Aug 022022

Currently on eBay is a photo of a to-scale collection of NASA rockets from Redstone to Saturn V. This must date from the early 70’s… late enough to capture the damaged Skylab, early enough not to include Shuttle. The photo is ok, I suppose… what I would have wanted are the actual models. I’ve seen some of these, scattered here and there across museums (of course, more than one of each were made, probably at the Marshal or Johnson model shops), but to my knowledge I don’t think I’ve seen all of them together like this.

The same seller also has a Rocketdyne H-1 manual for sale that I’d snap up in a heartbeat if he didn’t have a four hundred dollar pricetag on it…

 Posted by at 1:39 pm
Jul 212022

Tomy’s 1/350 die cast USS Enterprise looked pretty likely to fail… till they dropped the number needed again. Originally 5,000 units, then 2,500, now 2,000. With three days to go, they’re now at more than 94%.

With fewer units sold, these things should become that much more valuable in the future. Imagine the barter value for guzoline or with the bullet farmer! You might be able to trade one of these for an oxen with only moderate radiation sickness. I have doubts that Lord Humongous will have much interest in them, but I bet Master Blaster will.


 Posted by at 4:05 pm
Jul 162022

It looks pretty doom-laden for the Tomy 1/350 scale die-cast Enterprise… with one week to go, they’re still at only 63% of their funding goal. If, as seems likely, this doesn’t come to pass, a bunch of potential buyers will be disappointed… but they won’t be too likely to be *angry*. This is not the case for *all* buyers of large scale Enterprises, however.

In December 2020 Eaglemoss announced their 27-inch long Enterprise D model. I posted about it HERE. This is a large and complex model kit, not a finished product. And Eaglemoss has an unusual way of releasing these things… instead of one big box with all the parts, you get a packet every two weeks with *some* parts. It’s a subscription service, you pay as you go. And the cost of the model stacks up… looks like over the length of time it takes to get all the packets, you’ll end up spending over $1700. Youch. But I’ve been watching some YouTubers as they’ve been getting the bits and gradually assembling the thing, and it looked promising (with some issues here and there).

*Looked.* Past tense.

Part Works publisher Eaglemoss goes out of business

It seems Eaglemoss is in a bad way. Due to Covid lockdowns in merry old England, their ability to do business was massacred and they are in a deep, deep hole… one it looks like they might not climb out of. They seem to be already out of business.

That’s bad.

It’s especially bad not only for their employees and stockholders, but those working away on the Enterprise D (and other subscription kits of similar scale and cost). Because the Enterprise D is distributed over *30* *months.* Which means if you started in January of 2021, you’d currently be about 18  months along… with 12 months to go on your kit. Twelve months worth of parts it seems unlikely you’ll get. You won’t be charged for those parts, of course… but you will have spent over a grand for sixty percent of an Enterprise, plus however much time you spent on a model you’re now unlikely to ever finish, display or sell.

This looks to be about the current state of the Enterprise. It’s… sad.


I’ve never liked getting big, expensive things via subscriptions spread out over years. This only reinforces that.

 Posted by at 10:23 pm
Jul 052022

Tomy has announced two new things about their 1/350 scale die cast Enterprise:

1) The 5,000 backers needed has been reduced to 2,500 (they currently have 1061)

2) The deadline has been pushed back to July 24.

These should make it more likely that the effort will succeed, and for a few reasons. Chopping the number of needed backers in half not only makes it easier to achieve, it also makes the thing more desirable to collectors: instead of there being 5,000 of them in the world, now there will be 2,500. The secondary market in years to come will probably make the price balloon substantially. Additionally, Comic Con International in San Diego is July 22-24, and I imagine Tomy will be there. I suspect that if they have their prototype on display for the thousands of nerds with fat stacks of disposable income, they should rack up a good number of new backers. I can’t immediately dream up another reason to end the campaign on the 24th.

I still remain a little annoyed that Haslabs $300 “Hiss tank” has nearly 13,500 backers with more than a month to go. Hmmmph. At least the Haslab “Reva” (the disliked character from the Obi Wan Kennobi series) light saber looks likely to fall far short of funding. It’s $500 with 1300 of 5000 backers with six days to go. I don’t *know* why that one is failing; maybe there’s a cutoff just north of $300 that people are willing to spend these days. Or perhaps Reva is just not intriguing of a character. Or perhaps the Star Wars fans with cash are no longer in the mood to keep funding a franchise that keeps insulting them.

 Posted by at 12:34 pm
Jun 232022

Halfway through the crowdfunding effort, Tomy only has 14.9% of the backers needed. Unless there’s a big surge, I can’t see how this is going to happen. And it’s a damned shame, it looks like a nifty thing. So if you have an extra $600, give it some consideration. If you have an extra $600 but don’t want a big die-cast Enterprise, buy it anyway and send it to me. I’ll give it a good home. Or you could just send me $600 directly. I’d be fine with that too.

32 Inch Star Trek Enterprise – Die Cast Metal Replica

They’ve recently updated the description to include three shuttlecraft as well:

I think they just butted up against some historic bad luck. An expensive luxury item in the middle of Bidenomics? That’s just tragic; they’ve likely been at work on this project for a few years, and the timing just plain sucked. I just hope that if this doesn’t go through they don’t throw it all away, but store what they need to safely and try again when things are better. Not sure when that’ll be… maybe year two or three of the DeSantis administration?


 Posted by at 8:08 pm
Jun 182022

Recently sold on eBay was a display model for a vehicle labeled “SIPS.” No other data was available. However, this appears to be an upper stage modification for the LIM-49 Spartan surface-to-air anti-missile missile. Which suggests that the first “S” in “SIPS” standard for “Spartan.” Perhaps something like “Spartan Integral Propulsion System” or some such. However, this seems to appear to be a complete vehicle…. the very large first and second stage motors, as well as the warhead section, *appear* to have been replaced with a new, small booster with fins. Perhaps this was meant to test the third stage of the Spartan… or perhaps it was meant to be a way to find some use for the Spartan third stage after program cancellation, as some sort of scientific test vehicle.

The other photos from the ebay auction have been uploaded to the 2022-06 APR Extras folder on Dropbox for Patrons and Subscribers.

The diagram below shows the complete Spartan missile.

 Posted by at 1:48 pm