Jan 142022

A few boxes of books finally showed up, shipped from Britain. Not as many as I’d planned on getting; with luck, one or two more boxes are simply working their way through the system slower than the others. UPDATE: the rest showed up. However, I can only make firm plans for the books I actually have on hand.

I plan on selling signed, numbered and dated copies for $55 each plus shipping (cheap in the US, but doubtless ridiculously expensive elsewhere… international postage is nuts these days). To sweeten the deal, these will all come with three 18X24 signed, numbered and dated prints of the B-47 and B-52.

To start off, I will auction off the first five copies. To sweeten *that* deal, numbers 3,4 and 5 will have a fourth 18X24 print… from the currently in-progress Book 3. Numbers 1 and 2 will have an additional 18X24, also from Book 3. The subject of Book 3 has not been made public yet, but I trust that it and the diagrams will be of considerable interest to anyone who has purchased “SR-71” and “B-47/B-52.”

The auction will be simple: send me your bid (in excess of $55) and the highest bid gets #1, second highest gets #2, and so on. Send your bid to scottlowther@up-ship.com before the end of the day Sunday.

After that I will sell off the other signed copies, starting with those who signed up. Hopefully more will arrive by that point, but for right now it looks like There will be a grand total of only 18 23 signed and numbered copies on the entire planet. So… who knows. Collectors items.

 Posted by at 1:57 am
Jan 072022

A video from the University of Hertfordshire’s Bayfordbury Observatory shows the James Webb Space telescope drifting across the starfield. If you look closely you can also make out two asteroids… one that seems almost to be moving along with the telescope, and another, fainter moving dot in the upper right. The sky is *full* of stuff, if you know how to see it.

 Posted by at 11:30 am
Jan 042022


Sunshield Successfully Deploys on NASA’s Next Flagship Telescope


 Posted by at 6:28 pm
Jan 042022

The Lockheed Skunk Works A-12 was the immediate predecessor of the SR-71, a single seat recon vehicle in some ways a bit superior to the SR-71, in others not as good. One of the odder ideas put forward was to use the A-12 to carry a modified Polaris missile with a recon satellite on a once-around mission… a way to turn the Mach 3+ A-12 into a global range hypersonic, nearly orbit-capable recon platform. It was bonkers, but the math checked out; nevertheless it was not built. It is described in greater detail in:

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird – Origins & Evolution

Available either directly through the publisher or through Amazon.

 Posted by at 3:14 am
Dec 252021

The James Webb Space Telescohas successfully launched

There will be no Hubble-like servicing of this when things go wrong. Much of that is due to the fact that it is being launched towards the Earth-Sun L2 LaGrange point, about 1.5 million kilometers away from Earth (further out from the sun). NASA currently has no manned spacecraft that can reach L2. Eventually such spacecraft will become available… modified Dragon capsules, Starship or even the laughably over budget and behind schedule Orion and Starliner capsules should be able to get there. But even when such spacecraft become available, Webb wasn’t designed to be maintained, so when a part breaks and needs replacement it likely won’t actually be replacable. Consequently, much of the mission risk for Webb remains even though the launch was successful.

It will take about a month to reach the L2 point. While l2 is a stable position, it will still require perhaps 4 meters per second of station keeping per year. Total delta V budget is 150 meter per second, so if all goes well lifespan could still be as short as  37.5 years. Development began in 1996, with an initially planed launch of 2007, so it took a quarter century to actually design, build and launch; any conceivable improvement/replacement using the same bureaucracy could *easily* take far longer than Webb’s actual lifespan. There is cause to hope that if Starship is successful that the whole paradigm that resulted in Webb taking 14 or so extra years could be replaced by a much more rational world of spacecraft development. If it really does become possible to launch large and heavy spacecraft quickly and orders of magnitude more cheaply, then it will be possible to design and build spacecraft more capable than Webb, much cheaper than Webb, because they won’t need to shave off every last milligram like Webb.

 Posted by at 8:17 am
Dec 192021

A ca. 1966 promotional film for NASA, describing the events of 1965 and planned future events.

Man, I’m jealous: for a brief time in the early/mid 1960’s, the future for space exploration looked spectacular. And then

Now NASA seems wholly directionless. There’s SLS, a massively over budget, massively behind schedule rocket that has no program to support. the US can’t even make adequate quantities of plutonium to support a decent production run of RTGs for unmanned probes.

It’s not impossible that days like this could come again; SpaceX and Starship could make it happen. But while Apollo relied on a base of hundreds of thousands of employees and contractors, SpaceX relies on *one* *guy* to maintain focus. Something happens to Elon Musk, and it’s entirely possible that SpaceX will fall into the hands of suits who decide that wasting all that money on risky and seemingly unprofitable “advancement” ain’t worth doing.


 Posted by at 12:39 am
Dec 182021

SpaceX has recently released a video summary of their May, 2021, launch of the SN15 Starship test vehicle. it’s real, real pretty.


UPDATE: huh, the video got yoinked. Looking at the SpaceX YouTube video library, it looks like it, might have been just a repost of this video from May:

Their live stream of the launch was buggy due to difficulties in sending the video down live:

 Posted by at 12:13 pm