Apr 302021

Here is an incomplete look at the diagrams created for my first book, “Boeing B-47 Stratojet and B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution.” It can be pre-ordered either directly from the publisher (with publication expected in late September) or through Amazon (looks like they’ll have it two months later). It is also expected to be on certain store shelves… more on that when it’s confirmed.

A few of these diagrams will be compressed to several-per-page; a few of them here are already shown in multiple optional layouts. But there are also a dozen-ish diagrams *not* shown because they are incomplete as yet. This gives an indication of the size and scope of the project…

 Posted by at 2:49 pm
Apr 262021


Supreme Court to take up major Second Amendment concealed handgun case

In short, New York state effectively makes it illegal to carry firearms outside of the home, openly or concealed. This clearly violates the “right to keep AND BEAR arms” part of the Constitution. This *might* be a step towards national reciprocity. If a Utah drivers license is good in New York, then a concealed carry license should be as well. Especially when you consider that CC license holders from probably every state that has concealed carry licenses are less law-breaking than the general population of New York.

Time to get on the right side of history:

 Posted by at 11:14 pm
Apr 242021

It is legal for you to build your own firearm from scratch (assuming you live in a civilized region that recognizes your basic human rights). Where things get tricky is if you try to *sell* your home-made firearm. If you don’t have proper Federal licensing… you can get in a *lot* of trouble.

But there seems to be a loophole: government “buy back” events. They will buy any piece of junk gun for a relative pittance, no questions asked. They will then (probably) check the firearm to see if it was used in a crime, and if not, they will then (probably) destroy that firearm, no matter how rare, valuable or historically significant it is (unless, gasp, someone in the chain recognizes its value and absconds with it).

“Buy backs” are of course dubious for any of a number of reasons. The guns they get are typically either junk that couldn’t function to be used in a  crime, or grand-dad’s old war relic that hasn’t seen the light of day in years and isn’t likely to be used in a crime either. And of course there’s the existential issue with buy-backs: how do you buy back something you didn’t own in the first place?

Here’s the fun part: you can make a functional crappy zip gun or slam-fire shotgun for a few bucks in scrap and labor. And these buy-back morons will buy them for substantially more than they cost you to make. And it’s all legal, apparently. Gentlemen, behold – the 1776 Boomstick, the profit-making venture of the future:

Florida Man Sells Homemade ‘1776 Boom Sticks’ At Gun Buyback, City Runs Out Of Cash In 30 Minutes

The gentleman selling the “Boom Stick 1776” shotguns told me he called the City rep before the event, and asked if they would purchase a single-shot shotgun – because the flier said they were buying semi-automatic firearms. Allegedly, he was told they would pay $125 for single-shot shotguns. So he attended the event.

At the checkpoint, he did have to demonstrate that they were functional (they were), and he was sent to the payment line, guns in hand.

Maybe ten bucks worth of junk, twenty bucks worth of labor, for $375 in sales. SPECTACULAR.

Would it be illegal or unethical to petition your local city or county to hold a buyback, while you have prepared a stock of slamfire shotguns for the specific purpose of selling at ten times their cost? I dunno, maybe… but it would be *appropriate,* and got-dam hilarious if you pulled it off.


Side note: take a look on that cops face. It is the weary look of a man who knows that he’s getting played, and knows that there’s nothing he can do about it, and who knows that there are *far* better things for him to be doing with his time.

 Posted by at 7:52 pm
Apr 222021

A cop comes up on a rock-throwing guy who pulls out a knife, takes about one step towards the cop, then catches a bullet. I think in the strictest sense, this was a legitimate shoot; cop told the guy several times to drop the knife, and instead he advanced towards the cop. But it all happened *real* fast. Britlanderish blog readers might well point out that their cops deal with knife wielding criminal types all the time and hardly ever shoot them… I believe the approach is the bring in a whole lot of backup and whallop the tar out of them with billyclubs (or to just let them go; I’m not really sure). And of course there are Tasers, of sometimes dubious reliability.

So, what should be the preferred approach in such circumstances? The subject is armed and aggressive, but if the cop retreats the subject probably does not pose an *immediate* threat. But if the cop retreats, the subject, who is clearly a menace to society, could get away. BUT simply being a probable threat may not be adequate cause for the deployment of deadly force. And on and on.

My view: I’m all in favor of “no duty to retreat.” Someone comes at you with a knife, *especially* if you are pointing a pistol at them, you – any form of “you,” from cop to soldier to housewife – have every right to do whatever you feel you need to to defend yourself. And on the other hand, those who are tasked with enforcing the governments’ will should probably be held to a reasonably high standard.

At least they can’t fault the cop for shooting off a wild volley of rounds. One shot and the guy seemed to be dead before he hit the pavement.

Once again, a situation that could have been more peaceably resolved if we had access to phasers with heavy stun settings. Or dart guns that fired transporter-lock tags: shoot the guy and he gets beamed directly into a jail cell. Sigh. It’s the year 2021, but where are the flying cars? I was promised flying cars. I don’t see any flying cars.

 Posted by at 10:52 pm
Apr 162021

They finally get what they want more than anything: extremely white guy with an AR-15 goes buggo.

FedEx shooter ID’d as 19-year-old former employee Brandon Scott Hole

Once again, we get us a whackaloon who did things backwards: he shot eight people dead and *then* shot himself.

Watch the coming hours and days to see the ghouls come out to gloat over the corpses, their gore-drenched political fangs slavering over the idea of banning a hundred million Americans from having something a vanishingly small number of crazies misuse.


