May 252021

The case for requiring gun licenses

Where Vox argues that a Constitutionally protected *right* should require a license. They argue that “licensing works.” Because… sure. Illinois, for example, has the FOID card system, where you need to have an expensive license to buy a gun. And to buy ammo. And to *hold* a gun. And if there;s anywhere that you think of when you think “boy, gun control sure makes people safe,” it’s Chicago.

Do you have a blogging license, citizen? Consider carefully before posting a comment without checking with your local sheriff.

 Posted by at 10:35 pm
May 182021

Supreme Court sides with man who said police illegally seized firearms from his home without a warrant

In short, the guy used sarcasm and as a result the cops tossed him into a looney bin, ransacked his house and took his property… in this case, firearms. The Supreme Court decided that going into a home to seize firearms without a warrant violates the 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. What’s really interesting is that the ruling was unanimous, both conservative and liberal judges agreeing. Whether this sort of thing will reign in some future law regarding the appropriation of firearms and magazines (the “mandatory buybucks” of modern sporting rifles and standard capacity magazines that the current crop of totalitarian dimwits support) remains to be seen, but it’s a useful start.

 Posted by at 12:47 am
May 042021

The Serbu SN-50 is an odd gun: a single-shot .50 BMG that you have to kinda disassemble to reload. It’s little more than an M2 machine gun barrel with some modifications; that makes it less expensive ($1259 rather than the seven-plus grand you can expect for semi-auto .50s), but is seems like a lot of bother to go to between each shot. Still, Serbu has a good reputation and the design seems pretty rugged. Yet… one of them underwent rapid unplanned disassembly right in the shooters face, doing him a lot of bad damage. The firearms side of YouTube has taken notice and lots of people are trying to figure it out.



This guy focuses on the rather unique ammo, as well as unfortunate design features:

Same guy revisits the issue, and is rather more explicit in his opinion that the RN 50 is not a weapon to be fired:

Forgotten Weapons covers the topic of firearms exploding:


Mark Serbu made a comment:

Serbu may, depending on the results of the analysis of the rifle, be in a spot of trouble.

 Posted by at 8:18 pm
May 012021

Trying to rob a dude while he has a gasoline spray-gun IN HIS HAND might not be the best idea, as these Chilean criminals discovered:

And then there’s this attempt to take down an armored cash-transport in South Africa. I know, I know, who would have ever believed that there’d be violent crime in South Africa. Mind blown.

This is a story screaming out for a followup.

 Posted by at 10:29 pm