I ain’t a Christian. I also do not like magic (as in the fictional supernatural stuff, not what Penn & teller do on stage). And yet… I’ve been a fan of the Lord of the Rings and associated works since the 80’s. The LotR books are slopping over with obvious and not so obvious Christian themes and ideas, and with wizards and magic and such… and they’re awesome, because they’re well written and, importantly, *not* *stupid.* I do not have to be an adherent to a particular religion to recognize when someone is drawing inspiration from it.
My recommendation is to give the article linked above a pass (it is, after all, likely mere click- and rage-bait, designed to drive traffic by claiming something so fundamentally stupid that you’ll go there to rage-read, comment and drive up ad revenue) and go straight to the YouTube debunking of this nonsense:
UPDATE: Watchign it now. There is substnatial uncomfortableness on display… the culture of Elon Musk is clearly different from that of The Babylon Bee. Musk is autistic, the BB guys are outgoing; there is some clash there. And Musk loves him some expletives; not only do they censor that, you can *feel* them cringing away. Heh.
UPDATED UPDATE: Blast. This isn’t the whole interview; it looks like some of the best bits are tucked behind a subscription paywall. Bah.
UPDATED UPDATED UPDATE: The Babylon Bee posted the fully full interview; I’ve replaced the truncated one above with the full version. The second part starts about 49 minutes in. I’ve started watching again… it starts *right* off with Musk making a point I have before that humanity is the only species that can make spaceships and spread life elsewhere. he then promptly goes on to smack-talk the story of Noah’s Ark, which joke goes over like a lead balloon with that group. Heh.
“Entropy: the ultimate enemy. You thought the Devil was bad? Try entropy. Try getting away from that.” Ha!
“… maybe what we have here is a very, very rare situation, a brief flickering of consciousness, like a little candle in a vast darkness. And we should not let that little candle go out.”
Back in the 80’s if you wanted some high-quality censorship, you had to look to the Right… at least, the Christian Fundamentalist part of it. Church and parent groups freaked out about Dungeons and Dragons, and heavy metal music, and video games, and just about anything else that might be seen as fun, and those groups tried to ban or restrict them. Starting in the 90’s, though, the censorship pendulum began to swing *hard* the other way and for decades we’ve been dealing with power-mad Leftists trying to scrape society clean of the things they don’t like.
The “progressives” have had their shot… and they pushed too hard. Now it appears that on local and some state levels, right-wingers are pushing, with some success, for censorship of their own. So far, these are efforts to ban schools from mandating or even having certain texts. In many cases, these make sense: the drive to get rid of fraudulent racist agitprop like CRT and 1619 Project stuff. For the same reason children aren’t allowed to wander into R-rated movies, children should be guided through controversial or difficult subjects, and schools should *not* be teaching factually flawed topics, never mind factually flawed topics designed to psychologically harm the kiddies.
And in many cases, the individual works being banned are only faintly relevant, but it is understandable why they’ve been targeted. For too long the progressives pushed too hard; I suspect history might well show that “Drag Queen Story Hour” was the point where a whole lot of parents said “ok, I’m done pretending, that’s too much perversion for me,” and decided to just sweep the decks of anything remotely resembling that sort of nonsense. And in some cases, the books being banned don’t make any sense whatsoever apart from someone having simply read the title or done a keyword search.
The pendulum has not of course fully swung. These right-wing efforts are aimed at keeping these books from the libraries of publicly-funded schools. Progressive censorship, on the other hand, is aimed at preventing their targeted books from being published *at* *all,* to maintain a grip on the entirety of permissible thought. “Yeah, but both sides” does not really apply here given the massive disparity in goals and reach; let’s not forget that it was BLM that burned book stores.
There are limited hours in the day, and in the school year. There are subjects that schools should teach, and skills and knowledge that they *need* to impart. And then there are things that would be *nice* to teach, time and resources permitting. And then there’s “what the hell is this nonsense” that there’s really no good place for in school.
Turns out, “get woke go broke” has some merit to it.
The Salvation Army is current soliciting donations for the Kentucky tornado victims. Thing is… there are other charity organizations you can donate to. Charities that didn’t sell their souls to the CRT ghouls. The Salvation Army needs to collapse and then be rebuilt sans all the morons who signed off on their racist ideological nonsense. Same for any other organization or business that has dabbled with CRT and related grifts.
Long ago, New Zealand made the Soviet Union smile when it banned any form of nuclear power – RTGs, reactors, bombs – in their territory. This meant that US naval vessels such as aircraft carriers and subs were banned from New Zealand waters, making that region just a little bit safer for Soviet interests. Well, the Soviets may be gone, but the anti-science mindset that they set in motion in the West continues to gain steam. behold:
…Professor Garth Cooper, who is suddenly in the news because he is under disciplinary investigation by the Royal Society Te Apārangi, the nation’s premier organisation promoting science and the humanities.
Cooper is a Fellow of the society and — alongside eminent philosopher of science Robert Nola — risks being expelled from the nation’s most prestigious academic club.
The reason for the investigation is that Cooper and Nola were among seven professors who wrote to the Listener in July questioning a government working group’s proposal to give mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) parity with what were described as other “bodies of knowledge” — “particularly Western / Pākehā epistemologies” — in the school science curriculum.
In other words, Māori knowledge would effectively be given equal standing with physics, chemistry and biology.
Short form: superstition and anti-science are to be granted equal standing. Even questioning that could cost you your career.
