Aug 312020

Late 1970’s depictions of “realistic” starships as understood at the time. These include an Orion vehicle (which, despite claims to the contrary, would make a terrible starship, since the specific impulse of a reasonably conceivable Orion is an order of magnitude or two too low for practical interstellar craft), two Bussard ramjets, and a “golden globe” minimum weight starship proposed by Robert L. Forward, whose operating principles I am currently a bit fuzzy on.

Bussard ramjets would use magnetic fields to collect interstellar hydrogen. The hydrogen would be compressed in a fusion reactor, preferably a steady-state one, and used to provide thrust to the starship. For a number of years this concept promised great things, but in recent decades it has been pretty much discounted. On one hand, the magnetic fields are not very likely going to work well at a reasonable mass, and they tend to not form open-mouthed funnels, but rather closed-mouthed “cups,” thus preventing the hydrogen from getting into the engine. Whoops. Second, thrust is unlikely to exceed drag much above maybe a percent or two of lightspeed, meaning a Bussard ramjet might serve as a decent “anchor” or drag brake, but not as an accelerator to relativistic velocities.

 Posted by at 7:11 pm
Aug 312020

I honestly don’t know if this is silly or useful. Still… kinda cool:

‘Starfleet’ amendment puts Space Force in a political bind

In short, the amendment, put forward by former Navy SEAL Rep. Dan Crenshaw, would use Naval ranks rather than Air Force ranks. This may have been spurred on by an op-ed written by William Shatner. 

Beyond changing names – Colonels would become Captains, for example, I’m not sure what *practical* difference there would be. There would doubtless be a change in the *feel* of the thing I suppose. And of course if Biden wins – especially if the Dems gain in the House and Senate as well – the whole Space Force will stand a good chance of vanishing like the Apollo Application Program, the Space Exploration initiative, the Nova booster and all the rest.

 Posted by at 4:48 pm
Aug 262020

This set of models was recently sold on eBay. It depicts a proposed concept for extending the utility of Apollo hardware… in this case, the Command Module and the Ascent Stage of the Lunar Module, by using them in Earth or Lunar orbit in conjunction with a small space laboratory. The Lunar Module would be used as a little space lab of it’s own, with a bolted-on telescope… this idea transformed into the Apollo Telescope Mount on Skylab, which began life as a modified LM. This probably dates from 1965-66. The purpose of the lab was to provide living space for the crew of three, because missions were contemplated lasting several months, providing detailed examination of the Earth or moon. Scientifically useful to be sure, but were the crew packed solely into the CM and LM for that period they’d likely kick the walls out.


 Posted by at 7:41 pm
Aug 252020

The Trump campaign published their second term agenda. It is pretty much a list of what you’d expect… generic reasonable aspirations and talking point, few of which are even remotely controversial. Behold:

Trump Campaign Announces President Trump’s 2nd Term Agenda: Fighting for You!

The agenda says this about the space program:

Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars

Which is frankly not a whole hell of a lot. Of course, this being 2020, “not even remotely controversial” results in “I’ll take that challenge” from the usual crowd. Behold an entire opinion piece written to decry those few words about the moon:

Trump Wants a Moonbase

In case you’re wondering about the quality of the piece and it’s author and don;t wish to give them clicks, here’s a summary:

Last night, Trump released his second term agenda, incredibly specific guidelines for xenophobic totalitarian rule sprinkled with pipe dreams. Among the former is the usual parade of fascistic talking points: “teach American exceptionalism,” prosecute the “violent extremist” group antifa, deport “non-citizen gang members,” hold China “accountable” for covid-19, eliminate sanctuary cities. The latter variety is contrasted with such gems as “return to normal in 2021” and establish a “permanent” “manned presence” on the moon.

A base. On the moon. A moonbase, if you will.

Uh-huh. Note what the author considers fascism: enforcing laws against rioting and arson and assault and murder and illegal immigration. More specific to determining the value of the author:

he somehow bloated the military with a Space Force, in spite of the total absence of warfare in space currently.

