Dont’ click the link unless you want your intelligence to be insulted and your sense of reason to be assaulted:
Where the author opines that disliking astrology is a sign not just of toxic masculinity but toxic heterosexual masculinity. Because women can’t dislike astrology. Nor can gay guys. Or non-alpha-male straight guys. Nope. All those people must, by definition, be on board with the dipshit notion that where the planets were when you were born or decanted has important bearings on your demeanor and destiny Because Reasons.
I will quote this much, because it’s hilarious:
Straight men, the internet has a question for you: Why do you hate astrology so much?
Hannah Ewers was among the first to pose the query in a 2018 Vice article, followed by Leah Thomas writing for Cosmopolitan the next year. The answers they found, based on interviews with real, red-blooded, astrology-hating straight men, are more or less what you might expect, because they’re probably ones you yourself have given: It’s “not real,” it’s girl stuff, or, as one particularly charming 20-something told Ewers, “If you try to bring up that shit with me, I’ll think you’re a mindless bimbo.”
Uh, yeah. In particular… “it’s not real.” Because astrology is… hmmm, let’s see, how do I put this succinctly… NOT REAL. But the author then goes on to say that the real reason is because astrology is “coded” as feminine (thus coming as a surprise the all the male astrologers of the last 6,000 years), and straight men are programmed to hate women (coming as a surprise to all the straight men who love women). Also included in this piece is the argument that men should at least pretend to like it as a dating strategy, because women pretend to like sportsball or anime or whatever to get in good with guys. But there’s a difference: someone might “like” something without believing that it actually works or exists. I might like ghost stories without believing in ghosts. But astrology… it’s effectively a religion. Pretending to be a particular religion for the purpose of scoring some tail seems a tad unethical, not to mention dangerous. And lying to someone to get them into the sack? Not only does that sound morally dubious at best, it is sometimes legally actionable.
The “expert” the author goes to then links a “fault” in men’s psyche that leads to “astro-shaming” to murder-suicides. So that’s the sort of mentats we’re dealing with here.