Feb 032022

There have been a number of single-shot .50 BMG pistols over the years. None of ’em really seem like the sort of thing I’d want to shoot too often.

This is base don the same Serbu configuration that went kerblooey on Kentucky Ballistics some months back. Except in this case if it did that, it would shoot that endcap right directly into your face. So, ummm, watch out what you load this with.


 Posted by at 12:38 am
Jan 092022

Recently released footage of the Raytheon “Coyote” missile blasting the bejeebers out of a series of unmanned small aircraft. It’s certainly impressive, and certainly very effective, but it seems perhaps a bit excessive for the task. A warhead a fraction of the size would seem able to do the job. If they could scale this thing down to manpad size, so that a launch system with the size and user-friendliness of a Stinger could be employed,that would make this concept dandy for taking out quadcopters and the like. If they were *really* good… rounds launchable from a standard 40 mm grenade launcher, with an ejectable warhead, so the missile itself could be recovered, refurbished and reused.

The Coyote uses small solid rocket motors for initial boost, with a jet engine for a sustainer.

image source: Janes

 Posted by at 11:56 am
Jan 012022

A mere 8 years ago I posted a question… does anyone know of a Thompson submachine gun that was chopped down to pistol-size back in (I think) the thirties? Many, many years ago I saw a magazine article showing just such a weapon. It didn’t look like a hack job, but like a shiny nickel-plated piece of art. And it may have *been* art, not actually functional, it just looked cool. When I posted about it, nobody seemed to know it.

Turns out something much like what I remember has shown up in a video game along with a bunch of other mutant/mutilated weapons. So, once again: does this look familiar?


My memory of the article says that the pistol looked like this photoshop, just shinier.

 Posted by at 8:21 pm