Dec 052013

Just a reminder…

After hiatus, I am again offering cyanotype blueprints of various aerospace subjects on paper. These include the V-2, the Saturn Ib and V, the NERVA nuclear rocket, the Super Hustler, and many more.What says “Merry Christmas” better than a gift of a hand-made, awesome-looking large format cyanotype blueprint of a launch vehicle or nuclear bombardment system?

See the complete list here:

And while I’m not at liberty to go into the specifics, I recently provided a number of these to a certain ongoing major TV series to be used as set dressing/props. The episodes will air sometime early next spring, I believe. They should look marvelous…

 Posted by at 2:09 am
May 152013

I’ve made many test runs and made considerable progress. I’ve also run out of supplies and need to improve the mechanical infrastructure. so I’ve decided to sell the “prototypes” I’ve made. These are indeed  prototypes, and more to the point they are prototypes of art, so they are imperfect and variable… but they’re nevertheless pretty spiffy. These are actual cyanotype blueprints on actual vellum, an they not only look right (based on the vintage blueprints I’ve actually gotten my mitts on), they *feel* right.  The failure rate is pretty high compare to the watercolor paper, but the results are much more authentic.

I currently only have a few of each. If you would like one or more of the following, send an email stating which ones to:   On a first come first served basis I’ll pass along a paypal invoice. Postage (tubes) will be $6 US, $12 everywhere else for any number.

I will update this post with revised availability numbers. When more supplies and improved infrastructure is on hand I’ll make new prints for those that requested them.

Here’s what I have (the 12X18’s were mae two at a time on 18X24 sheets an will be sliced apart):


Convair super Hustler~20X36; $70. On hand: 2 1 0

Saturn V, 1/72: messed up by being a mirror-image. D’oh. Would look good at a distance. This mirror image is $35; the final product will be $75. on hand: 1

Saturn Ib, 1/72: $40 On hand: 1


A-4 (V-2) layout drawing, 18X24 inches: $40. On hand: 4 3


A-4 (V-2) rocket engine, 18X24 inches. $40. On hand: 1


ICARUS, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1

Super NEXUS,12×18; $20. On hand: 0


A-4 (V-2) engine,12×18; $20. On hand: 1

A-4 (V-2) layout,12×18; $20. On hand: 1 0


10-meter Orion, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1

NERVA diagram, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1



Mercury prelaunch configuration, 12×18; $20. On hand: 2

Fat Man atom bomb, 12×18; $20. On hand: 2



Wasserfall layout, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0

Nuclear Light Bulb, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0


Mercury inboard views,12×18; $20. On hand: 1

Mercury capsule instruments, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0



Pioneer plaque, 12×18; $20. On hand: 2

Gemini capsule, 12×18; $20. On hand: 5


NERVA art, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0

4,000 ton Orion propulsion module, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1



XNJ-1 nuclear turbojet, 12×18; $20. On hand: 3

X-15A-3 delta-wing, 12×18; $20. On hand: 3 2 1


Gemini (see above)

F-1 engine components, 12×18; $20. On hand: 3


Republic ASP exterior, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0

Republic ASP interior, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0


 Posted by at 12:03 am
Apr 052013

A new fusion rocket concept, funded by NASA, is generating a little press:

Scientists develop fusion rocket technology in lab – and aim for Mars

Researchers at the University of Washington say they’ve built all the pieces for a fusion-powered rocket system that could get a crew to Mars in 30 days.

The concept is straightforward enough. It’s a variant of the inertial confinement class of fusion rocket. In this particular concept, magnetic fields slam down on aluminum or lithium rings. The rings are very rapidly collapsed inwards by the magnetic field. The momentum of the imploding metal ring is theoretically enough to spark enough heat and pressure in a magnetically suspended  deuterium plasma to create fusion conditions.Importantly, the metal ring also absorbs most of the fusion products; it gets vaporized and stripped of electrons, and directed aft by the magnetic fields. This is an efficient way to couple the reaction to the spacecraft without impinging hot gases on physical structures.

Performance is not spectacular, as fusion engines tend to go… specific impulse of 2,440 to 5,720 seconds. But it ranks up there with the best of the Orion systems.

Some of their publications are HERE.




 Posted by at 6:41 pm
Feb 202013

As seems to happen way too often, a simple project to draw a few nuclear weapons as appropriate scale references for Orion pulse units grew sorta out of control… now there’s a collection of American nuclear bombs, to American nuclear-tipped missiles, to American nuclear weapon-carrying vehicles. Tucked in there is the Soviet Tsar bomb.

Anybody got any good ideas what, if anything, I should do with this from here, I’m all ears.

nukes 1 nukes 2 nukes 3

 Posted by at 12:32 am
Feb 192013

Nukes have a poor reputation in the planetary defense community. Watch any documentary about the risk posed by asteroid or cometary impacts, and if they discuss mitigation techniques they will probably mention nukes only to tear them down. On one hand, they have a point: Hollywood has gone to great lengths to publicize nuking asteroids and comets, showing them being blown to flinders or even vaporized often by a single rather small bomb. And that is patent nonsense: a bomb big enough to render a threatening asteroid into gravel has not been invented, and could not be launched into orbit, let alone sent to deep space.

