Apr 022021

But probably not terribly practical… looks incredibly fragile and more than a bot wobbly. But it *does* look terribly sci-fi. Now if the little floating glowing dots could be made to hover in space like that but without an actual physical support – as is often shown in “holographic” displays in sci-fi movies – then we’re finally have an explanation as to how Starfleet personel can accurately aim their sight-less phasers: they have holographic sights that are only visible within a restricted field of view.

 Posted by at 7:09 pm
Mar 262021

Our futures are secure.

A new bill would defund new ICBMs to pay for coronavirus vaccine research

This new Congress wants to not only disarm the populace but the military as well… at least as far as strategic deterrence. I’m sure the Chinese are quaking in their boots.

If there is anyone in the FBI who’s actually interested in defending the US, I’d recommend they use the list of sponsors and supporters of this bill as the basis for an investigation into foreign influence in the US government:

The Investing in Cures Before Missiles Act, offered by Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif….

The proposed legislation has amassed some early support in the House and Senate. Co-sponsors include Sens. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md.; Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.; and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.; as well as Reps. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore.; Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.; Jesus Garcia, D-Ill.; Raul M. Grijalva, D-Ariz.; Jared Huffman, D-Calif.; Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas; Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; James McGovern, D-Mass.; Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Mark Pocan, D-Wis.; and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.

Note that there are some of the *dumbest* members of Congress listed there.

 Posted by at 9:35 pm
Mar 242021

“We’re not coming to take your guns”/”We’re coming to take your guns”

The most recent news article shown in that video:

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant

The case in question dates from an incident back in 2015. But the Biden/Harris CCP Caretaker Administration wanting the Supreme Court to uphold the idea of warrantless firearm confiscations (along with warrantless searches of homes) just because the government and its agents want to disarm a law-abiding citizen. This would be a blatant violation not only of the Second Amendment but the Fourth as well.

Why even continue with the pretense of a Constitution at that point?


 Posted by at 5:36 pm
Mar 242021

An Aerojet illustration of an interceptor designed to take out targets such as incoming nuclear warheads by the simple expedient of ramming into them at several kilometers per second, the old “hitting a bullet with a bullet” cliche.


 Posted by at 2:06 am
Mar 232021

Obama blasts ‘cowardly’ GOP for blocking gun-control laws limiting ‘weapons of war’ amid Boulder mass shooting

“But we can make it harder for those with hate in their hearts to buy weapons of war”

How can you make it harder? Weapons of war tend to cost TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for American citizens, along with onerous and rights-stomping regulations. “Weapons of war” are almost never used criminally in the United States.

Go away, Barack. You’ve done enough damage to this country. Your legacy of economic and cultural disaster lives on in BidenHarris; let that be enough for you. Don’t add “helped start a civil war” to your ignominious list of disastrous achievements.

 Posted by at 6:34 pm
Mar 232021

Let’s see how they twist this into more “white supremacist violence:”

Suspect in Colorado grocery store shooting charged with 10 counts of murder, police say

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the 21-year-old suspect in Monday’s massacre at the King Soopers supermarket in the Colorado city of Boulder, faces 10 counts of murder in the first degree, Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold said Tuesday.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. You can’t get a more MAGA-riffic name than that.

It should be interesting to see the demographics of the victims. (UPDATE: see the end of the post) What I’ve seen so far all indicate a particular ethnic group. Will violence against that particular ethnic group be called out and denounced by the media and out Political Leaders?

UPDATE: A whole bunch of Twitter blue check marks outed themselves as racists… including President Harris’ niece.

UPDATE: This should be considered hearsay until it’s not (I trust “unnamed sources as much as anyone who heard “unnamed sources” claim that Trump colluded with the Russians):

UPDATE: the victims.

All the same ethnicity. Will the media wail about the rise in violence against that ethnicity?

 Posted by at 11:57 am
Mar 232021

So as the new Harris/Biden administration came in, they and their allies in Congress started a push for new gun control, up to and including making it a federal crime to own what you already own. But there hasn’t been a lot of forward motion on these bills.

So all of a sudden…

1 Police Officer Among 10 Killed In Boulder King Soopers Shooting

Which follows on from:

8 Dead in Atlanta Spa Shootings, With Fears of Anti-Asian Bias

I suspect that the Alex Jones types will start yapping about these being planned attacks intended to bolster the gun grabber agenda. That seems incredibly unlikely to me, though the timing seems interesting. Less likely than Lefties planning and carrying out attacks like this is the idea that Lefties being in powwer drives whackos slightly more whacko.

Normal day-to-day murders do not float gun grabbers boat, because reasons. But mass shootings? They’ll be on that like a fat kid on a Twix. As a general rule, I never trust any politician or political movement or ideology that thrives on disaster and tragedy. But the fact that I don’t like ’em doesn’t mean they don’t exist or aren’t effective.

UPDATE: And the inevitable totalitarian power-grab:

Thought you were having difficulty finding ammo *now*?

 Posted by at 12:58 am