Nov 092022

A guy who was known as a anti-gun-violence activist attacked a woman in public in broad daylight and got shot by the police for his troubles. That’s straightforward enough… but this headline is a little grammatically *off*.


Man Killed by Officer Known for Anti-Gun Violence Campaign

See, it wasn’t the police officer known for “anti-gun violence campaign,” but the actual criminal. He had previously spent time in prison for murder, so this particular end to his story isn’t exactly shocking. but at least he didn’t die a hypocrite: he attacked a woman with a knife, not a gun. Gotta have standards, I suppose.


A better headline:

Knife-wielding man fatally shot by police was activist who created ‘no-shoot zones’

Something else to note here: the police officer shot him *14* times and he was still somewhat functional. He did an complete mag dump and reloaded. So anyone saying that “you don’t need more than ten rounds” is silly. Not only because “professionals” often use well over that number, but use that just on one guy. Imagine being set upon by three or four antagonists in a chaotic situation


 Posted by at 2:50 pm
Nov 072022

The model AGM-86 Air Launch Cruise Missile began life as a decoy missile, sort of an updated “Quail.” it was decided that the decoy could carry a nuclear warhead, and thus provide a lot more service; this began its development as a cruise missile. As originally envisaged, it had to fit in the some bays that could hold the AGM-69 SRAM missile; this made sense in a lot of ways but strictly limited its capabilities due to the short length. Efforts to increase the range of the missile included adding a droppable belly tank and stretching the fuselage for more internal fuel volume. The latter route was chose, along with making the nose much blunter and more voluminous.Both the external tank and the fuselage stretch meant that it could not long fit in internal SRAM bays, a tradeoff that was deemed worthwhile.

The illustration below dates from mid 1976 at the latest.

The full rez scan has been uploaded to the 2022-11 APR Extras folder on Dropbox for $4 and up APR Patrons/subscribers.


 Posted by at 6:17 am
Nov 012022

A Mil-8 got thwacked by a MANPAD and set alight. It flew in a controlled and sensible manner for a lot longer than I would have expected given that it seemed to be a raging inferno, but the end was kind of a bummer for the crew. I suspect the passengers were already out of the picture by that point. Gotta wonder why the pilot kept it in the air that long. I would have thought “Ground. Now.” would have been the overriding priority.


 Posted by at 2:00 am
Oct 302022

The YouTube channel “Found and Explained” just released a video on the 4,000 ton Orion Battleship, with the model used based on my reconstruction from issue V2N2 of “Aerospace Projects Review.” The video was sponsored by a “Star Trek” video game, so there are a *lot* of Star Trek references in the video.

For more information on the project, including blueprints, be sure to check out issue v2N2.

 Posted by at 6:21 pm
Oct 182022

Ukrainian police use AK-47s (or maybe AK-74s, I can’t tell) to try to take out Russian anti-civilian buzz bombs. The *claim* is that they shot one down, but that’s hard to determine form the footage… it could well be that the thing just crashed where it did because that’s where it was aimed. They really need to get Tom Selleck on the case.

The Ukrainians, as unlucky as they’ve been, are lucky that they didn’t defund the police and replace them with social workers. I’m not sure that clipboards and unearned moral smugness would de-escalate an incoming raid of kamikaze drones.

 Posted by at 8:39 pm
Oct 152022

Photos of a physical copy, fresh from the printer, somewhere in the wilds of Britain. UK/EU buyers should start receiving them shortly, I’d imagine.

The ordering link straight from the publisher:

US Supersonic Bomber Projects

And the updated Amazon link:

US Supersonic Bomber Projects Paperback – December 23, 2022

As previously mentioned, if you are interested in a signed, dated and bonus-print copy, let me know so I know how many to order.

 Posted by at 2:32 pm