May 222019

One hopes that that time is now, at least for Sweden. Via Google Translate:

The government wants to ban runic script – asatroende and heritage enthusiasts rage

In short, the Swedish Minister of Justice wants to ban runes, because Nazis.


You know, the script used by Nordic people. In Scandinavia, including Sweden. For hundreds of years.The best outcome for this kind of insanity would be the rise of a Swedish nationalistic movement that permits and promotes Swedes to take pride in their heritage, rather than trying to erase it and their people. I guess tomorrow we’ll see if UKIP and the Brexit Party make a dent in British electoral politics; it would be nice if the Swedes would grow a pair and take their own country back from the insane PC whackos who seem bent on turning it into a UN backwater experiment in trashing European cultures.

 Posted by at 6:13 pm
Apr 282019

A little while back the most vacuous of the current crop of congresscritters engaged in some fantasy role-play where she pretended to be a future version of herself extolling the virtues of the world accepting and enacting her Green New Deal policies. Even without the most basic surface understanding of just how nutty her ideas are, it was painful to watch as any “the world will come to understand and celebrate my greatness” self-congratulatory piece of self-insertion sci-fi literature would be.

But then you actually analyze the details and, man, this thing is stooooopid.

 Posted by at 5:59 pm
Apr 272019

North Salt Lake man accused of bomb plot

One “Jose Benito Guanajuato” of North Salt Lake had apparently built quite the chemistry lab in his home in order to manufacture explosives for the purpose of bombing the “American Towers” in Salt Lake City, because he believed that these towers contained ICE, Homeland Security and customs facilities. Turns out they’re just condos, so his plan was to murder a lot of people (a thousand? Dunno) in order to kill people who aren’t even there.

Guanjuato, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, wants to eliminate ICE. Let’s see if he gets the sort of press that a major terrorism plot deserves.





 Posted by at 1:21 am
Apr 182019

Well, here’s the entirety of the next few days news cycle…


It’s 139 megabytes, if that’s important to ya.

I’ll probably get around to reading some of it; got stuff to do and slogging through hundreds of pages of something that isn’t science fiction seems like a bore. I’m *sure* that the news media will do a fine job of combing through it and summarizing it accurately and fairly. Right?


 Posted by at 10:30 am
Apr 152019

I was never all that likely to pony up cash for CBS’s paid streaming service. The world is already far too full of such things. The only show they had that even close to tempting me was “Star Trek: Discovery, and that was only *before* I started seeing what a trainwreck the show would become; once I saw the pilot that aired on regular CBS, the whole idea of signing up became laughable.

I never spent a dime on CBS All Access.

But after seeing how they are now advocating violence against American citizens who express political views they don’t like… I want my money back.  They have a show called “The Good Fight,” which is apparently about people trying to overthrow American society and replace it with a Lenin-approved wokepocalypse, and recently posted an ad to Twitter. This ad advocated physical violence against those you (or at least the writers at CBS) disagree with. The Twitter ad seems to have been pulled down, but chunks of it are up on YouTube:

This is based on the tired “is it ok to punch a Nazi” thing. Sure, if there’s an *actual* Nazi advocating violence…. then, maybe. But the far left has so futzed with the culture that virtually *anybody* can be declared a Nazi. I was originally going to type “anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders can be declared a Nazi,” but then I remembered that BLM didn’t think he was woke enough and took the mike from him. Raving loonies on Twitter are claiming that Disney polling indicates that more than a quarter of Star Wars fans are literal fascists. Clown world, indeed.

And note in the video that even thought they show Richard Spenser, white nationalist, the riotous actions shown are from an American point of view almost entirely the province of *left* *wing* activism, and the “blue vest” rioters seem to be a takeoff on the French “yellow vest” protestors, who seem to be to a very large degree leftists.

So CBS All Access is openly declaring that it is not only acceptable, it is *right* to commit acts of violence against people who express views you do not like.

So, yeah, no STD for me.

Is it OK to clothesline a commie yet? “Some speech is not equal. Some speech requires a more visceral response.”

 Posted by at 11:02 am
Apr 022019

I dislike April Fools day. I dislike hoaxes and practical jokes in general. Of the several reasons for this, one is that it might make you think that a falsehood is true… and that it might make you think a real event was a hoax. Case in point, this incident that hit a crazy persons Facebook on April 1. The story is straight out of a Trump supporters fever dream: an elderly man is wearing a MAGA hat and is set upon by a leftist whackaloon. A bemohawked woman-like creature spots him in a Starbucks and not only screams at him, she photographs him, posts his photos on Facebook and tells her followers to dox him and his children in order to harass and drive him out of her town. This story is *exactly* the sort of thing that sounds like someone would make up in order to make lefties look bad… sort of a reverse Smollet.

