Mar 312021

Just released, the March 2021 rewards for APR Patrons and Subscribers. Included this month:

Diagram/art: a large format scan of an artists concept of the XC-14. This was printed with a large number of signatures; they seem to be Boeing engineers.

Document 1: “Project Hummingbird.” An FAA document summarizing the characteristics of STOL and VTOL aircraft circa 1961, including bogh built and proposed types. This was scanned from a clean original!

Document 2: “The Thor Missile Story.” Old, old, incredibly old school media… a film strip propaganda piece about the statues of the Thor IRBM.

CAD diagram: the WWII era German DFS 228 rocket powered high altitude recon plane, proposed operational version.




If this sort of thing is of interest, sign up either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.

Because I forgot to mention the January and February rewards… subscribers/patrons got these (new subscribers can order them as back issues):

January 2021: Titan IIIC/IIIM booster rockets; CAD diagram of Post-Saturn concepts; a Convair Heavy Bombardment Airplane brochure; a fractional XF-103 mockup review and technical description; a fractional Westland paper on VTOL; a General Dynamics report on a proposed turboprop transport for Saturn stages.

February, 2021: An Aerion SST brochure; a Lockheed SST diagram; Dornbergers report on a commercial rocket powered airliner (scanned from a clean vintage copy); an early Convair jet flying boat bomber brochure; a CAD diagram comparing General Atomics’ ten-meter Orions for the USAF and NASA.

 Posted by at 5:13 pm
Mar 252021

People are still trying to either reboot or sequelize “The Last Starfighter.” That was very much a  movie of its time; the computer generated visual effects were reasonably dazzling in their day but are woefully antiquated today, and the story and characters are monumentally wide-eyed innocents compared to today’s grotty, cynical mire of sleaze and grimdark. Making a reboot of it would almost certainly be a massive failure of “Ghostbusters” and “Total Recall” and “Star Trek Discovery” proportions. But… get the right people on board, I could get behind a sequel. And it seems that some of the right people are trying:

The Last Starfighter’s Potential Sequel Now Has a Sizzle Reel for Hollywood’s Consideration

Gary Whitta, writer of The Book of Eli and Rogue One, has been working with Last Starfighter writer Jonathan Betuel on bringing the 1984 classic back to life for years now. Today, he hopped on his Twitch stream to say the film is closer than it’s ever been to fruition. It’s “right on the one-yard line” he said, and he believes it will happen.

Well, we’ll see. The “sizzle reel” is just a collection of very, very preliminary concept art, showing generic scenes of a modestly evolved version of the Gunstar, with a few showing a return to the trailer court. This would indicate a likely return of the character of Alex… *hopefully* still played by Lance Guest and with any luck at all also including Maggie played by Catherine Mary Stewart. The modern Hollywood thing to do would be to say that those two got married, had a kid, got divorced, and now their kid has fallen to the Bad Side and is leading the Bad Guys. It would be terribly politically incorrect to show them in a healthy, happy marriage with a passel of kids – now likely with kids of their own, it having been about 40 years – leading cheerful, successful lives experiencing the wonders of the universe even if they do have to face down enemies from the stars.

Sadly, three of the stars of the movie are no longer with us. Robert Preston (“Centauri”)  and Dan O’Herlihy (“Grig”) died *years* ago. And Rob Cobb, who designed the Gunstar and the Starcar and pretty  much everything else in the movie (along with doing amazing work on “Conan the Barbarian” and “Alien” and “Aliens” and a whole bunch of other stuff) died just last year. Whoever does the production design for the sequel had best be on their game.

On vaguely related matters:

Some movies like “2001” and “Forbidden Planet” need to be left the hell alone. Tinkering with them is heresy on par with knocking down statues of Lincoln or scribbling on the Constitution. Other movies… I’d pay real money to see a Revised Version with wholly updated VFX. For example, “Firefox.” That’s a movie that could benefit substantially from having all of the aerial sequences replaced with all-new footage. It’s a reasonably good spy movie as-is, if a bit on the glacially slow side, but the scenes of the Firefox in flight… uuuugh. The full scale Firefox mockup? Spectacular. Don’t touch it. But the flying scenes could be improved, and, why not, expanded. Let’s finally see the MiG 31 Firefox in all its glory.

There are other movies that are not even remotely classics, and I say “improve the frak out of ’em.” If you have seen “Meteor” in the last couple decades, you probably noticed just how half-assed the model work was. I mean… just *awful.* Even by the standards of the late 70’s, it was just embarrassingly lazy stuff. All that could be easily replaced and improved by a film student and a laptop. Imagine what a budget of, say, half a million could do.