However, the fact that Hollywood gets it wrong does not mean that nukes are the wrong tools. For starters, what you don’t want to do is actually land the nuke on the impactor. You don’t want to try to vaporize it. You don’t want to turn it into a shotgun blast of sand. What you do want to do is nudge the impactor so that it simply misses the Earth. An asteroid on an impact trajectory is not some evil monster that has calculated a crime and needs punishing, any more than a raindrop has evil intentions. And like a raindrop, you don’t need to destroy it; just deflect it.

meteor scale 2

The Chelyabinsk asteroid compared to the ISS and a 747 to show scale. ISS drawing via

So how do you deflect an impactor with a nuke? One idea that has been floated is to stand off at some precise distance, and the gamma rays from the bomb will superheat the surface of the impactor closest to the burst. The superheated surface will flash to gas and “puff” off the surface giving a large, but widely distributed, mechanical shove. Sounds good, but it also sounds vague: without precise knowledge of the makeup of the surface of the asteroid and how that surface varies, the bomb might simply heat the surface so that it simply melts rather than vaporizes; this will provide no meaningful shove.

What’s really needed is a technique for using a nuclear bomb in order to provide a carefully calibrated mechanical impulse. And fortunately… that work has been done. Fifty years ago, General Atomic (only later renamed General Atomics) worked on Project Orion, a concept for a spacecraft powered by exploding nuclear bombs. Those who have not studied the results of their labor tend to think the idea is ludicrous; those who have studied the work realize that Orion was one of the great missed opportunities in all of human history. The physics worked; the engineering was on its way, but the politics of the time – and of all the time since – simply wouldn’t allow it.

The Orion system used “pulse units” for propulsion. A pulse unit was a nuclear device… but more than that. The nuke formed the heart of the system, but around the bomb was a depleted uranium shell that lasted just long enough to reflect a good fraction of the X-rays generated in the first microseconds into a single direction. The gathered X-rays were absorbed by a quantity of beryllium oxide. In absorbing the X-rays, the beryllium oxide was raised to truly vast temperatures. On the far side of the super-hot clump of beryllium and oxygen plasma was a round “lens” of tungsten. The plasma focused it’s thermal rage on the tungsten plate; in turn the tungsten also converted to a plasma. Being a more-or-less flat circular plate, the tungsten shot forward as a jet of gas, moving at a speed of around 1.5E7 cm/sec… 337,500 miles per hour. This jet of tungsten plasma would strike a large steel pusher plate attached to the back of the Orion spacecraft, and provide the needed “kick.” Shock absorbers would convert the millisecond slam into something that man and machine could easily survive.

meteor scale 3

Orion pulse units (at right) compared with several contemporary atomic artillery shells. The “10 meter” pulse unit was comparable in yield to the M388 shell used by the Davy Crockett recoiless gun; the “4,000 ton” pulse unit is comparable to the Mk 23 16-inch naval artillery shell.

So. The physics of pulse units was long ago worked out. The engineering was well underway; secrecy rules have prevented details from being made public, so the extent of progress on designing practical pulse units is unclear. However, what is clear is that the nuclear weapons designers were well on their way, and were probably only a few years – and some political commitments  – from testing prototypes.

An Orion pulse unit would be just the thing for deflecting an impactor. Set off at the right distance, the jet of tungsten would spread out like a shotgun blast to *just* cover the face of the impactor. A direct and undeniable mechanical THWACK would be delivered. By spreading the impulse over the whole face, there would be less risk of actually blowing the impactor apart.

Several pulse units were described, ranging from sub-kiloton devices to several-dozen-kiloton devices. The smallest of the devices, at one-half to one kiloton, were meant to propel small ten-meter diameter Orion craft for the USAF and NASA. What we know about the USAF device is that the yield was one kiloton, had an overall diameter of 14 inches, a total weight of 189 pounds and a propellant (tungsten) weight of 75.5 pounds (34.3 kg). The total impulse delivered to the pusher plate was 453,000 lb-sec (2.01 MN-sec). This was enough so that a firing rate of approximately one per second would provide an average acceleration of well over one gee for the Orion craft.

The Chelyabinsk meteor had a mass, last I heard, of about 10,000,000 kilograms. Applying the pulse unit total impulse of 2.01 MN-sec, a single pulse unit should change the velocity of the asteroid by 0.2 meters per second. In Hollywood terms, this is incredibly weak and unimpressive; in real world terms, it’s pretty good.

meteor scale 1

The Chelyabinsk meteoroid in scale with an Apollo CSM and the 10-meter “USAF” Orion designed by General Atomic. Also shown is a standard pulse unit for the Orion in the proper detonation position… 76 feet away for the Orion and about 110 for the meteoroid.

