, athletic… in short, when he was around, apparently my own personal cloaking device engaged and I suddenly became *amazingly* invisible to the female of the species, rather than just my usual slightly out of focus. After a while, this became as annoying as you might expect, so, being a perfectly rational young man I began to take delight in any misfortune that might befall him. But *of* *course,* very few misfortunes came his way. Bah.

Anyway, come late September or early October, the summer (those of you who summered in the midwest know what hellish conditions are implied here) finally began to break very, very slightly. After sundown, it was almost cool from time to time. So late one afternoon I was walking back from class with the guy when, of friggen’ course, a gaggle of females came the other way and of course he and they had to have a long drawn-out and giggly conversation. My cloaking field engaged at maximum power and I disappeared from view. I observed the interactions (having no actual place within the interactions) and realized that the half dozen or so female students were also all exchange students from places such as France and Italy. They all seemed to think that the guy was SPLOOSH, and he clearly knew it. It was all very grating, as you might expect, and I kinda tuned out.

Anyway, at one point a few minutes in, the topic turned to the weather, and how nice it was that it was no longer dangerously hot and humid. It soon turned to a discussion of the forthcoming winter, and it quickly dawned on me that *none* of them knew what winter in central Iowa was going to be like, which seemed like a substantial failure in planning. Finally, the guy remembered that I was there (and that I had grown up relatively close to the area) and he asked me what winter was like. I recall being interested in the girls reactions at that point… they all reacted with shock as if they were seeing me fade into existence. Anyway, I informed them that they could expect snowdrifts ten feet high and temperatures down to minus forty. I don’t know what reaction I expected from this revelation, but I was met with blank and uncomprehending stares. “Is that Fahrenheit or Centigrade?” someone asked.

“Yes,” I answered accurately. I then had to explain that minus forty was where the systems met up. And then I had to explain that, no, I wasn’t kidding, that I had experienced minus sixty wind chill from time to time. Blank stares turned to looks of horror. I have always hoped that the horror came from the recognition of what winter was going to be like, rather than the horrific comparison of the American troll before them with the Scottish Adonis they were all gushing over, but… who knows.

Anyway, I then turned to the guy and asked him what winter clothes he had with him. He plucked at the light wind breaker he was wearing at the moment. “No, I mean, what clothes do you have for when winter really gets here.” In other words, like the Seattle anarchists, what plans and preparations did he make to survive what was coming, the future that he intentionally set out into. And he assured me that, indeed, he felt confident that his thin little jacket was going to be sufficient. The girls all seemed to think that the guy had the right idea.

For a few seconds I probably looked like the gears in my head were grinding and throwing sparks. And then I laughed. Boy howdy did I laugh. When at last I gasped for a breath, the only thing I could think to say was to quote Reverend Kane:

I don’t know if they believed me. I doubt they heeded me. But I had me a good laugh, and that was the important thing. And now I look at the “garden” planted by the Antifa thugs in their little autonomous zone, and I laugh in much the same way. This time the laughter is tinged with sadness… the foreign exchange students could – and of course did – simply go to the mall and buy coats. And if they didn’t, the only people to suffer would be them. But in Seattle? When they start to starve and loot and pillage, they will harm a whole lot of innocents in the process.

Note about the guy: the only other thing I can really remember about him was he kept singing “I’m too sexy for my -” and fill in the blank. Nobody knew what the hell he was on about, but he assured us that it was a popular song back Europe-way, that it would soon hit American shores (it did) and that Right Said Fred would be the farthest thing from a one-hit wonder… they’d be a culturally dominant force for generations to come. Heh.

 Posted by at 9:52 pm
Jun 112020

I know you’re not supposed to make fun of the crazy person on the street corner ranting at the clouds… but when they film themselves crazyranting and post it online? Then yeah, pretty sure pointing and laughing is acceptable.

Can you *IMAGINE* the level of loonery we’ll be subjected to come November if Trump gets re-elected?

 Posted by at 3:20 pm
Jun 092020

So, this leftist/socialist/Antifa take on the Gadsden flag has suddenly become popular:

We Will Tread

Now, there are two major facts to understand from this:

1: The Gadsden flag, and the snake in it, is defiance against authoritarianism and a statement of support of the rights of Man. To say that you will oppose that means that you support authoritarianism… and more specifically, the use of force against free people. To call the people who fly the “we will tread” flag fascists seems perfectly proper.

2: The person who designed this, and those who fly or wear it unironically, are clearly idiots. You don’t tread on a snake by grabbing it but by, you know, TREADING ON IT.

I fully support the flying of this flag. It’s good for the villains and morons to let the rest of society know who they are.

 Posted by at 6:58 pm
Jun 082020

From PJ Media, a piece from one Stephen Kruiser:

The Morning Briefing: We’ve Reached the Book Burning Phase of 2020 Riot Wokeness

The argument in the piece is that the woke fascists are *approaching* the stage of book burning, due in part to pieces like this blog post on taxpayer-funded NPR:

Your Bookshelf May Be Part Of The Problem

Where white people are castigated for having book shelves filled with authors who wrote, you know, actually *good* books. Why have Shakespeare, when you could have Maya Angelou? Why have books you like when you could instead have books that tell you how evil you and your family members are for being the race you are?

