Dec 092020

Here we have yet another Dem politician threatening Republicans/Trump supporters, apparently actively calling for direct violence. Will it be handwaved away as a “joke,” as so many on the left have tried to do with Swalwell’s threat to use nuclear weapons on American civilian population centers in order to strip the citizens of their Constitutional rights?

And once again we have a link between the gun grabber agenda and the Communist Chinese:

Swalwell mum on sex with China spy, but family remains Facebook friends with honeytrap


 Posted by at 12:32 pm
Nov 262020

I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth bringing up again.


This is bad enough. But the $200 tax is based on the assumption that the cost doesn’t go up. That $200 tax stamp dates from when the NFA (National Firearms Act) was first imposed during the FDR regime, in 1934. It was $200 then, and amazingly hasn’t been increased since. Do not be surprised if the Biden regime tries to update the tax. $200 in 1934 money works out to about $3,886 in 2020 dollars. A $400 pistol with two magazine would thus put you on the hook for $11,658. That’s a minimum of $600, up to twelve grand, just to *keep* something you legally purchased.

Millionaires like Biden and Bernie can afford to pay the extra fees for armed private security, when they’re not protected on the government dime. Biden could doubtless afford to outfit a small army from what his family has taken in from the ChiComs. But regular folk would be screwed. And actually poor people? Not a chance. And given that black folk are disproportionately poor, it is reasonable to point out that not only are Biden’s proposed tax polices fascistic and unconstitutional, they’re racist.

 Posted by at 11:51 am
Nov 242020

Apple head of security accused of offering iPads as bribes for concealed gun permits

In Santa Clara, CA, Apples head of global security offered 200 iPads to the Sheriffs office in exchange for four concealed carry licenses for Apple employees.

There is a solution to this problem: California should become a shall-issue state. or a Constitutional-carry state. Problem solved.

You’re welcome, California.

 Posted by at 12:00 am
Nov 092020

Back before society became afraid of every damned thing, we used to play with lawn darts. Now the damn things are banned. Imagine an alternate reality where the moral panics of the 1980’s never happened, and instead of lawn darts getting banned they got turned back into Roman Plumbata.

These things seem like fun.

 Posted by at 5:23 pm
Nov 022020

If a politician promises to do wonderful things for you, to do the things you want him to do… it’s safe to disbelieve him. When the politician promises to *harm* you, you’re well advised to take him at his word.

“Assault weapons” here means the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America. “High capacity” magazines mean “standard capacity” magazines used not only in AR-15’s but in most common pistols. Joe Biden wants to make tens of millions of Americans instant felons. he wants to enact laws that will, if he could Thanos-snap his reality into existence, lead to an increase in violent crime. And in the real world, he’d drag the US miles closer to an all-out civil war. He wants a million Ruby Ridges, to replay the Battle of Concord and have the Redcoats win.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

 Posted by at 9:55 pm
Oct 172020

Our basic civil rights are up for vote again.

Donald Trump: I’ll Sign National Reciprocity if It Reaches My Desk

In order for the 2nd Amendment to be truly incorporated nation wide, concealed carry reciprocity would need to be federally mandated. Just as your divers license and marriage are recognized in all fifty states, so should your ability to carry. There are, unfortunately currently no such bills before Congress; but if Biden/Harris win, the Republicans would need to take over both houses of Congress with veto-proof majorities. And given the Harris-Biden teams obvious intention to pack the Supreme Court with political appointees, even if Congress passed such a bill and got it past a Harris veto, her lackeys in the 15-member USSC would simply shut it down.

 Posted by at 3:35 pm