Jan 112021

So, we get this article:

Danish proposal on translating sermons gets pushback from Church

It seems that there are sermons in Denmark that are not in Danish. Arabic, as the case seems to be. And that irritates some people, because it is not only exclusionary, it excludes the very people who allowed those sermonizers to come into Denmark in the first place. And so, not have a First Amendment, this law has been put forward.

OK, shrug, that’s for the Danes to deal with.

The line that stood out to me:

Blah, blah, blah said Precious Blood Sister Anna Mirijam Kaschner, general secretary and spokeswoman of the Nordic bishops’ conference.

“Precious Blood Sister?”

Ummm… I *can’t* be the only one to read that and suddenly get an image of an angry woman in power armor wielding a chainsaw sword in the service of the Emperor of Mankind, can I?

 Posted by at 10:09 pm
Nov 202020

If’n you’re looking for a few minutes of nothing much punctuated by someone getting the nonsense knocked out of ’em, this video’s for you:

An explanation:

Disgraced master ‘walks away from kung fu’ after fresh online mockery

In short: a Chinese “martial arts master” got his ass handily handed to him by an amateur boxer. Why? Because a *lot* of martial arts is more akin to dance and ritual than actual fighting. The more “spiritual” you are with it, the more reality is likely to come up and knock you upside the head. And with the bonus that a lot of these “masters” are just schmucks who *claim* to be masters based on… well, nothing much. Sometimes they are charlatans. But often they seem more like cult leaders who have bought into their own BS. And thus they willingly get into a ring with someone with ACTUAL beatyerass skills and get their ass beat. They actually think their nonsense about “energy” and “chi” and assorted babble will actually protect them from someone who knows how to throw a punch or deliver a kick.

History has shown that reliance on spiritualism, the supernatural, God, angels, whatever, doesn’t do diddly to protect you against kinetic energy. As the saying goes, “God helps those who shoot first at extreme range with good large-caliber rifles with excellent well-calibrated optics.” Or something like that.

 Posted by at 8:23 pm
Oct 302020

I never quite “got” religion… not until I started reading HP Lovecraft and finally grokked the concept of “Cosmic Horror.” With that understood, I could finally kinda understand religion, just not as most religious folks would prefer it. I read tales of some god or other flipping his marbles and wiping out a family, a city, a world, and I see it as not a miraculous wonder but a Grade-A Cosmic Horror. And then when you get to the idea of a soul that can exist forever… yeesh. Couple that with the concept of damnation, or even just a soul getting twisted up to serve as little more than an MP3 player spitting out “holy holy holy” for all of eternity, and the horror approached mind-snapping levels.

But you don’t even need to deal with “God” to get to horrifically terrifying madness inducement. The Bible, for example, speaks of angels. These are often depicted as men or women with wings, but the Biblical descriptions of at least the seraphim – the highest “order” of angels –  read like something Lovecraft would have dreamed up while tripping on an overdose of LSD.


HPL came up with some doozies. But nothing compares with the idea that you have an immortal soul and that you could spend an eternity being tortured because you did not follow rules that not only did you not understand, but were perhaps quite unaware of and perhaps they would have been impossible for you to follow (quick: don’t think of an elephant). In HPL’s world, for humans dead is dead, pretty much. But in religion, dead is just the start of an eternity of madness and agony. For HPL, the “gods” don’t care about you. In religion, the gods *do.* And chances are very high that they despise you. Wheeeeee.

 Posted by at 12:25 am
Sep 282020

Dont’ click the link unless you want your intelligence to be insulted and your sense of reason to be assaulted:

The Hottest Thing a Man Can Do Is Not Be a Jerk About Astrology

Where the author opines that disliking astrology is a sign not just of toxic masculinity but toxic heterosexual masculinity. Because women can’t dislike astrology. Nor can gay guys. Or non-alpha-male straight guys. Nope. All those people must, by definition, be on board with the dipshit notion that where the planets were when you were born or decanted has important bearings on your demeanor and destiny Because Reasons.

