Mar 052021

An Aerojet concept for a boost-phase ICBM interceptor.

This would be a space-based anti-missile system composed of two high thrust solid rocket motors and a kill vehicle composed of a substantial set of optics, some impressive late 1980’s computers and most likely a hydrazine monoprop divert system. The missile would be meant to physically impact an ICBM while still being lofted by the first stage; this is an bigger, slower and brighter target than the later, faster, smaller stages and warheads, but you have to be *fast* to reach out and tag a missile in the first moments of flight.


 Posted by at 5:36 pm
Feb 142021

And here we go:

Statement by the President Three Years After the Parkland Shooting

Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.

Well, that would seem to be incitement to insurrection, since he’s calling for the jailing of tens of millions of American citizens. It’s certainly a call to violate the Constitution. Should Congress begin impeachment proceedings?

 Posted by at 8:30 pm
Feb 142021

I’ve previously said that I am opposed to turning away customers based on their politics. This is a common practice in several industries, such as comic books, Star Wars novelizations and some others… where authors say things like “if you don’t like my politics don’t buy my book.” This to me seems incredibly dumb. Me, I will happily sell my stuff to anyone. Go ahead, give it a shot… go to my website and select a few hundred dollars worth of items, pay for them and see if I don’t just go right ahead and fill your order.

I Dare You.

But then there’s also this argument:

Michigan Ammo Maker: No Bullets For Biden Voters


In this case, the customers who voted for Biden did in fact vote to put this company out of business. That’s the sort of thing that will annoy many business owners. Second… if you are a bullet maker, you’re very unlikely to be having trouble finding buyers these days. You almost certainly have far more demand that capacity. You *can’t* sell to everyone who wants to buy. So… if ya gotta pick and chose, I guess de-selecting those who want to actually put you out of business, but who hypocritically want your product – makes as much sense as any way to pick.

I’m pretty sure they can’t actually discriminate without collecting a few lawsuits (which I’d honestly get a kick out of seeing… “Your Honor, my client doesn’t want to sell his product to people who believe that his product and his business model should be illegal. What’s the problem here?”). But maybe making a few of the more self-destructive gun owners think a little bit might prove helpful in the future. And it doubtless feels good for those who set up the little test.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 4:21 pm
Feb 132021

Lochnagar Mine was a pile of explosives dug under the German front lines in France by the British during WWI. This was of course during the era of trench warfare, one of the most spectacularly futile endeavors in human history, with the consequence that the Brits dug a chamber fifty feet beneath German lines and filled it with 60,000 pounds of ammonal (ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder) explosive. On July 1, 1916 the explosives were detonated creating a crater about 100 feet deep and 300 feet in diameter.

Considering that the war dragged on for another two and a half years… all that effort and destruction, for nothing. And in the end, the allies set up a punitive system that virtually ensured that something worse would come along… and of course it did.


 Posted by at 9:48 am
Feb 032021

This bill does not yet have a number, or much in the way of text:

‘‘Closing the Loophole 2on Interstate Firearm Sales Act’’

To prohibit a Federal firearms licensee from transferring a long gun to a person who the licensee knows or has reasonable cause to believe does not reside in (or if the person is a corporation or other business entity, does not maintain a place of business in) the State in which the licensee’s place of business is located.

Translation: the Constitution will no longer cross state lines. Soon you will need special papers to leave your state if these jackholes get their way. The internet will be blocked from going from one state to another, never mind internationally.

There needs to be some form of legal sanction for congresscritters who propose laws that are this blatantly unConstitutional. Automatic ejection from the House and a permanent voting disenfranchisement would seem to be the bare minimum for totalitarian morons like these.

 Posted by at 2:59 pm
Jan 312021

WTF, Kamala.

Will this be the new “learn to code?” If your job has just gone away, taking decades of experience and expertise down the drain, just work on “reclaiming abandoned land mines.” Because, sure, digging coal out of the ground gives you the skill sets to dig generations-old explosive booby traps out of the ground on the far side of the planet.

