Dec 152022

And here we are:

There are of course comments by people who don’t understand the concept of “context:”







 Posted by at 8:17 am
Dec 022022

Rap music is, by and large, talent-free, devoid of artistic or cultural value. So how the hell Kanye West got to be a billionaire, I’ve no Earthly idea. But being a billionaire with years of fandom behind him, every time he does or says *anything* the news media makes a big deal of it. And so lately he has been losing his mind, going off on weird anti-Semetic rants. This has culminated with being interviewed by noted crazy person Alex Jones and, from the looks of it, *Jones* comes off looking like the sane one. Just Some Guy has about the best response to the thing: mockery.


I don’t know why people are acting like this is something new. They seem to forget his “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” conspiracizing nearly 20 years ago.

 Posted by at 11:40 pm
Nov 252022

Just try to imagine this happening in the US Senate or House of Representatives. We have much to learn from the enlightened citizens of Sierre Leone. I look forward with great interest to Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy throwing down. Of course this raises questions: would doing so be “cultural appropriation,” or would failure to do so be “cultural erasure?” Hmmm…






 Posted by at 11:09 pm
Nov 232022

“Locked doors” are important things to be aware of if you are planning on stealing… both when to avoid them and when to embrace them. But if you’re a shoplifter, chances are you’re not too bright, and simple observations and basic planning for the future are likely outside of your skillset. Witness these oxygen thieves in action:


This example of societal decay brought to you by the letter D.

 Posted by at 11:10 pm
Nov 222022

The original “Scooby Doo” show was important and useful because while every episode had some supernatural badguy – ghosts and monsters and such – at the end it always turned out that the actual badguy was just some actual human, no supernatural elements required. Just villainy and petty evil. it taught kids – maybe, if they paid attention – the value of skepticism when it came to supernatural threats. Since then, whenever I’ve checked in on the franchise there seem to be *actual* ghost pirates and pirate ghosts. Bah.


The video below is a bit of satire based on the idea that the Scooby gang, instead of pursuing such minor evils as someone trying to take over a theme park, went after Commies in the 1950’s. I could get behind that, because as much as Hollywood likes to pretend that Commies weren’t real or weren’t a threat… Commies were, unlike the “fascists” that modern day fanatics are constantly screaming about, actual threats and caused the US and its allies no end of lives and treasure. So having the Scooby gang sniffing them out might have made things a hell of a lot better. Imagine if Scooby had gotten hold of Klaus Fuchs before he shipped Mannhattan Project data to Stalin. Or if he simply followed the likes of AOC around and barked “Commie!” at her nonstop.



The video kinds craps on its own premise by having the Scooby gang feel bad for having investigated Commies.

 Posted by at 7:11 pm