 Posted by at 7:03 pm
Apr 162021


Ooops, there is context, and it’s sad. This happened in North Carolina and the bobcat had rabies, which explains the craziness. The guy in the video ended up shooting the bobcat, and the folks involved ended up going to the hospital and likely got a super-fun series of rabies shots.

Bobcat with rabies? Sad. Husband going from Mr. Pleasant to “I’m gonna shoot that ᚠᚪᛣᚳᛖᚱ” in ten seconds? Priceless. Now, if you want the racist take on the incident, The Root has you covered. And even here, where they try to disparage and dehumanize white folks at every turn, they gotta give this feller the respect he deserves.

I once stared down a bobcat. Going on 20 years ago, I dug through a black widow infested rocket parts boneyard a day or two after 9-11 in order to find components for Tomahawk  cruise missile booster motors so’s we could finish a bunch of motors we just knew we’d soon need to send downrange. And as I dug through a pile of boxes and pallets, a big-ass bobcat climbed up to the top of said pile of pallets and just looked at me like “Hey. ‘sup.” We looked at each other for a few seconds, then it turned and wandered off. Normal bobcats? Reasonable fellas. Rabid bobcats? Noooooooo thank you.

 Posted by at 6:58 pm
Apr 152021

Maryland trooper shoots, kills teenager who had airsoft gun

In 2014, 12-year-old Tamir Rice was waving around an airsoft gun and got shot by a cop for his troubles. As a result, Rice’s family scored $6 *million* dollars in damages. Additionally, numerous protests broke out, helping spark the BLM movement.

So, will the same sort of thing happen here? In this case, 16-year-old Peyton Ham was waving around an airsoft gun and got shot by a cop for his troubles. One would imagine that the same basic setup should lead to the same basic outcome… a payday for the family, a series of protests, the rise of a race-based political movement. I wonder…

The teenager was white, as is the trooper who shot him, according to Maryland State Police spokesman Greg Shipley.


Never mind.

 Posted by at 2:57 am
Apr 122021


David Hogg Quits Good Pillow Project Designed to Rival Mike Lindell’s MyPillow

Well, he’s probably made a good deal of money from all the donations. Now that the hard work of actually making a successful company is at hand… time to move on to something else, I guess.

Extra awesomeness:

Trump-Supporting Attorney Says He Trademarked ‘Good Pillow’ Before David Hogg, William LeGate

It seems the super-geniuses behind “Good Pillow” announced their venture before securing the rights to the name. Whoopsie! The guy who actually filed the trademark on the name “Good Pillow” says he wants to actually produce pillows… with a pro-gun message. Seems to me the best way to accomplish that would be to go into business with MyPillow, simply have them make a separate line of pillows printed with images of AR-16 Scary Black Rifles With Shoulder Things That Go Up.


Oh, and an update on just how lucrative the Socialism and Race Hustling grifts can be:

BLM co-founder spent $3.2 million on four homes since 2016

For a Marxist, she’s a pretty savvy capitalist investor. Two of the properties she bought for $1.1 million are now worth $1.52 million. 400 grand ain’t chump change. If she was a good Marxist, she’d turn over her various compounds to the local poor people.

 Posted by at 2:23 am
Apr 102021

The current President babbled out some nonsensical prattle about some proposed executive actions to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. included in this are his desire to ban pistol braces as well as “ghost guns,” the scare-term used to describe incomplete gun “kits” that people can buy legally without registration (because they are not actually guns at that point) and then finish into guns.. Right now these generally revolve around what are called “80% lowers:” generally a block of aluminum in the shape of a lower receiver (typically of an AR-15) that can be finished with some drilling and milling by a competent machinist. If he somehow succeeds in making 80% lowers illegal, people will just start selling 75% lowers, or 49% lowers, or even just rectangular billets of aluminum. Currently the receiver is the only part of a firearm that is regulated; you can buy all the barrels and trigger assemblies you like without having to file paperwork. Sniffer Joe might want to change that, however.

Turning a billet into a finished receiver is becoming easier and easier with modern CNC mills; witness the “Ghost Gunner.”

Ghost Gunner 3

Ghost Gunner is a general purpose CNC mill that gives you the ability to finish a growing library of mil-spec 80 percent lowers to completion. With simple tools and point and click software, the machine automatically finds and aligns to your 80% lower to get to work. No prior CNC knowledge or experience is required to manufacture from design files. Legally manufacture unserialized rifles and pistols in the comfort and privacy of home.


The Ghost Gunner 3 pre-orders for $500 (deposit, as was pointed out in the comments. total price is about two grand). This is the approximate price of a modest AR-15 or a decent 1911… but it should allow you to make an indeterminate number of receivers. Right now it seems to need “80% lowers,” rather than just rectangular blocks of aluminum… but some future iteration of the Ghost Gunner no doubt will be able to achieve that. Hell, soon enough you’ll be able to melt down a bunch of aluminum cans, pour the molten aluminum into a sand or plaster mold, shove the crappy casting into the GG#X and it’ll bang out a serviceable receiver.

Of course, most people are not even aware of the option they have of making their own firearm. Most people only think of firearms procurement in terms of buying one from a gun store. So what has been the result of Temporary President Bidens mumblings about executive actions? Let’s got to the tape:

It’s beginning to look like Biden will be a better firearm salesman that Obama ever dreamed of being. At the same time that the far Left is openly talking about locking up millions of Americans in Federal prison, more and more Americans are lining up to be the targets of the Lefts pogroms.

That said, Biden did make an interesting point:

Biden on the Second Amendment: ‘No amendment is absolute’

And this is true. It is now time for the press to confront Biden about the lack of absoluteness with regards to, say, voting rights.

 Posted by at 2:06 pm