A case can be made for doing Special Editions of episodes of the original “Battlestar Galactica” and “Buck Rogers.”

What else?

 Posted by at 3:46 pm
Mar 212021

The Left’s war on the future of mankind has been understood for a while, but Bernie Sanders said the quiet part out loud:

‘We need to focus on Earth’: Bernie Sanders responds to Elon Musk’s space plans with call for progressive tax

“We are in a moment in American history where two guys” – Musk and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – “own more wealth than the bottom 40 per cent of people in this country,” Mr Sanders said.

“That level of greed and inequality is not only immoral,” he added. “It is unsustainable.”

Mr Musk responded by saying that he is “accumulating resources to help make life multiplanetary [and] extend the light of consciousness to the stars.”

Mr Sanders then circled back on the Space X founder on Sunday: “Space travel is an exciting idea, but right now we need to focus on Earth and create a progressive tax system so that children don’t go hungry, people are not homeless and all Americans have healthcare. The level of inequality in America is obscene and a threat to our democracy.”

One of these men wants a better future for mankind. The other wants stagnation and squalor from now until the sun dies.

Sanders and his ilk and their supporters would, in a sensible world, be laughed right out of public life as the morons they are. And that’s the generous view. There’s the saying “don’t attribute to malice what can be explained with incompetence,” and there’s a lot of validity to that. But malice *does* exist, and it is more and more difficult to explain away the far lefts’ damaging policies and beliefs as being purely the result of being naive idiots. More and more the explanation that many of them are legitimately crazy or – witness a certain Representative from California – bedding the enemy. What’s Sanders story? He was buddy-buddy with the Soviets back in the day. He was a fellow traveler with their policies.  While the Soviets are properly in the dustbin of history, sadly their hatred of the United States and capitalism survives. Those who screech the loudest about “fascism” should be looked at with skepticism for their acceptance of and often support of socialism. If western civilization survives and leaves the Earth, it will look back on socialism and socialists as cancerous burdens gratefully left behind.

 Posted by at 11:22 pm
Mar 192021

A video on the Douglas ICARUS/Ithacus, a 1960’s concept for a rocket vehicle to lob 1200 Marines anywhere on the planet in 45 minutes:

This video is based in large part on the article I wrote and illustrated in Aerospace projects Review issue V2N6, AVAILABLE HERE.

Why not sign on for the Aerospace Projects Review Patreon, why not? You’ll not only help make sure that this sort of research is done, you’ll get a fat stack of monthly rewards int he form of aerospace documentation.

 Posted by at 10:26 am
Mar 122021

The “gangsta” in its urban reality is one of the most detrimental forms of human life. Thus it has always been… the “gangster” before the “gangsta,” the pirate, the marauder, all terrible people doing terrible things. And yet… there is a drive behind them that, while aimed badly, can instead be used for good, and the spirit behind them can be at least vaguely seen in those who do great things.

What this world now needs is Space Vikings.

 Posted by at 3:33 pm
Mar 052021

Good luck:

Alcubierre – White Warp Drive Machine
United States Patent Application 20200130870

What is claimed is:

1. A machine that is designed to change the metric of space-time and to generate an Alcubierre Warp Drive or a Warp Drive bubble, by two types of walls that surround a cavity of space, where one wall, named “Rear Wall”, consists of three layers of polarity +, −, + such that the negatively charged layer, named “Middle Layer” or the Middle Layer of the Rear Wall can have at least the negative of the sum of charge in the other two layers, i.e. +Q, −2Q-Delta, +Q where Q means charge and delta means an additional negative charge or zero.

2. A machine as in claim 1 where one wall, named “Front Wall”, consists of three layers of polarity −, +, − such that the positively charged layer, named “Middle Layer” or the Middle Layer of the Front Wall can have at least the positive amount of the sum of negative charge in the other two layers, i.e. −Q, +2Q+Delta, −Q where Q means charge and Delta means an additional positive charge or zero.

3. The machine as described in claim 2 such that the external layers of the front wall and the external layers of the rear wall have an oscillating charge component.

4. A machine that is designed to generate a warp drive that uses four conducting plates or layers such that the rear wall is made of two conducting layers and the front wall is made of two conducting layers and such that the two layers of the rear wall are fed with a negative DC component and the two layers of the front wall are fed with a positive DC component and such that the charge on the two layers of the rear wall oscillates between the two layers of the rear wall and such that the charge on the two layers of the front wall oscillates between the two layers of the front wall.

5. A machine as described in claim 4, such that at least one of the conducting layers of the rear wall rotates clockwise and one of the conducting layers of the front wall rotates anticlockwise or vice versa.

