Aug 132020

One of the main purposes of the Monthly Historical Documents Program/APR Patreon is to get rare aerospace items from eBay. These items are then made available to subscribers/patrons via monthly votes and catalogs.

Below are some of the items I’ve recently paid for (though not as yet received). If you are interested in getting high-rez scans and/or helping me save these sort of things for future generations (as well as keeping my cats in food and litter), please consider signing up for the Monthly Historical Documents Program or the APR Patreon.

 Posted by at 11:44 pm
Aug 072020

Proposed by Bernie Sanders, this hideous bit of legislation is aimed at destroying Blue Origin and SpaceX:

Sen. Sanders proposes one-time tax that would cost Bezos $42.8 billion, Musk $27.5 billion

The “Make Billionaires Pay Act” would impose a one-time 60% tax on wealth gains made by billionaires between March 18, 2020, and Jan. 1, 2021.

It’s supposedly a “one time tax.” There is no such thing as a “one time tax.” When it comes to government, especially governments that, as Sanders would prefer, exist via theft, there’s no such thing as one-time anything.

Here’s how much some would pay under the bill due to wealth gains between March 18 and Aug. 5, according to a release accompanying the bill:

    • Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos would pay a one-time wealth tax of $42.8 billion.
    • Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk would pay a one-time wealth tax of $27.5 billion.


The Commies, long since thought to have been relegated to the dustbin of history, are back with a vengeance. Some are burning down cities. Some are assaulting random civilians. And some are using their government positions to tear it all down.

 Posted by at 9:27 pm
Aug 062020

1: The cruise ship Orient Queen was in port opposite the blast… it capsized and sank:

2: A wedding shoot (or at least a photoshoot of the bride) was upended by the blast. Certainly a memorable day…

3: Satellite images of the site, before and after, give an indication of the scale of the event and of the disaster:


 Posted by at 2:27 pm
Aug 042020

After a bunch of failures, a Starship test article flew on up to around 150 meters, translated, popped out some dinky little landing legs, and then (apparently) safely landed itself, though seemingly at a bit of an angle. Woo!

And an official SpaceX video with some more enlightening angles:

 Posted by at 6:20 pm
Jul 312020
Rewards have just been posted for APR Patrons/Monthly Historical Documents Program subscribers. Included this time:
1) An early (1969) NASA study of possible Space Shuttle configurations
2) A 1991 Strategic Defense Initiative Office presentation/transcript on the SDI program
3) A good, clear general arrangement diagram of the North American F-107
4) A CAD diagram of the late 1950’s Convair “Landing boat” that often appeared in presentations (art and models) from Krafft Ehricke
If you are a paid-up Patron/Subscriber, you should by now have received a message with a link to your rewards. If you haven’t, let me know.
 Posted by at 7:56 pm
Jul 222020

A few years ago, the speech that was written for Nixon in the event that Apollo 11 failed surfaced. Obviously, Apollo 11 didn’t fail, so Nixon never had to deliver it. But thanks to the dubious miracle of deepfakes, now we can watch an episode from an alternate history. The audio is also computer generated (such as mentioned HERE), as opposed to read by an impersonator; somewhat counter-intuitively, the audio – at least to me – seems less convincing than the video, as there are numerous little discontinuities. The deep faked speech begins at about 4:35.

Insert now-expected warnings about how history, news and the justice system are about to be turned into muddled hot messes.


 Posted by at 2:14 pm
Jul 142020

In 1963-64, NASA was looking forward to a very bright future. Moon landings within a handful of years, a serious space station or two in the early seventies, manned missions to the vicinity of Mars and/or Venus probably by the early eighties, manned Mars landings not long after. Moon bases, Mars based, nuclear rockets, missions to the asteroids and the moons of Jupiter… in 1964, the rest of the 20th century must’ve looked *fantastic.*

In order to pull all that off, it was clear that NASA would need to launch a *lot* of astronauts. Consequently, a request for proposals went out to the aerospace industry to design the capability to do just that. Boeing, North American, Martin, Lockheed… a great deal of interest was shown and work accomplished. One design produced is illustrated below, a Lockheed design for a two-stage fully reusable spaceplane capable of transporting ten tons of payload or ten passengers to an orbiting space station. The booster stage had a cockpit about where you’d expect; the spaceplane, conversely, had an offset spaceplane so that the crew would have *some* sort of forward view during landing. Both stages used advanced rocket engines; the first stage also had turbojets to get it back to the launch site. As with all pre-Shuttle designs, estimates of turnaround time and minimal launch cost are impressive and a bit depressing in just how fabulously optimistic they were.

An earlier three-stage concept was shown in US Launcher Projects #5.

The future looked bright. And then… LBJ.

 Posted by at 6:32 pm