Oct 092022

I have been astonished since the Russian invasion of Ukraine by support for Putin by many on the Right in the US. They support him for a few main reasons, seemingly:

1) Ukraine was well known as being corrupt (witness Hunter Biden).

2) Putin has been standing up against a lot of the things the Right stands up against… in particular, leftist lunacy.

3) Putin is “pro-Christian.”

Yeah, about #3…

Putin ally threatens to turn Chechens loose on Russian dissidents

Putin is apparently contemplating unleashing foreign Muslims onto Russian Christians. Is… is this “defending Christianity?”

 Posted by at 12:13 am
Oct 062022

It baffles and distresses me to know that people who were born *after* the religious attacks of 9/11 are old enough to vote and join the military and be screwed over by the tax system. I didn’t see this now nearly year-old remastering of the Jules Naudet video of the first airplane impact until just now. This was one of the most astonishing things ever caught on video, now clearer than ever before.

Never forget. Never forgive.

 Posted by at 10:44 am
Sep 282022



When I was a kid, the British Army patrolled cities in Northern Ireland. Why are they not now patrolling the cities of England? They could be kept busy for *weeks* grabbing riotous foreigners and tossing them onto deportation flights.



 Posted by at 3:58 pm
Sep 212022

… this one was kinda weird.

Anyway, today I took a nap which ended with an attempted nightmare. I say “attempted” because it had the trappings of a nightmare, but I kinda watched it happen second-hand. I’m not one for true lucid dreaming, but I often have dreams where I’m more observer than main character. I don’t seem to be able to control the dream as those who lucid dream can, but I can hit the “eject” button from time to time. This makes a lot of what should be “nightmares” into “horror movies.”

As the dream began, I understood the world I was in. A “zombie apocalypse” had occurred, but was apparently largely over. Things were trashed, but it wasn’t The End for mankind, though apparently there were a lot less of us. I – or at least the main character of the dream – was alone in something like a old folks home, retirement center, combo apartments/hospital, something like that. It was long abandoned, power off, but the hallway was fairly well lit via sunlight coming in the windows of the rooms off the hallway. The place was filled with cats… normal, non-zombie felines who didn’t seem to pay me much mind one way or the other. I had a sawed-off shotgun and a flashlight and was going room to room looking for something (don’t know what, though I seemed determined to find it). The place was dank, a bit damaged, but silent except for some muted meowing from the cats.

One door was closed. As I went to it, the cats began to gather around, silently. They didn’t hiss or growl, but they had that determined look that cats get when they are twitchy. The door opened without protest; the room beyond was near pitch black. Went inside, shotgun in right hand, flashlight in left, and began to sweep the room. The cats gathered out in the hall and watched me but did nothing else. Standard depressing nursing home room… bed, dressers, knick-knacks. Seemed empty… until someone started speaking from a dark corner. Quickly turned to find an old lady sitting in a chair in a pitch black corner, calmly talking to me. Difficulty: she was a zombie, and in a pretty bad way. I understood that in this world, zombies don’t think, much less talk. But this one was calmly chatting away. I don’t remember a single word she said, but what stuck with me was that she Knew Things. She knew who I was, though the old lady was nobody I’d ever met. And she knew things about the world. Why things had happened, and what the future held, and what the larger motives were. She didn’t move, didn’t threaten, but she was malevolent. And the mind chatting away was not the old ladies, but something else. Something I recognized to be vast.

It was at that point that “movie goer me” decided to hit the “eject” button. I recall that as I woke up I actually said “haha, no.”

I suspect a good author could make something of this story. I’d like to figure out how to incorporate it into “War With The Deep Ones,” though there are no zombies in that. The obvious approach would be to have a Deep One get caught and say such things, but that would lose much of the impact: a monster telling you horrible things might be bad, but a little old *dead* lady telling you the same things is a door straight to “nope.”


Anyway, enough about babbling zombies. Back to Joe Biden and Vlad Putin.

 Posted by at 11:53 pm
Aug 312022

Some progress on the story of the assistant principal who screwed himself by explaining how he screwed others:

There is a brief snippet of an interview with James O’Keefe. The biggest irony here is that the reporter goes to some effort to point out that the videos that PV released were edited… and yet, the news station released only a tiny fraction of their interview with O’Keefe. You know… some edited bits. Here’s the full thing, released by PV:

 Posted by at 10:01 pm
Aug 282022

The Conflict Between The West And Russia Is A Religious One

The war currently underway in Ukraine, which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia, is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular.

Ummm. Color me stunned, he goes on to implicate Da Jooooz.

Westerners – especially those who style themselves “conservatives” – who think that Putin is anything but a KGB  thug baffle me.

 Posted by at 9:12 pm
Aug 252022

I’m all in favor of megaprojects. Hell, some years ago I made a pretty good stab at a book on the subject… half history of such projects, half illustrated manual of such projects, and half manifesto calling for mankind to plow ahead with such projects. Things like solar power satellites, O’Neill habitats, supra-mundane terraforming, orbital rings, terraformed asteroids (inside and out), Dyson swarms, all that. If mankind is going to make it long-term, we are going to have to do such things, and do rather a lot of them. We will eventually tear apart whole solar systems to rebuild them better. And to get from Here to There, we are going to have to do a lot of intermediate projects… and a lot of them will fail. I suspect that a fair proportion of the early space habitats will turn into disasters; early Mars colonies will be death traps; solar power satellites will fold up like origami. It’s sad, but it’s likely inevitable. It’s not like the history of Europeans colonizing the world was a history of unalloyed success from the get-go; there are whole colonies that just up and friggen’ vanished. But humans learn from such things and do better the next time… and soon enough, the same people who vanished like a fart in the wind at Roanoke have built New York City.

That said: not all megaprojects sound like good ideas. Some that seem like they are probably technically feasible sound like logistic or sociological nightmares. Such is the case with The Line, a whackadoo concept for a skyscraper taller than the Empire State Building… and hundreds of kilometers long. Worse, they want to build the thing in the desert. Worst, they want to build it in *Arabia.* No matter how bad your idea is, building it in a backwards theocratic superstitious cesspit will make your idea even worse.

 Posted by at 12:52 am
Aug 122022

After thirty years living under  “fatwa” calling for his death issued by a head of a branch of a Surt-worshipping cult, author Salman Rushdie was stabbed in the neck today in New York state. Reports are that the injuries are pretty bad, but info so far is pretty slim. There’s gonna be some questions as to why the man didn’t have a small army of bodyguards.

Check the comments on some of those tweet… there are people openly praising the attack because, to them, saying anything negative about their primitive superstitions is a “crime” punishable by death. This is the mindset that Britain, for example, is welcoming in by the boatload.

Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle must be checking the status of their security team payment plans.

 Posted by at 3:55 pm
Aug 092022

The last few days the media has been giddy over a series of murders in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Over a short span, four separate murders of Muslim immigrants have been linked to a likely single killer, a story with Certain Political Implications.

But then…

APD: Man charged for 2 murders of Muslim men

Albuquerque police arrested 51-year-old Muhammad Syed Tuesday in connection to two killings of Muslim men.


Ah, the beauty and majesty of cultural enrichment.

Watch this story go *poof*.

 Posted by at 5:45 pm