Unless, of course, she’s planning on planting millions of land mines around government facilities to prevent those dirty, dirty “citizens” from getting too close, and she’ll need an army of depressed expendables to deal with them.

Your next President, people. All sales are final.

 Posted by at 7:07 pm
Jan 302021

This bill, the “Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act’’ would make illegal any ammunition .50 caliber or greater. This would mean that your .50 BMG rifle and your .50 Action Express pistol would now be a Federal crime. To own such ammunition would *mandate* a minimum 10 year prison sentence. (there does not seem to be an exception or 12 gauge deer slugs, nor for black powder musket balls) Also: the bill would require that *all* firearms be registered with the government within three months.

REQUIRED INFORMATION.—Under the firearm registration system, the owner of a firearm shall transmit to the Bureau— ‘‘(A) the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored;

This information – who you are, what guns you own, and where you store them – would be kept in a database. Which, interestingly… “The Attorney General shall make the contents of the database accessible to all members of the public, all Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities, all branches of the United States Armed Forces, and all State and local governments, as defined by the Bureau. “

Huh. Well, looky here: a handy-dandy database of stealable firearms and where they’re stored, available to all criminals.

What’s more: in order to possess a firearm, you will need a license. In order to get a license, you will need to pass a background check, a psychological evaluation and a training course… all at your expense, of course, as well as having special insurance policies ($800). If your firearm is “military style,” the training course will be TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. If you are depressed by this, that’s considered a psychological condition that will preclude you from obtaining a license to keep your guns. it will be illegal for you to give a gun to a friend or family member… or even *ammunition,* unless you inform the Attorney General of that transfer. Failure to do so  leads to a $75,000 fine and 15 to 25 years in prison. Owning a standard capacity magazine will now be illegal, with fines of $50,000 to $100,000 and prison terms of 10 to 20 years.

Will this bill become law? Even with the current makeup of Congress and the White House, I have doubts. But the fact that such a bill can make it as far as it has speaks ill of the intentions of those behind it. The bills sponsor, Sheila Jackson-Lee, is one of the least honest and least intelligent people to have ever occupied a seat in the US House, and that’s really saying something.

You can track the progress of this blatantly unconstitutional bill here (there is a *CITATION* *NEEDED* estimate of 3% for this bill passing):

Lexington and Concord come to mind.

 Posted by at 2:56 pm
Jan 192021

The absolute unconquerable ignorance of those who would rule over us is an evergreen source of dark amusement. Behold the 2014-vintage performance of one Kevin De Leon, politician extraordinaire.

An Oscar award for the cop in the background. Managed to act like he wasn’t in the presence of a world-class ass.

And let us not forget intellectual vacuum collapse Sheila Jackson Lee, who reminds us that an AR-15 weighs as much as ten boxes and fires 50 caliber bullets:



 Posted by at 10:44 pm
Jan 192021

It’s well known that the incoming administration wants to ban standard capacity magazines for the Little People. But it seems they’re getting a jump on that by making sure that the National Guard is issued Zero Capacity Magazines:

Of course, it may be that disarming the National Guard troops is due to the new administration not actually trusting the troops. Which should do wonders for morale and unit cohesion:

FBI vetting Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack



 Posted by at 9:31 am
Jan 172021

This may be an unfortunate time for new firearms developments. Or, who knows, maybe the market will explode and if the new administration overreaches the whole regime of gun control might blow up in their faces and Americans – or whatever the citizenry are called after the dust settles onto a reshaped political landscape – will have their rights recognized. In any event, this device seems to me to be just the sort of thing that the ATF would be all over with *current* regulations; it also seems like the sort of thing that a lot of people would fall all over themselves to get. It’s coolness factor is undeniable; it’s practicality is perhaps questionable.

FDC and FDP: Magpul’s Folding Gun


 Posted by at 2:35 pm