Jul 202020

Some interesting home-made belt-fed firearms.

First, a British belt-fed lever action rifle. It’s real heavy but it seems to work quite well; I wonder if, with a fair amount of ergonomiccs work (replacing aluminum with plastic, say), there might be a market:

And then there’s this full-auto belt-fed 12 gauge shotgun. When it runs, it looks like more fun than a barrel of rabid monkeys dumped into the middle of an Antifa protest. But the problem… well, you’ll see:

One of the YouTube commenters got it right when he suggested that with the right ammo this would make a pretty fair  Warhammer 40K “Bolter.”


And because why not, here’s a not-home-made belt fed firearm. If it all still works right after the first run, I’d be a little surprised. The cartridges and links getting shot out the side do a number on the blanket, and the suppressor ends up doing a fair impression of a light saber.

 Posted by at 4:42 pm
Jul 172020

I *presume* a lot of the rounds fired here missed. Otherwise… that guy musta been on something impressive to take that many shots to go down.

Like one of the YouTube commenters sez:

“11 shots till he fell, “why do we need high capacity magazines”. Just imagine 3 of him invading your home and re ask that question”

In case you might have the smallest shred of sympathy for the guy, here’s news coverage (note that the reporter doesn’t understand the difference between clearing a jam and reloading a weapon… sigh, this is the Fourth Estate, people):


 Posted by at 12:25 am
May 302020

Note: lots of links to Tweets below. So if this post seems kinda oddly empty, it’s because your browser is blocking them for whatever reason. Enjoy!

A lot of rational people have been arguing for quite a while that keeping the nation economically locked up for an extended period will lead to Very Bad Things. Well… here ya go. A combination of a bunch of stir-crazy Antifa, a single unfortunate incident and an election year in need of the some stirring, and so now it seems that those Peaceful Protestors are taking to curbstomping people:

It seems that the guy in the first video above tried to defend his store from looters with a sword. Swords are the WRONG WEAPON to use against riots. The Los Angeles riots of ’92 gave the world Roof Koreans:

When it comes to riots, you want ranged weapons, not melee weapons, *especially* if you are alone.

But wait! There’s more!

WATCH: Protesters set blaze to Nashville courthouse as multiple protests continue

Rioters & Looters Destroyed Every Business in Fairfax District (Neighborhood in LA)

Multiple Fires at Union Square; NYPD Surrounded

Seattle Police Vehicles Set Ablaze amid George Floyd Riots

SUV vs rioters: FIGHT!

Remember just a few weeks ago when the biggest problem in society was people swimming in the ocean or playing with their children in parks? I think the police – and maybe at least *some* of the politicians – are starting to get it into their heads that the bigger problem is Antifa and the like. of course, not all politicians are figuring out that these people are not the very best that America has to offer:

Biden staff donate to group that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis

Granted, that’s “staff” not Biden himself… but really, without someone there to prop him up, what is he but an empty windbag?

Come November, remember which side supported the rioters. Which side supported those whose actions led to this:

Frak. I kinda go news-dark for the better part of a week to take care of some internal issues, and when I pop my head up again what do I see? Civilization is collapsing. More evidence, as if any was needed, that I am clearly the most important person on the planet.

And the inevitable:


 Posted by at 11:31 pm
May 222020

People  have been yapping on about “smart guns” for decades. Why can’t we have a pistol that only the owner can use? If we have smart phones with thumbprint readers, why can’t we have that tech in pistols? Well, there are good technological reasons… a thumb covered in sweat, dirt, oil, blood, etc. isn’t going to be conducive to 100% reliability in a device required to function 100% of the time. Wear gloves, and the thumbprint reader is right out. Similarly, devices that rely on magnetic or RFID systems built into rings, watches, surgical implants, etc. have a chance of failure or inavilability. But the biggest thing that has suppressed American firearm companies from even trying is politics. In particular, the Democrat Party of New Jersey passed a law that made it a dead certainty that nobody in their right mind would even try. An interesting (if predictably left-leaning) writeup of the issue is here:

The Smart Gun Doesn’t Exist for the Dumbest Reasons

Of course, smart guns *will* become available in due course. GIMME:


 Posted by at 11:54 am
May 212020

Modern firearms are by and large fantastic devices. Engineering masterpieces based on centuries of learning and advancement, they tend to be built cost effectively to accurately and reliably send a bullet to a target, a function with many valid purposes from hunting to entertainment to sport to home/auto/self defense, to assuring that a government does not have a monopoly on violence and power. Unfortunately, sometimes some populations allow themselves to be mastered by a political class that does not want the people to be able to defend themselves, and modern firearms are banned.

When guns are outlawed, it is an established fact that outlaws still get them. But the law abiding are in a bind if they want to continue to practice this most basic of human rights. They can move somewhere where civil liberties are still protected (not always possible), or they can become outlaws, or they can simply give up their rights and their self respect. or they can come up with some sort of still-legal workaround. The video below shows one sort of loophole, based on some really quite clever engineering. The heartbreak, of course, is that the cleverly engineered system is still much more expensive than a real firearm and far, far less effective in every sense than a real firearm. Better by far to simply not give up your civil and human rights in the first place.


 Posted by at 12:06 am