With the ability to deflect the Chelyabinsk asteroid by 0.2 meters per second per pulse unit, how far in advance would the velocity change have needed to be applied to assure a miss? The meteor just barely skimmed the upper atmosphere. Another 50 kilometers further out, and it would probably not have been noticed. But let’s assume 100 km, just to be safe. So, 100,000 meters deflection at 0.2 meters per second means that interception would have had to have happened 500,000 seconds before impact… a mere 5.8 *days* out. If the asteroid could take the pounding of ten pulse units, that would drop the deflection deadline to 13.9 *hours* from impact.

But if you want to make absolutely sure, let’s deflect the asteroid by 10,000 km. If you can only be sure of a single pulse unit, the  you would need to fire it 578 days prior to impact. This would be in very deep space, but well within the capability of an Orion vehicle. However, it appears that the Chelyabinsk meteoroid was not detected until the moment it entered the atmosphere over Russia. Any impactor mitigation system would have to do much better.

One clear way to aid in the detection of threatening celestial bodies is to have a sufficiency of visual and infrared telescopes, coupled with powerful radar systems. And a way to make this system even better is to locate “picket ships” in deep space… the Sol-Earth Lagrange points would seem a good choice. And how to get these picket ships out there? Orion would seem an effective means of transport. An added bonus would be that not only would impactor detection be located far from Earth, so would the actual mitigation system. By having Orion vehicles permanently stations millions of miles out, the chances of  a successful early interception would be greatly increased.

 Posted by at 1:51 am
Feb 092013

In working on the Nuclear Pulse Propulsion book, I decided it would be appropriate to have some scale comparison drawings of the Orion pulse units along with some other nuclear explosives. In working on these drawings, I found that they’re pretty interesting apart from the Orion angle Just wondering if others might be interested in an expanded version of this… a chart showing all US nukes to scale, perhaps.


 Posted by at 12:36 am
Jan 192013

I’m reconstructing the innards of the Project Orion pulse units for the “Nuclear Pulse Propulsion” book. The more interesting bits are of course still classified, but enough details have wandered into the public view that some educated guesswork can be applied.

Below is a *very* preliminary and incomplete reconstruction of the pulse unit for the 10-meter USAF design. The physics package is a hollow plutonium spherical shell surrounded by a uranium “pusher” shell, surrounded by a high explosive shell, with a uranium neutron reflector around that. That’s within a uranium “radiation case that, for a brief split second, helps redirect the X-Rays and neutrons into the channel filler material, which absorbed the radiation, violently explodes and vaporizes, ionizes and accelerates  the tungsten propellant slab.

If the FBI wasn’t aware of this blog before… I bet they are now.

 Posted by at 3:32 am
Dec 312012

The spectacularly-named physicist Friedwardt Winterberg of the University of Nevada has long studied nuclear propulsion and nuclear explosives. He has just published a paper describing a nuclear explosive that uses chemical explosives (HMX, specifically) to drive a Deuterium-tritium fusion reaction, without the use of a fission element. If it could be made to work, it would result in a nuclear explosion  with very little in the way of radioactive fallout… no radioactive heavy elements, mostly just a giant BANG and gamma rays, X-rays and some neutrons. Nothing you’d want to stand too close to, but also nothing that would cause any real environmental harm.

The explosions themselves are not described as being particularly spectacular by H-bomb standards. A sphere of HMX 60 centimeters in diameter, with a chemical yield equivalent to about 1/4 of a ton of TNT, would set off a small core of liquid D-T, producing a nuclear yield of about 25 tons of TNT (0.025 kilotons). By enriching the outermost 1 cm of the high explosives with 20% boron, the bulk of the neutrons generated by the fusion would be captured; the boron itself would explode due to the sudden addition of the neutron energy, sending a shockwave inwards which would aid in burning the D-T. Theoretically the radius of the high explosive could be reduced by about half and would still produce the same nuclear BANG. So a thirty-centimeter (11.8 inch) diameter ball would produce a 25-ton explosion… a gain of a factor of about 1000 from the yield of the chemical explosive alone.

Winterberg suggests using these devices to generate electrical power in MHD generators 60 meters in diameter. But their utility for space propulsion seems fairly obvious. Given the  spherical nature of the bomb and the resultant blast, these would seem to be perfect fits for Johndale Solems “Medusa.” They would also work for propulsion systems with parabolic “pusher plates,” though the structures would have to be either very rugged, or (like Medusa) extremely flexible, or equipped with extremely powerful magnetic fields. For use in a more conventional Orion vehicle, something would have to be done to turn them into more effective shaped charges. Perhaps wrapping them in carbon fiber or graphene cylinders… hmmm…

 Posted by at 10:51 pm
Nov 082012

A silent film record of the “Putt-Putt” test vehicle built by General Atomic to prove the principle of propulsion via discrete detonations. A part of Project Orion, Putt-Putt used canisters of C4 plastic explosives rather than atomic bombs, but still managed to – eventually – lurch itself into the sky.

More on this was in issue V1N4 of Aerospace Projects Review, and more will be in my Nuclear Pulse Propulsion book.

[youtube Pcidu6ppcFg]

 Posted by at 12:29 pm