Oct 232019

The post from yesterday bemoaning the dire fate of a big pile of books? The post actually bore fruit. Someone posted a comment linking to the post over at http://accordingtohoyt.com/, someone else reasonably local saw it and decided that those books deserve a better fate. My house is now *far* less loaded with books; a small minivan left here a few hours ago loaded to the gills with books. So, huzzah! On rare occasions, something akin to social media actually results in good things.

This was all the more gratifying after watching the new homeowners this morning, who didn’t know I had just walked in the room, talking smack about sci-fi and dumping several shelves of my childhood collection of Star Trek paperbacks directly into the trash. They would not even entertain the notion of trying to sell them (one I talked to seemed baffled by the concept of doing anything with the books *other* than trashing them). They have their one book, it seems, and anything beyond that is intended to lead them from the True Path. Grrrr.

In other news: in a few hours, I’m out. I will likely be out of meaningful communications for a couple days as I cross the land in a car loaded with cats and stuff, and then out of regular communications for some time after that as I try to stabilize and find regular internet access.

 Posted by at 9:45 pm
Oct 072019

If you *ever* watch television, chances are real good you’ve seen commercials for those “Shen Yun” live dancing performances. From time to time the advertisements seem to be all over the place… according to Google they hit Salt Lake city in 2018 and 2019, and are due back in early 2020, before which there will be a wall-to-wall local advertising blitz. Beyond noting the excessive advertising, I’ve not really paid much attention to Shen Yun because… well, why would I? I can think of a few “entertainment options” more painful than “traditional Chinese dancing” (“A Night with Yoko Ono” springs to mind), but not a *lot* of them. I’ve no interest in *western* dancing shows or even western Opera, so I sure as hell don’t want to subject myself to weirder, lower-quality imports. So, I’ve never given Shen Yun any further thought.

Turns out it’s worth paying attention to. Not because it’s necessarily any good, but because it is a part of the propaganda arm of the Falun Gung cult. It’s not even “Chinese” as such, since the head office is (of course) in New York City, and the “traditional Chinese dancing” is about as authentically traditional as Disney’s Mulan. As such, Americans should avoid it. Sure, it’s great doing things that annoy the communist Chinese government, but a cult is a cult, whether it’s Falun Gong or Scientology or the Klan or the Hare Krishnas or the Transcendental Meditation weirdos or the Discovery Institute or PETA or  some flying saucer religion or the Democratic Socialists. Such things are just plain unhealthy.

For all I know, the cultish nature of these Leapin’ Chinese Shows is common knowledge that I’ve some how missed (looking up “Shen Yun” and “cult” on google, there’s certainly a whole lot out there). But if not… here ya go. If your significant other starts harping on you to go to one of these things, state that as a proud American you’ll have nothing to do with this nonsensical nonsense.

Here’s an interesting write-up about it:

Stepping Into the Uncanny, Unsettling World of Shen Yun

At some point in the show, which sounds like the sort of flashy, noisy pap that art snobs would wet themselves over in order to earn themselves a few Diversity Points, the narrator or whatever comes out and says:

“We follow Dafa, the Great Way,” he began, singing about a Creator who saved mankind and made the world anew. “Atheism and evolution are deadly ideas. Modern trends destroy what makes us human,” he sang.

ᛖᚪᛏ ᛗᚤ ᚪᛋᛋ, Shen Yun.

Falun Gon vs. ChiComs, LaRouchies vs. Democratic Socialists, Nazis vs. Commies: Let Them Fight. Just stay out of the middle of it.

 Posted by at 11:14 am
Oct 052019

As is probably news to nobody at this point, a few days ago Bubbles Cortez had a public town hall event where a woman stood up and went on and on about how the Green New Deal was cool and all, but it didn’t go far enough. Rather, in order to save the planet, we need to EAT THE BABIES. As it turned out, the woman was not a generic crackpot, but a plant from the Lyndon LaRouche PAC.

As anyone who remembers the 1980’s can attest, LaRouche was…interesting. He ran for President as an independent and sometimes as a Democrat  running on policies that were part arch-conservative, part conspiracy theorist. He touted space-based weapons and fusion power, but thought the Brits were ruling the world or something and had his people protest Richard Wagner concert Because Reasons. But the important thing to remember was that for about the first half of his life he was a devoted Communist; when the Commies basically booted him out for being too weird even for them, he, like Mussolini before him, turned from a devoted and devout far leftist into a pseudo right-winger. Never, EVER trust anyone who was ever a Communist or a Socialist. Even if they come around and adopt conservative or right-wing policies, the stain of the Commies points out clearly that their ability to make good judgements is seriously impaired. They might be fine  people of good moral character… just don’t let them anywhere near politics. LaRouche died earlier this year, bringing to an end a long and bizarre political career.

Anyway, LaRouchies remain and are about indistinguishable from cultists. So seeing them trolling modern Socialists? HILARIOUS. Whackos vs. whackos… is there anything better?