6. A machine as in claim 4 or 5 such that the charge on the two conducting layers of the rear wall oscillates by AC which is supplied through a coil and such that the middle bifurcation of the coil is connected to the negative polarity of a DC source.

7. A machine is in claim 6 such that the charge on the two conducting layers of the front wall oscillates by AC which is supplied through a coil and such that the middle bifurcation of the coil is connected to the positive polarity of the DC source.

8. A machine as described in claim 3, 4 or 7 such that either the front wall or the rear walls are split and receive different voltage baseline in order to allow the stirring of the machine.

The full patent application is available in PDF.

 Posted by at 7:20 pm
Mar 052021

An Aerojet concept for a boost-phase ICBM interceptor.

This would be a space-based anti-missile system composed of two high thrust solid rocket motors and a kill vehicle composed of a substantial set of optics, some impressive late 1980’s computers and most likely a hydrazine monoprop divert system. The missile would be meant to physically impact an ICBM while still being lofted by the first stage; this is an bigger, slower and brighter target than the later, faster, smaller stages and warheads, but you have to be *fast* to reach out and tag a missile in the first moments of flight.


 Posted by at 5:36 pm
Mar 042021

A hit piece on Elon Musk and his plans for Mars:

Mars Is a Hellhole

The money quote:

Sagan did believe in sending humans to Mars to first explore and eventually live there, to ensure humanity’s very long-term survival, but he also said this: “What shall we do with Mars? There are so many examples of human misuse of the Earth that even phrasing the question chills me. If there is life on Mars, I believe we should do nothing with Mars. Mars then belongs to the Martians, even if [they] are only microbes.”

Musk, by contrast, is encouraging a feeling of entitlement to the cosmos—that we can and must colonize space, regardless of who or what might be there, all for a long-shot chance at security.

Huh. There’s a fair amount to disagree with here.

Firstly, Sagan, much as I like a lot of what he did, was wrong about the microbes. If there are Martian microbes… great, wonderful, huzzah. If they do not pose a threat to terrestrial life – and they probably wouldn’t – then the proper place for them in the future is in the Marsopolis Public Zoo And Museum. Life on Mars had its shot. The planet is dying, if not already dead; if Mars is to become a living world, it will be because humans do it. Microbes do not have rights; they certainly do not have the right to Mars that even *rabbits* do.

Now, if the author wants to get into a debate about what right to life alien microbes have, I can put her in touch with some folks who have some things to say about the right to life of human embryos.That, I suspect, would make for some entertaining debating.

Secondly, her dismissal of Musks notions about colonizing Mars: the man is right. We, especially the Western World, more especially America, *should* feel entitled to the cosmos. Whenever I hear some woke MFer tell me to “stay in my lane,” my immediate response is “Lady, I’m an American: the entire accessible universe is my lane. See you on Titan, chump!”

Everywhere we look in the heavens we see resources free for the taking. And everywhere we look – at least so far – we see no sign of those resources being owned. It’s a universe of riches and possibilities, and it is, so far as we can tell, friggen’ empty. It’s not just our right to colonize, commercialize, industrialize and exploit, it’s our responsibility. Everywhere we go for the most mundane or venal reasons, we will take along the ecosystem of Earth, or at least some fraction thereof. We will spread life throughout the cosmos.

Woke nags like this sure as hell won’t, though.

Legitimate reasons exist to feel concerned for long-term human survival, and, yes, having the ability to travel more efficiently throughout the solar system would be good. But I question anyone among the richest people in the world who sells a story of caring so much for human survival that he must send rockets into space. Someone in his position could do so many things on our little blue dot itself to help those in need.

To laugh at Sagan’s words is to miss the point entirely: There really is only one true home for us—and we’re already here.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhgh. Do I have to trot out Tsiolkovsky?

There was only one true home for us… the Olduvai Gorge. Until it wasn’t.

And note how she seems to think that *she* should be able to tell Musk how to spend his money. How many billionaires are there on Earth who *aren’t* spending their funds on building rockets? How many middle east oil billionaires are blowing far more than Musk is on SpaceX on truly useless self-aggrandizing crap? Why isn’t the author over yonder protesting the building – often with virtual slave labor – of vast and rather silly skyscrapers in the desert, or giant artificial island complexes? Why aren’t these billionaires instead following Israeli leads and making their deserts bloom?

Nah. Easier to whine about rockets because reasons.

I truly hope that Martian colonial craft will have names like “the Cecil Rhodes” and “the Rudyard Kipling.”

 Posted by at 8:19 pm