But it turns out that it seems to actually have been true.

Crazed Bernie Supporter With Mohawk Attacks Elderly Man Wearing MAGA Hat – Chases Him Out of Starbucks Screaming ‘Get the F*ck Out’


Liberal Verbally Assaults Old Man in a MAGA Hat, Publicly Declares Herself a Hero

The second piece has some fun updates about the self-appointed anti-MAGA “hero,” such as “the internet has doxxed *her,*” and “her employer has fired her like a cheap Saturday Night Special.” She was an accountant for a music store, and they were probably barraged with nastygrams. Most companies have a “do not embarrass us” clause, and this would certainly seem to qualify.

I shudder to imagine just how nutty these replicants will get if Trump wins re-election. This sort of thing will probably help drive technological development… we already have body cams and GoPros and the like, but it seems to me that what the world is calling out for is a simple, affordable multi-camera system that you can wear that will not only record a full 360 degrees around you in high def, but stream that video to a server for storage and public posting, AND will be unobtrusive… preferably invisible to the people around you. Perhaps even a swarm of tiny, inaudible mini-drones that flock around you and capture every conceivable angle. Because if there aren’t already, I’m sure there will soon be a *lot* of people heading out wearing MAGA hats and surrounded by cameras *hoping* to create a disturbance.


And apropos of nothing, the self-portrait of the woman running the second-linked blog:

While here is the leftie:

When I was a kid, “conservative woman” could have been a euphemism for “fun-hating assassin of joy.” Now… why is it that conservative women always seem like they’d be a *lot* more fun to hang out with? While a whole lot of left-screaming women seem like spending time with them would be like getting a root canal while sitting buck nekkid on a belt sander.

 Posted by at 8:03 pm
Mar 302019

Donald Trump ran and won on one goal more than any other: “build the wall” and control illegal immigration, because a nation that cannot control it’s borders and determine who it lets in is no nation at all. But he has not accomplished that goal. If he wants to win in 2020, he needs to do a bit better than simply relying on Democrats to run crazed idiots… and stories like this are not helping:

‘We’ve never seen anything like this’: As Trump threatens to close border, migrants overwhelm Texas cities

Hundreds of “migrants” are invading individual border cities each day, swamping the ability of local resources to deal with them. While it is of course entirely true that a perfectly impenetrable wall on the southern border would not stop the invasion of illegal immigrants – a great many of whom enter legally and simply overstay their visas – the ability to control the southern border is vital not only to the locals but also the the perception that the United States has no border controls.  Just as with other forms of criminality, weakness invites attack.

Border Patrol officials were on pace in March for more than 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants – the highest monthly tally in over a decade, he said. Around 90 percent of those – or 90,000 – crossed the border between legal ports of entry.


 Posted by at 1:16 pm
Mar 292019

Joe Biden, who doubtless wants to run for President yet again in 2020, manages to gaffe his way back into the news:

“In the 1900s so many women were dying at the hands of their husbands because they were chattel, just like the cattle, or the sheep, that the court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths. You know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English Jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change. It’s got to change,” Biden demanded.

Umm…. what?

Leaving aside for the moment the smearing of an entire race (fortunately for Biden, it’s the one race a politician can slander with virtual immunity), the history is laughably wrong and the message is confoundingly muddled. Assume that he wasn’t wrong and that in the 1900s the English legal system actually proscribed a thumb-thick whackin’ stick for beating the missus. Even if such a thing was the law of the land a hundred years ago (it wasn’t),

Correction: that’s what I get for not going directly to the source material. Biden didn’t say “1900s” but instead “late 1300’s.” He’s still wrong about the history, but 600 years is 600 years…

… it’s not the law *now.* So if he wants the law and the culture to change… wouldn’t it mean he wants it to change *back* to some fantastical era when women were chattel who could be legally beaten to death so long as the stick was below a certain size? Or is he so far gone that he thinks that this is actually the law *now?*

President Biden: Not Even Once.

If Trump wants to win re-election, then the thing to do isn’t to collude with Russians, but to collude with *Democrats.* Specifically the rather large contingent of crazy ones, the ones who go out of their way to insult white people and those who want to pass laws forcing Americans out of the sky and meat off of their plates. Make sure that *those* Dems are the face of the party, not the sane ones. Trump will win in a landslide.

 Posted by at 3:39 am