Aug 302022

Randomly stumbled across a video of a drone or helicopter (sounds like a chopper, glimpses of what looks like a landing skid) attempting to start a forest fire. Some of the comments indicate that this was part of a controlled burn, but I couldn’t find out more about it. There are a number of videos on YouTube showing the “heli-torch” in operation, basically an unmotivated flamethrower package that can be carried suspended beneath a helicopter (looks like usually a Bell UH-1, but also Rangers and Loaches) for the purposes of started prescribed burns in more difficult to access locations.

In any event, a drone that not only can start forest fires but actually has would be an interesting development. Looks like it’s spraying out gasoline or something. But if, instead, it squirted out napalm or thermite, the military applications could be reasonably horrific; swooping in over trenches to lay down dribbles of fire on enemy troops would seem a first use. This sort of thing would be unlikely to kill a lot of soldiers except for the rare instance of setting fire to a pile of ordnance or a fuel dump… but flaming drips falling onto soldiers heads or backs would very likely take them out of action.



#katastrophe #pozari #vatra

♬ Originalton – 𝕾𝖜𝖆𝖙 𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗


Heli-torch vid:

 Posted by at 12:08 am
Aug 292022

… are no match  for nearly a million dollars:

‘Star Wars’ blaster sells for $900,000 at Rock Island Auction Company

I probably shoulda gone to look at it while it was on display a few miles from here. Well… one real good way to feel inadequate *real* fast is to realize just how far short you’d fall if you tried to buy something like this. It sold for two to three times the original estimate.

This link says that the blast sold for $1,057,500. I assume that factors in the fees and such.

Han Solo’s DL-44 Blaster from “Star Wars” smashes auction records

The budget for “Star Wars” was $11 million in 1977 money, or something like $52 million today. So about 2% of the movies budget could have been paid for by selling one prop… and sending that money back in time somehow.

 Posted by at 8:41 pm
Aug 232022

A video calling out Republican mid-term election commercials featuring guns:


Now, *nobody* should be under the delusion that Republicans in general or these in particular truly have the 2nd Amendment at heart. I accept that chances are *really* good that for at least some of these politicians, the guns they’re shown holding are simply props. But they are holding these props knowing full well that by doing so they will annoy the sort of horrible people who are offended at the idea of American civilians having anything like the sort of right to defend themselves that the IRS’s new army will have.


 Posted by at 5:25 pm
Aug 172022

It seems the Russians are dropping air-burst incendiary weapons onto Ukraine, videos linked below. This is certainly visually impressive and doubtless monumentally intimidating… but damned if the engineer in me doesn’t wonder about how incredibly inefficient this seems to be. I mean… it looks like a *lot* of the WP magnesium is burning up while still in the sky. What’s you’d want is for it to burn in the *ground,* where it could do some damage. Clearly a lot of it is making it to the ground, but every bit that combusts Up There is that much less to do actual damage Down Here. Clearly these sort of weapons need to be set off somewhere above the ground for maximum area effect, but these seem to be getting set off way too high. I’m fuzzy on the legality of using incendiary weapons like this against civilian areas. I know it was a popular pastime during World War Two, but it was my understanding that the rules have changed a bit since then. But then, invading a sovereign nation in order to annex their territory is *also* supposed to be disallowed, and yet here we are.

UPDATE: more vids

Yeah, it’s visually damned impressive. It just seems like a *lot* of the incendiary potential is getting wasted. Which, under the circumstances, is a good thing, since these seem to be attempts to turn neighborhoods into firestorms.

 Posted by at 1:47 am
Aug 102022

“Quora” allows any goober to ask any goofball question, and anyone can respond. I have no idea when or why Quora decided to send me emails with some of the latest and greatest posts, but a couple times a day, there they are. Anyway, this one popped up today:

I support banning guns in the US. Can pro-gun people provide some reasons why gun control is bad?

There are a bunch of answers of varying levels of wisdom. But one line that jumped out:

So whenever anyone says “I don’t think you should have guns” or “I don’t trust you with guns”, I must ask in turn, what are you planning to do to me that you think I’d shoot you over?

What are you planning to do to me that you think I’d shoot you over?

 Posted by at 8:59 pm
Aug 062022

… or not.

In this case, an ATF agent goes to someone’s door and demands to see such-and-such firearm; the homeowner does the smart thing  and calls the cops and tells them some sketchy weirdo is going for her guns. Police show up, tell the ATF agent to comply… and he doesn’t, getting tased for his troubles. This happened a few years ago, and *of* *course* he’s suing the police for excessive force. It’s interesting to see how this Federal agent believes that his status sets him above the law. And politicians want to empower these types even *more.* It’s worth noting that this “lawman” was arrested for shoplifting back in 2015. He seems well acquainted with the practice of taking stuff that’s not his.

Police officer starts giving you lawful orders… you say “yes sir” and *obey.* Even if you think you’re in the right, you’re not going to win by resisting a guy with a taser, a sidearm and backup.

Full bodycam vids:

 Posted by at 11:57 pm