Jul 152011

New Space Drawing:two North American Aviation diagrams showing a proposed 1965 version of the Apollo spacecraft, with seating for four for rescue purposes.

You get:

1: Docking Provisions – 4 Man Apollo Rescue Vehicle Study: NAA drawing 2129-1 showing the modified docking adapter that would allow the rescue Apollo to dock with a regular Apollo. Available in both the original color scan and a cleaned-up grayscale line diagram. 10,750 X 2599 pixels.

2: Four Crewmen in Block II C/M: NAA drawing 2680-2 showing an inboard view of the capsule with details on seating arrangement and provisions for four crewmen. Available in both the original color scan and a cleaned-up grayscale line diagram. 9854 X 2578 pixels.

All drawings come in JPG format and GIF format, as well as “halfsize” and “quartersize” versions for easier viewing & printing.

Space Drawing 26 is a 22 megabyte ZIP file, and is available for $4.50.

Be sure to check out my other Air & Space Drawings & Documents!

 Posted by at 6:02 pm
Jun 282011

All downloadable drawings and documents and APRs, as well as Reichdream items. Sale excludes matter-mail items. Minimum order: $20.

There has *got* to be a way to do this with Paypal in a way that doesn’t seem lame, but I don’t know what it is. So, here’s what I’ve come up with: order the “coupon” below (a nominal fifty cents), and at least $20 more items… and I will refund you 20% of the total. More steps than would seem necessary, but I think it should be workable. Sale will remain up through the rest of the work week… longer, if I forget.

Remember to order the “coupon” and the items all in one order. Otherwise… it won’t work. No “coupon,” no savings…

Sale has ended.
 Posted by at 10:26 am
Jun 092011

Now available for download is Article 34, the PDF version of the “APR Special #1,” Bell D188A Mach 2 VTOL Strike Fighter, already available as a printed book through MagCloud. The PDF file has been compressed somewhat to make the filesize manageable, but it still comes in at a hefty 60 megabytes. In that you get the full 72 page, full-color book packed with data, diagrams, artwork and photos… just in electronic format. And for the low, low, incredibly low price of only five bucks!

Check out the other Aerospace Projects Review available for download: http://www.up-ship.com/blog/eAPR/articles.htm

 Posted by at 9:25 pm
Jun 092011

New Air Drawing: part two of a set of diagrams showing the B-1A internal structure. Part 2 (adwg54) presents a 3-view overview of the aircraft and  fuselage structure diagram. You get:

1: Wing-Structure Diagram, Outer (-55B), North American Aviation/Los Angeles drawing L9120010. 6251 pixels by 2807 pixels

2: Horizontal Stabilizer – STRL Arrangement (42 1/2degree LE Sweep), North American  Aviation/Los Angeles drawing L9210153. 6258 pixels by 3075 pixels

3: Vert. Stab Prelim Structl Arrangement 55-B Config, North American Aviation/Los Angeles drawing L9230153. 11344 pixels by 3087 pixels

4: Strucutural Arrangment – Nacelle External Compression inlet (RDT&E), North American  Aviation/Los Angeles drawing L9320085. 10900 pixels by 3149 pixels

All drawings come in the original color in JPG format and B&W GIF format, as well as “halfsize” and “quartersize” versions for easier viewing & printing.

Air Drawing 54 is a 34 megabyte ZIP file, and is available for $4.50.

Be sure to check out my other Air & Space Drawings & Documents!

 Posted by at 12:43 am
Jun 092011

New Air Drawing: part one of a set of diagrams showing the B-1A internal structure. Part 1 (adwg53) presents a 3-view overview of the aircraft and  fuselage structure diagram. You get:

1: Fuselage Structure Diagram (B-1)(-55B), North American Aviation/Los Angeles drawing L9300606. 11,559 pixels by 3101 pixels

2: General Arrangement Three View RDT&E A/V No. 1&2, North American  Aviation/Los Angeles drawing L0020001. 4945 pixels by 3049 pixels

Both drawings come in the original color in JPG format and B&W GIF format, as well as “halfsize” and “quartersize” versions for easier viewing & printing.

Air Drawing 53 is a 36 megabyte ZIP file, and is available for $4.50.

Be sure to check out my other Air & Space Drawings & Documents!

 Posted by at 12:42 am