Feb 242023

‘This is NOT this child’s fault. He is NOT a threat’: Mental health advocate launches defense of 6’6″ thug, 17, who had to be dragged off unconscious female teaching aide who he knocked out for confiscating his Nintendo Switch

Since when is a 17-year-old actually a “child?” Especially one who is six and a half feet tall and weighing 270 pounds?

Watch the video and determine for yourself whether he’s a threat. You want him in school with YOUR kids?

Every day I become more and more convinced that homeschooling, formerly the province of religious weirdos, is the answer for parents who don;t want to be complicit in child abuse.

 Posted by at 11:10 pm
Feb 232023

The foreperson in the grand jury going after former President Trump in Georgia decided to give televised interviews. Since the grand jury’s job isn’t over, this has been described as, charitably, “unwise.” I’ve seen a lot of people on the right going off on this, especially her enthusiasm for wanting to swear in Trump. Honestly, though, it seems entirely understandable: who *wouldn’t* be excited about swearing in a former President, whether you were a fan or an opponent? And a lot of people on the left are going off on her as her shenanigans might endanger whatever case the prosecutors might have thought they had.

That all said: this is a story *made* for mockery. Why? Because the foreperson in question is not just unwise and energetic… she’s apparently a witch. No, really, a witch-witch. Wicca and all that.

Well. Huh.

 Posted by at 9:46 pm
Feb 222023

Death of shot Clinton aide with Epstein ties found tied to tree ruled suicide — despite no gun at scene

In May of 2022, Mark Middleton, aide to Bill Clinton who flew to Epsteins island an  umber of times and signed Epstein into the White House to meet with Clinton a number of times, was found tied to a tree with an extension cord and a single gunshot wound to the chest… and no firearms nearby.



 Posted by at 11:45 pm
Feb 162023

Debunkings can be fun, once you get past the headache and heartache of having to debunk nonsense in the first place. Penn & Tellers “BS” is sadly missed here, but this video might help tide you over a bit. It has become politically fashionable in recent years to erase the actual inventors of numerous objects and ideas and replace them with people more politically expedient and useful, despite the fact that their roles in the inventions are often minimal, or misunderstood, or simply nonexistent.

The woman responsible for the original video claims to be a historian, or at least getting schooled in history. Yet her “history” is filled not just with factual inaccuracies, but easily fixable factual inaccuracies. She was either lazy or, as I think more likely, willing to dupe herself to reach a desired conclusion. Neither is a good look for a “historian.”


I have a particular hatred for re-writing the history of science. Science is a process; it is probably mankinds greatest invention. It has allowed us to rise up out of the muck and we’re now on the precipice of launching ourselves out into space. This will be the greatest moment in human history. But science cannot function if you are so readily willing to lie about it. If verifiable objective facts can be swept under the rug in favor of a preferred outcome, science collapses. Women like this would, given their druthers, bring about a new dark age.

 Posted by at 1:04 pm
Feb 122023

Just… no.

The first video shows some “15-minute city” fanboy extolling the virtues of the forthcoming open-air prisons, in part by crowing about how everything you could want would be within a 1.5 kilometer walk from where you live. What if I want a long-distance shooting range? What if I want to go duck hunting? What if I simply want to get ten miles away from cities? What if I want to see the actual Milky Way at night? What if I want *quiet*?

The second video shows the inevitable result of this sort of central planning: China has walled off bits of towns and requires people to show their electronic passports in order to get through the gates. Passports that can be shut down at the discretion of the bureaucracy.


 Posted by at 7:56 pm
Feb 102023

Fetterman hears voices like the teachers in ‘Peanuts’ after stroke, struggles to adjust to Senate life: report

I’m shocked.


Also, he went into the hospital Wednesday sue to light-headedness. There was some early speculation that it was another stroke, but apparently it wasn’t. It’s being downplayed… but as I understand it he’s *still* hospitalized. For light-headedness. Everything is fine. Nothing to worry about.


I can’t imagine why America’s opponents are seeing us as weak and ineffectual these days. Regarding which:

US military shoots down ‘object’ flying in territorial waters over Alaska

Another balloon. It’s reportedly smaller than the Chinese spy balloon (with a “car-sized” payload), was flying at about 40,000 feet, and it took an F-22 and an AIM-9X to bring it down. Wreckage crashed onto ice and has been recovered.

 Posted by at 8:13 pm
Feb 092023

Chinese spy balloon carried ‘multiple antennas’ for collecting signals intelligence, State Dept. says

… photos taken by high-altitude U-2 planes confirmed the presence of the equipment, including “multiple antennas … likely capable of collecting and geo-locating communications” and “solar panels large enough to produce the requisite power to operate multiple active intelligence collection sensors.”


So, it was listening to us. Interesting to ponder just what it was listening *for.* Being a balloon, it would have had only minimal ability to target a specific site; it would have been able to scan a swathe of the country. Was it listening to cell phones? Was it listening for military-type transmissions and where they came from (looking for hidden bases/missiles/whatever)? Is the US going to start taking air defense seriously?


 Posted by at 6:49 pm