Huh. There’s no war in space *now,* so there’s no need to plan for it.


But even more… are we sure there’s no war in space right now? Are we absolutely certain?

Bah. Journalism is dead.

 Posted by at 2:13 pm
Aug 242020

Now here’s an odd thing…

Part of the collection of images from the Cradle of Aviation Museum, Garden City, NY, this depicts a Republic Aviation concept circa early 1960’s for putting a scramjet vehicle atop a Titan II first stage. Presumably this is meant to be… I dunno, a space launcher? No wings are in evidence, so cruise flight and a landing seem unlikely. But it would seem a hell of a thing to throw away, so *presumably* it was meant to be recovered somehow. Perhaps it shed the entire payload-containing nosecone and came back using the blunt forward dome of the propellant tank as a heat shield, followed by a splashdown. Dunno.


Also in the collection is the “AX-92 detailed drawing.” Clearly this is an entirely serious proposal, and not at all an example of an artist screwing around for giggles.

 Posted by at 12:57 am
Aug 232020

Coming to Disney+ in October, so I won’t be seeing it anytime soon. On the whole I guess it looks ok, but there is one thing that kinda jumped right out at me.

Here’s the thing. At about the 0:47 mark…

Was a Mercury-Atlas ever launched without an escape tower? Later in the trailer there are scenes of a booster exploding into a fireball in flight, and civilian observers on the ground freaking out. Being a trailer, there’s no good reason to conclude that these three shots belong together, but they kinda look like they do. And since no manned Atlas ever failed, this would seem to indicate a test launch. So maybe this depicts an unmanned test Atlas launching and then failing, with witnesses aghast?  But even then, I don’t immediately recall towerless Mercuries launched by Atlases. But I’m not an expert on the Mercury program. Perhaps a dream/nightmare sequence of one of the wives? Dunno.

Other thoughts: the casting looked shockingly non-diverse. Will Disney catch hell for this? Or is the show jam-packed full of stunt casting that doesn’t appear in the trailer? Will the Mercury 7 turn out to be surprisingly populated with alphabet people (this is Disney, after all…)? Will the head of NASA be portrayed by a black woman (but then, this *isn’t* the BBC)?

 Posted by at 1:10 pm
Aug 222020

A Convair illustration from a magazine article in 1959 depicting a solar powered spaceship. In this case, a spherical mylar “balloon” is used as a reflector. This would be light weight, but since it would need to maintain some level of internal pressurization to continue to hold its shape, it’s unclear just how long it would work before micrometeoroids turn it into leaky Swiss cheese. Additionally, a reflective hemisphere does not have a true optical focal point, rather a focal “line,” so a lot of the sunlight this thing would capture would be lost of inefficiently used. Presumably this design uses the sunlight to boil a working fluid such as mercury; the superheated pressurized gas blows past a turbine to generate electrical power. The gas then flows through a radiator to cool off and recondense back to a fluid. But given that there are no visible radiators, perhaps the idea was to use the sunlight to directly heat a fluid such as hydrogen to an extreme temperature to be used as a propellant. If your materials are up to it and your reflector is good enough, specific impulses in the area of 800 to 1200 seconds should not be unreasonable. But even here the illustration seems lacking… if hydrogen if the fuel, where are the huge tanks? In all likelihood, this illustration was never meant to depict a solid engineering study, but was merely propaganda art.

 Posted by at 10:25 pm
Aug 212020

I’m currently running a sale on downloadable aerospace items that I had planned on either not releasing or not releasing yet. Twenty-eight pretty nifty items of considerable interest to aerospace aficionados. The sale is open to APR Patrons and Monthly Historical Documents Program subscribers for one week only. If any of these look interesting, consider signing up.






 Posted by at 1:48 am
Aug 142020

This is what a derecho looks like sweeping across Illinois, as seen by the GOES-East satellite.









 Posted by at 5:15 pm