Mar 292022

“Dual” is a forthcoming movie with a  simple premise; in the future if you are dying you can get a clone made to replace you (I presume there’s some memory copy-transference thingamabobber involved at some point). But if, after the clone is up and running, you turn out to *not* be dying (personally I’d expect a medical system able to make an adult clone of you with your memories and personalities would be much better at not only wiping out terminal illnesses, but being certain about who is actually terminal), then you and your clone have to fight to the death, because it would be ridiculous to have two of you running around. So, ok, the plot is that a woman gets a clone made, finds out she’s not dying, and now has one year to get ready for arena combat. She gets a trainer. The trainer sez the second smartest thing you’ll read today:

Always use the gun if it’s an option.”

To which she replies: “I find guns to be boring and overused.”

Which is countered with the smartest thing you’ll read today: “If it’s the difference between life and death it’s ok to be boring.


 Posted by at 4:19 pm
Mar 252022

Well, this makes the future look that much more sunny:

AI suggested 40,000 new possible chemical weapons in just six hours

In short: an AI is used to weed out theoretical medicines because of side effects. That’s great. But the people running it decided “what if we ask it to do the opposite?” and it came up with thousands of innovative new ways to kill people. The AI invented existing nerve agents… and invented some new ones that the predictive modelling says should be *more* toxic than what’s currently on hand.

That’s… greeeeeeeaaaaaaat.

Just wait until the same techniques get used to dream up neato new viruses. Those sci-fi theoretical pathogens that seek out specific genetic markers… hair color, ethnic traits, intelligence, whatever, and kill, stupefy, disable? Yeah… might not be sci-fi for long.

Hurry the frak up, Elon. Humanity might be needing self-sufficient  colonies separated by distances great enough that travel times alone provide a quarantine effect real soon.

 Posted by at 5:41 pm
Mar 242022

I don’t usually go in for religious iconography, but, hey.

St. Javelin / Saint Javelin

St. Javelin or Saint Javelin refers to an image of Madonna Kalashnikov (the Blessed Virgin Mary) holding a javelin missile that became a symbol of Ukrainian resistance during the 2021-2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict. Although the image is an exploited version of a 2012 painting, it was first re-edited and created in early 2018 on the Russian social media site VK where a user replaced the original AK-47 with a javelin missile. The image received an uptick in usage in February 2022 coinciding with the escalation of the conflict and invasion of Ukraine by Russia, effectively becoming a symbol of Ukrainian resistance on social media and resulting in lots of redraws and fan art. St. Javelin was also seen as controversial by some for promoting violence and the war at large.

And because why not, it’s funny:




 Posted by at 1:14 pm
Mar 202022

He’s a software engineer with a history of operating anti-tank weapons in the US military. For some reason, his recent videos on how to go about taking out Russian tanks seem to have some sort of relevance. If you know anyone who might be in the market for enlightenment on how to convert a Russian tank into ex-Russian scrap metal, point them this way.

Ryan McBeth


Also some interesting general knowledge videos.


 Posted by at 10:00 pm
Mar 192022

California lawmaker found with loaded handgun in his luggage at Sacramento airport

Not just any lawmaker… this is Assemblyman Jim Cooper D-Elk Grove, who in 2016 authored a bill to ban the right to make your own firearm. He doesn’t want *you* to have a gun, but boy howdy he sure wants his own.

If this was *you,* you’d spend a good chunk of the rest of your life in prison. This guy? No charges. In fact, they held onto his gun for him, returning it as soon as he got back from his trip. Why? Because he’s former law enforcement, and they’re allowed to have firearms in certain areas of the airport. Where they’re *not* allowed to take a firearm is on an airplane, where he was trying to take his gun, stashed in his man-purse.

If these jackholes didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

 Posted by at 4:57 pm
Mar 162022

A remarkable video depicting the last moments of Russian tank, as seen from an overhead drone. The tank looks to take several anti-tank rockets… probably smaller, short-range types, but they eventually get the job done. It gets a track damaged by a hit, and as it backs up it sheds the track; one crewman (looks like the driver) escapes, rolls off the front and runs away. But he doesn’t get far before an exterior explosion (mortar?) knocks him down and sets him crawling. A few seconds later, some *stuff* comes flying into view and crashes down onto the road; at first I thought it was a body, but on review it just looks like… well, stuff. The camera switches view and it looks like there might have been a second tank to get trashed not far away, perhaps it exploded and tossed bits of junk into the earlier view. No infantry support is in evidence. The operation seems to be run on Stupid Mode.

This Special Military Operation sure seems to have one hell of  pricetag.

 Posted by at 4:27 pm