May 162023

A song from five years ago is now made relevant again by this news about the “Trump-Russia Collusion” narrative falling apart even more:

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe

As the kids say, it’s a “banger.”


It was produced by the same folks responsible for the Alex Jones “Gay Frogs” remix:




 Posted by at 4:58 am
Mar 302023

Brandon Herrera covers some initial memes about the Nashville mass shooting:



Donut Operator did a breakdown of the bodycam footage of the sweep of the school and the takedown of the transurrectionist. *THIS,* as many have pointed out to the Uvalde police, is how you do it: get it done quickly and efficiently, before the badguy (or badgirl, in this case) has time to prepare and before they can turn a mass shooting into an absolute massacre. The shooter got shot by two copes, one with a carbine, the other with a pistol… essentially the weapons *she* had.

A case can be made that mentally ill people should not have access to firearms. I’m all behind a legal approach that takes care of this… not those BS “red flag laws” that allow the authorities to strip you of your rights without a proper review or anything resembling due process. Self-harm would seem to be a giant sign that someone is a danger to themselves or others; a woman pumping herself with testosterone, or anyone chopping their bits off, would seem to apply. Men, who are designed and built to be full of testosterone, can go buggo if they are pumped full of the stuff; I can only imagine how whackadoodle it would make a woman to be loaded with the stuff.

 Posted by at 8:05 pm
Mar 212023

The one where a guy watches “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” for the first time and realizes its genius. He’s a hoot to watch along with.

FYI: First time I saw this was in a high school history class. I fell out of my chair – literally – laughing when the French flung the cow.

 Posted by at 1:29 am