Jan 252015

So a New Jersey high school physics teacher confiscates a cell phone from a student during class. Guess what happens next. Go on, guess.

Much to my surprise, it seems Lil’ Dickens here is actually facing consequences: he’s been suspended and is facing third-degree aggravated assault charges.

Sixteen is old enough to know better. Sixteen is old enough to face the consequences. Sixteen is old enough to be *permanently* removed from taxpayer funded public education. Horrible jackholes like this have no place in a classroom.

I like this line:

a disciplinary hearing will determine “an appropriate, educational placement” for the rest of the school year.

I have some suggestions:

You know where he *doesn’t* belong? In civilized society.

 Posted by at 2:38 pm
Dec 292014

FBI briefed on alternate Sony hack theory

Apparently some folks who know about such things believe that Sony wasn’t hacked by the Norks, but by disgruntled Sony employees. I don’t know diddly squat about hacking, but that in at least one way makes sense… if, as has been reported, the hackers got a terabyte of data… getting it out via the internet would take freakin’ forever. Simply plugging a portable hard drive into a networked computer there in the building would take hours and hours.

The Norks would make reasonable patsies here due to “The Interview.”

Hopefully the end result will be improved cybersecurity, whoever was at fault. The notion that China could shut down the US power grid fills me with an uncomfortableness.



Unrelated: imagine if a Republican President did this…

Military couple have their wedding moved HOURS before ceremony because President Obama wanted to play golf

 Posted by at 9:34 pm
Nov 232014

Finally, at long freakin’ last, a Twitter hashtag has come along that has actually punched through my disdain and engaged my interest:


This is where public school kids go to post photos of the news and improved lunches that they’re getting, based on new “health guidelines” driven by noted  dietician Michelle Obama. You know, for kids.

I think public school food has always been bad, certainly so since the Department of Education took over and began the task of ruining education in this country. But a lot of these… yeesh. I can state confidently that my cats would promptly try to bury a lot of this “food.”

Perhaps most interesting of all is how the Obamas seem to be losing the younguns.

 Posted by at 12:14 am
Nov 202014

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

The “labor force participation rate,” basically the percentage of the civilian population over the age of 16 who actually have jobs, is 62.8 percent for October, 2014. This means the *actual* rate of unemployment in the US is nearly forty percent; the only reason why it is generally listed as being much lower is because most of the unemployed have stopped looking for a job, and are thus no longer considered unemployed (it doesn’t make a lick of rational sense, but this is politics we’re talking about here).

And the rate has been dropping steadily:


So clearly, what the US needs is Even More low-skilled foreign workers flooding in.

Yay, imperial fiat!


 Posted by at 10:54 pm
Oct 292014

Some voters right near my original home town went to do some early voting at the Moline (Illinois) Public Library. The electronic voting machines knew better than them who to vote for. When it was a choice between Democrat Cheri Bustos and Republican Bobby Schilling, for example, guess which the computer recorded the vote for… regardless of who the *person* voted voted for. Go on, guess.

Votes for Republicans Switched to Democrats in Illinois

[youtube YtbqebpV9vY]

Voting irregularities in Illinois? MIND BLOWN!

 Posted by at 9:12 pm
Oct 102014

Firstly, famed Nobel-prize winning viral epidemiologist Barack Obama on speaking about Ebola assures the world: “You cannot get it through casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus.”

[youtube gFKMYY-2A2k]

Then those know-nothing untrustworthy anti-science chumps at the CDC posted this, giving advice for Americans who have traveled to Liberia, returned home, and now are displaying the early symptoms of Ebola:

Limit your contact with other people when you travel to the doctor; avoid public transportation.

Clearly the CDC is racist. Or something.


 Posted by at 11:31 pm
Oct 012014

There’s a gas station nearby that has an attached small diner that serves addictively good chicken… along with all the other staples of small “quick stop” joints. They recently set up a flat screen monitor to cycle through little ads showing the stuff that’s on sale or that they’re simply trying to move. All the ads are perfectly normal… a photo of a candy bar with relevant data, for example. But one of the ads has me a little stumped. I wonder if this is an actual official Kool-Aid image, or if it’s a satirical image that someone snagged either not knowing it was satire, or knowing it was but slipping it in anyway…



 Posted by at 12:12 pm
Aug 142014

Since I’m not there, and since the internet is afire with posts and tweets and photos and vids and such, I have little to add on the topic that is of any value. Really only two points I’d like to raise:

1) On the subject of militarized police vs. rioters/looters:

“Can’t they both lose?”

2) It’s from a few years ago, but the basic lesson stays the same:

more government

It’s interesting that the people screaming the loudest about police brutality/overreaction/etc. in Ferguson seem to be the same who scream the loudest that Tea Partiers (or anyone else who wants smaller government) are racist.

Well, if you want big government, you’ll get big policing to go with it.

 Posted by at 10:50 am