Still, the crazy lady (the one in the t-shirt, not Bubbles) raises and interesting thought. We’ve always thought that the “Green” in “Green New Deal” referred to nebulous “green” environmental policies. But when the woman went on about “eat the babies,” note what Bubbles *didn’t* say: “You’re wrong, eating children is not only not helpful, it’s evil.” At most she was annoyed that someone was taking the spotlight off her. So maybe “Green” refers to a different green:

Perhaps what the LaRouchie Lady has done is to expose the Green New Deal for what it is: a secret cabal of Cthulhu worshippers whose end goal actually is to eat the children, or at least feed them to their dark god. It makes sense: it is known that when Great Cthulhu wakens from his death-like slumber in sunken R’lyeh, he will “clear off” humanity from the world, laying low all the works of Man. What could be more in line with the goals of the Green New Dealers?




 Posted by at 3:22 pm
Sep 172019

One of the more common yet irritatingly pointless human reactions to a problem is to demand that Something Must Be Done. Sure, often there’s a problem that can be fixed and there’s a practical, wise fix available. But far too often people just demand action… any action. Even if the action would actually make the situation worse. I suspect most readers of this blog would expect that at this point I’d proceed to bringing up some brainless American leftist nonsense like gun control or speech codes. But hey, I’m broad-minded. Not every person putting forward useless ideas is an American leftie. Gentlemen, behold:

Priests Pour 18 Gallons of Holy Water Over Russian City to Stop ‘Alcohol Consumption, Drugs and Fornication’

Yeah, that’ll do it. After pouring some water out of an airplane, I feel confident that Russians will give up booze.


 Posted by at 11:01 pm
Sep 112019

It should surprise nobody that time passes, but it somehow still seems remarkable that the 9-11 attacks were eighteen years ago today. I was on the other side of the continent in California, working at an ICBM factory south of San Jose; and even though there were no attacks our way, that didn’t stop the rumor machine from *inventing* attacks. A truck bomb in town? Turned out to be a vehicle backfiring. A tanker detonating in Discovery Bay? Nope. A truck bomb on one of the major bridges? A truck that had legitimately broken down. The bobcat that was looking down on me from three feet above in an outdoor boneyard as I dug through ten-year-old bits and pieces looking for usable parts of cruise missile booster motors so we could get production back up and running again ASAP? That was real enough, but that was less of an “attack” and more of a “curious kitty.”

And now people who were born on that, and even several years prior, who have no recollection of a world *without* 9-11 and the resulting cultural, political military and legal changes, are adults. This just weirds me out.

 Posted by at 8:07 am
Aug 132019

There’s something just absolutely fantastic about this story:

Monsters, men and magic: why feminists turned to witchcraft to oppose Trump

If you must have opponents, you want them to be ineffectual. And magic and witchcraft are about as ineffectual as you can get… what with them being non-functional bunkum. if someone hated me, I’d far rather have them placing hexes on me or burning effigies of me or jabbing needles into voodoo dolls, than having them taking up arms or even just voting against me. Come election day, stay in your prayer circle, light some herbs on fire and chant gibberish. Thanks. That’d be great.

What’s especially awesome is that the Guardian newspaper ran this piece, and either didn’t know or didn’t care that the author actually seems to think that witchcraft is a valid way of creating physical change in the world. That the author is an idiot is apparent right up front where she claims that witchcraft – here seemingly indistinguishable from Wicca with a fresh coat of third wave radical feminism slapped on it – is an “ancient pagan art.” Ancient rarely ever means “dates all the way back to the 1920’s,” but that’s what modern witchcraft is: a load of commercial spiritualism created in the 20’s and 30’s using some of the iconography of the older – and largely basically lost – witch-beliefs of Europe.

You wanna be a Wiccan, hey, knock yourself out. It is, for the moment, sort of a free country. Just don’t BS anybody, yourself included, that it’s more than any other religion: rituals and such that make you feel better, but which don’t work any better than examining bird entrails or praying viral infections away.

If you believe that your power comes from magic (or, more insufferably, from magick), then you have no power. Magic, conjuring, the supernatural… these are all less than useless when it comes to doing anything of use or value. They might make you feel good; but then, so might playing the slots or taking a drag. Time, effort and funds spent on honing your magical abilities is time spent becoming less powerful, more useless.

There is a fire on the horizon. You can see it burning, out on the edges of the world. The violence we have survived can be our guide to what needs to change. The fire that burned the witches can be the fire that lights our way. Our power is waiting for us, out in forbidden spaces, beyond the world of men. Step forward and claim it. Step forward into the boundless and female dark.

Hey, here’s a thought: maybe we can somehow convince the gun-grabbers that their years of legal and political efforts towards disarming the civilian populace have failed, and that they need to try magic now. Get them to devote their time and effort to hexing firearms to make them vanish.

 Posted by at 2:47 am
Aug 052019

Disney continues its trend towards annoying the fans. While in recent years this process has been largely through politicizing and just plain bad writing, here “Thor” director Taika Waititi goes the extra step towards directly insulting long-term fans of the Marvel character. As a result Diktor von Doomcock goes off a little bit, using some NSFC language to express his displeasure at how not only is Thor going to be a woman in the next movie (which is nonsensical; “Thor” is the guy’s name, not his job title. Similarly, “Jesus” is always the same dude, while “Christ” is actually a job description), but in how Waititi takes pleasure in *explicitly* declaring that he’s going to trash the “mythos.”

I look forward to Waititi’s movie where he portrays Muhammad as a Korean transwoman.

 Posted by at 4:48 pm