I will quote this much, because it’s hilarious:

Straight men, the internet has a question for you: Why do you hate astrology so much?

Hannah Ewers was among the first to pose the query in a 2018 Vice article, followed by Leah Thomas writing for Cosmopolitan the next year. The answers they found, based on interviews with real, red-blooded, astrology-hating straight men, are more or less what you might expect, because they’re probably ones you yourself have given: It’s “not real,” it’s girl stuff, or, as one particularly charming 20-something told Ewers, “If you try to bring up that shit with me, I’ll think you’re a mindless bimbo.”

Uh, yeah. In particular… “it’s not real.” Because astrology is… hmmm, let’s see, how do I put this succinctly… NOT REAL. But the author then goes on to say that the real reason is because astrology is “coded” as feminine (thus coming as a surprise the all the male astrologers of the last 6,000 years), and straight men are programmed to hate women (coming as a surprise to all the straight men who love women). Also included in this piece is the argument that men should at least pretend to like it as a dating strategy, because women pretend to like sportsball or anime or whatever to get in good with guys. But there’s a difference: someone might “like” something without believing that it actually works or exists. I might like ghost stories without believing in ghosts. But astrology… it’s effectively a religion. Pretending to be a particular religion for the purpose of scoring some tail seems a tad unethical, not to mention dangerous. And lying to someone to get them into the sack? Not only does that sound morally dubious at best, it is sometimes legally actionable.

The “expert” the author goes to then links a “fault” in men’s psyche that leads to “astro-shaming” to murder-suicides. So that’s the sort of mentats we’re dealing with here.


 Posted by at 1:37 pm
Sep 252020

There seems to be a race to see who can prop up the absolutely *dumbest* possible ideas, backed up by lies and distortions. In this era of “hands up don’t shoot” and setting cities on fire for racial justice (i.e. communism), let’s not forget that there’s a particular form of dishonest dumb that has been around for more than a century, continues to be dishonest and dumb, and just refuses to go the frak away: young-Earth creationists.

Origin of Tectonic Plates Best Explained by the Flood

Because *of* *course* they believe that anything that science cannot currently explain with absolute certainty – and many things that it can – can only be explained by bronze-age sheep herders.

Friggen’ B-Arkers…

 Posted by at 7:32 pm
Jul 312020

Nearly 2/3 of voters say progressive activists will respond with violence if Trump wins reelection


Nearly Half Of Young Americans Say It’s Okay To Fire People Who Support Trump

Forty-four percent of Americans younger than age 30 believe a company is correct in firing an executive because he or she personally donated to President Trump’s reelection campaign.

Which links to:

62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

Nearly a third (32%) of employed Americans say they personally are worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions became known.

Imagine that. If 40% of Millenials and GenZers think it’s a great idea to fire people for being pro-Trump, it should hardly come as a surprise that a third of the public is afraid for their jobs.

We are most likely in the early stages of the Crazy Years.

 Posted by at 3:12 pm
Jul 252020

It does, however, answer the question about whether of not they’ve got actual real firearms and not just a bunch of airsoft toys.

Louisville protests descend into chaos when armed protester accidentally shoots members of his group, injuring 3

This is the black supremacist NFAC cult, previously discussed when they marched to Stone Mountain and demanded their own ethnostate such as Texas.

Notice how these anti-police protestors are pretty fargin’ quick to let the police help when they start shooting each other.



 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Jul 162020

Sometimes the way in which people dance around in order to avoid answering a question, answers the question. Such as here where the subject of slavery vs. employment results in many minutes of avoided the question “which is a happier society, the one with freedom or the one with slavery?”

This is what you get when someone believes something that they know society knows to be bunk. In this case the guy seems to believe that it’s just fine to enslave people because his religion tells him so… but the society in which he lives doesn’t believe that. But then, I wonder why he hesitates… it’s not like people are burning down and vandalizing *his* religious institutions, even though their support of slavery is much more recent – to the point of “right now, still” – than others who are getting attacked.

 Posted by at 8:38 pm