Yes, “indigenous groups” around the planet (i.e. cultures based on backwards pre-Enlightnement, pre-scientific superstitions) do know a lot of useful stuff. People who live in jungle areas often know that “this plant will cure a headache, that one will fight malaria, this one will kill ya dead.” That’s useful *knowledge,* but it’s not *science.* Science is a method to discern the truth, to separate signal from noise. To suggest that “well, this is what we’ve always believed, so it’s as valid as five hundred years of careful trial and error and methodical study and attempts at falsification and revision of hypothesis when data comes in” is not just wrong, it’s stupid. The only people who can see this sort of development as a good thing are people who want to see civilizations collapse.
The West used to know what to do with people who worked against their own countries to aid, knowingly or not, their nations enemies.
YouTube decided that I needed to see the video below. It’s from a channel I’d not previously heard of, one that seems to be a pro-Lutheran satirical religious channel. Most of the time, that’s a description I’d generally pass on… but hey, the Babylon Bee pushes a religious agenda that I generally don’t agree with or have much use for, and they’re funny as hell and generally politically insightful. So i took a look. It’s not hilarious, but it makes a valid point: if you are going to try to batter someone for their political views based on what you think their religious views are, maybe you aughtta have some understanding of them. And there is a case to be made that if you think their religion is bunk, using their religion to batter them for their politics does at least to an extent not make much sense. Because if Jeebus is fictional, his opinions on this that or the other are kinda pointless.
Of course there is also the possible valid counter-argument of “you’re being hypocritical.” If your religion clearly and distinctly says Pro-X, and your politics says Anti-X, then the two are in conflict. And if you use your pro-X religion to buttress your anti-X politics, then… well, that ain’t right.
Example: politicians who claim that their Christian faith causes them to be opposed to the personal ownership of defensive weapons.
King James Bible Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
The way this is written, it seems reasonably certain that the driver was not having a medical episode, or fell asleep or anything like that, but did this intentionally. Reference is made to a cop shooting at them. No info as yet about who the driver was or what the motivation might have been… but people intentionally ramming Christmas festivities with sizable vehicles is not exactly an unknown occurrence.
UPDATE: A recording of police radio *seems* to give a description of the driver and his name. If this is accurate… well, let’s just say that BLM and the anti-Kenosha Kid forces will probably not have a lot to say.
Video of the “incident.” Let’s see if this gets the play that the less-fatal Charlottesville attack got.
TRIGGER WARNING: 🚨DISTURBING VIDEO🚨A viewer sent in horrifying video the moment a red SUV plowed through a crowd during the #Waukesha Holiday Parade. Its currently unclear how many people have been injured. Updates to come on @tmj4pic.twitter.com/u6q10VgTJ1
EDIT: the above video was scrubbed from twitter because of course it was. Here is a link to it on Bitchute.
BREAKING: First video of a red Ford Escape breaking through barriers after mowing down parade goers and firing rifle into crowd in Waukesha, WI pic.twitter.com/QHDi2fsKDz
This fine upstanding citizen has a number of rap videos, at least until they get deleted. And yes, his “rap music” is as talent-free as you might expect. Interestingly, his murder weapon – the Ford SUV – is on display in this video. Kinda curious how long until YouTube yanks the vids…
It’s no wonder he went bugnuts… he thought the idiot noise he was making was actual music. Maybe someone played him some Pat Boone and his brain finally snapped. I shudder to imagine what might have occurred had he been exposed to some Beethoven. He might have undergone complete proton reversal.
Whenever you hear about religious whackadoodles in the US, the press makes sure to point out that they are “right wing.” Fact is… the left is loaded to the gills with their own religious nuts. And this isn’t even referring to those who have accepted The Environment or The Historical Dialectic or all the rest as their proxy religion; I mean honest-to-Odin *real* old school fire and brimstone Christianity. Like those arguing for Young Earth Creationism, these religious crackpots are perfectly happy to lie right to your face.
A Lakehead University professor and her research team in partnership with traditional knowledge holders and Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig Health Access Centre (WNHAC) are receiving $1.2 million in CIHR funding to explore the efficacy of using traditional healing to prevent cancer.
Dr. Lana Ray, Assistant Professor in Indigenous Learning at Lakehead and the University’s Indigenous Research Chair in Decolonial Futures, will work with WNHAC, traditional knowledge holders, and researchers from Lakehead University, Nipissing University and the University of Toronto to carry out the work over five years.
This project will implement traditional healing activities to address the impacts of colonialism in WNHAC’s service area. It will evaluate the impacts of the intervention through a pre- and post-design that will explore and measure risks and protective factors.
Using an Indigenous mixed methods research approach, this study will privilege Indigenous ways of knowing and doing and tangible outcomes for Indigenous communities through the implementation of medicine camps and traditional health practitioner visits.
“When we do this, we also begin to think of cancer as a symptom of colonialism, which allows for expanded approaches to primary and secondary cancer prevention.”
Colonialism is fundamentally about severing Anishinaabe peoples’ deep spiritual relationships to land. The anti-thesis to that is Anishinaabe systems of traditional healing that are grounded in a deep love and respect for the land and the knowledge that it possesses, Dr. Ray explained.
That’s *glorious.* Not only are they woke, they’re willing to put peoples lives at risk to prove it. And when it inevitably proves to be of little or negative value, rest assured that they’ll blame colonialism for the failure of their bone-headed superstitious gibberish.
A taxi passenger seems to have set off a bomb in a taxi outside a hospital in Liverpool, England. Remarkably, the taxi driver not only survived, but is apparently already out of the hospital.
Note that the news coverage gives the identity of the taxi driver and shows his face (there is no suspicion that the taxi driver did anything wrong), but the identity and photos of the bomber, and several of his compatriots who have been arrested? Hidden. Odd, that.