While mr. Kruiser has a point that those who hector others over not having a sufficiently woke reading list are on the road to being book burners, he makes a fundamental factual error at the end:

Obviously, people aren’t literally burning books just yet. The spirit of book burning is upon us, though. With what we have seen in the past ten days from the rage mob, expecting the leftist worst from them really isn’t a stretch.

Ummm… “people aren’t literally burning books just yet?” Allow me to introduce you to the pile of ashes that is Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore. Or DreamHaven Books & Comics, which was ransacked and saved from being burned down solely due to the incompetence of the arsonists. Seven other comic book shops across the country (Illinois and California) ransacked. Hell, even “progressive” newspapers get an entrashening. And of course there’s the winnowing of western literature from universities, social media censoring wrongthink and Amazon withdrawing books for political reasons.

Mobs are generally indiscriminate in their reckless hate, only avoiding those businesses that have Roof Koreans or which display, with adequate clarity, symbols of supplication. But those pushing the chaos often have goals… and wiping out wrongthink and the paper its printed on certainly seems to be at the top of their wishlist.


 Posted by at 12:32 pm
Jun 022020


1) The looters actually argue with the armed store owners that they should be *allowed* to loot.

2) Cops roll up and arrest the store owners.


Here’s a thought: the next time you see someone argue that looters should be allowed to loot because stores have insurance, offer to take a hammer and break that persons hands. After all, chances are good that they have health insurance, so it’s all good, yes?

 Posted by at 4:28 pm
May 312020

Any lingering sympathy GONE.

Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore Burned Down in Riots

Uncle Hugo’s, the oldest independent science fiction and fantasy bookstore in the US founded in 1974, burned down during the recent riots…


Hi Folks,

There was a call from the security company around 3:30 this morning that the motion detector was showing somebody in the building. I threw on clothes and headed over there. When I was 2 blocks away I received a call that the smoke detectors were showing smoke in the store. Every single building on both sides of Chicago was blazing and dozens of people dancing around.

As I pulled into the dentist’s lot I could see that flames were leaping out the front windows of the Uncles. It looked to me like they had broken every window on the front of the Uncles and then squirted accelerant through each broken window. It looked hopeless to me, but I went around to the back door to see if I could get to a fire extinguisher. As soon as I opened the back door a wave of very thick black smoke poured out, so I quickly closed the door again.

The dentist’s building was not showing any flames and the garage door was open, so I went in to see if I could save it. There is a door from the garage into a break room, and there was almost no smoke in the break room. There is a second door from the break room into the main clinic. When I opened that door I couldn’t see a fire, but the smoke came pouring into the break room, so I quickly closed that door and headed back to the car.

Some of the rioters were busy breaking every pane of glass in the transit hub. The former Sheraton did not seem to be on fire yet, and there were guests who were staying there. It looked like somebody may have broken a window on the first floor along Chicago and started a fire, but it could have just been a reflection of the flames from the Uncles.

I didn’t notice anything going on yet at the Global Marketplace, but the rioters were headed in that direction. There is no way a mere fire could bring that building down, but it could wipe out all of those businesses, and there are hundreds of people who live above the Global Marketplace who could be trapped by the smoke.

Since Chicago Ave. was full of dancing rioters, broken glass, and flaming debris, I went down the alley and took Lake St. home. There were blocks of Lake St. where every building was blazing. No sign of any cops, national guard troops, or any help.

I’m pretty sure the insurance policy excludes damage from a civil insurrection, so I suspect I won’t get a cent for either the building or the contents.

Remember these people. ᚠᚢᚳk these people. May they all rot in Niflhel.

 Posted by at 3:43 pm
May 302020

Note: lots of links to Tweets below. So if this post seems kinda oddly empty, it’s because your browser is blocking them for whatever reason. Enjoy!

A lot of rational people have been arguing for quite a while that keeping the nation economically locked up for an extended period will lead to Very Bad Things. Well… here ya go. A combination of a bunch of stir-crazy Antifa, a single unfortunate incident and an election year in need of the some stirring, and so now it seems that those Peaceful Protestors are taking to curbstomping people:

It seems that the guy in the first video above tried to defend his store from looters with a sword. Swords are the WRONG WEAPON to use against riots. The Los Angeles riots of ’92 gave the world Roof Koreans:

When it comes to riots, you want ranged weapons, not melee weapons, *especially* if you are alone.

But wait! There’s more!

WATCH: Protesters set blaze to Nashville courthouse as multiple protests continue

Rioters & Looters Destroyed Every Business in Fairfax District (Neighborhood in LA)

Multiple Fires at Union Square; NYPD Surrounded

Seattle Police Vehicles Set Ablaze amid George Floyd Riots

SUV vs rioters: FIGHT!

Remember just a few weeks ago when the biggest problem in society was people swimming in the ocean or playing with their children in parks? I think the police – and maybe at least *some* of the politicians – are starting to get it into their heads that the bigger problem is Antifa and the like. of course, not all politicians are figuring out that these people are not the very best that America has to offer:

Biden staff donate to group that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis

Granted, that’s “staff” not Biden himself… but really, without someone there to prop him up, what is he but an empty windbag?

Come November, remember which side supported the rioters. Which side supported those whose actions led to this:

Frak. I kinda go news-dark for the better part of a week to take care of some internal issues, and when I pop my head up again what do I see? Civilization is collapsing. More evidence, as if any was needed, that I am clearly the most important person on the planet.

And the inevitable:


 Posted by at 11:31 pm