Buttons looking distinguished.
The Bidens recently met, maskless, with former President Carter and his wife Rosalynn. The photo is… ummmm….
Smiling Jimmy Carter seen in photo from recent Biden visit to Georgia
I’d never before noticed that the Carters were Hobbits.
The B-60 was Convairs failed effort to compete against the Boeing B-52. It began as a modification of the B-36; the wings were snapped off and swept back, the piston engines were removed and replaced with four turboprops and was originally dubbed the B-36G. When the turboprops were replaced with eight dual-podded turbojets, it was designated the B-60. Compared to the B-52 it was woefully obsolete, with World War II aerodynamics married to Korean War engines; it was incredibly fat and draggy and could not hope to compete with the advanced B-52. Still: it’s a B-36 with jet engines.
A while back someone on eBay sold a few vintage photos. I thought they might be of interest.
Lochnagar Mine was a pile of explosives dug under the German front lines in France by the British during WWI. This was of course during the era of trench warfare, one of the most spectacularly futile endeavors in human history, with the consequence that the Brits dug a chamber fifty feet beneath German lines and filled it with 60,000 pounds of ammonal (ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder) explosive. On July 1, 1916 the explosives were detonated creating a crater about 100 feet deep and 300 feet in diameter.
Considering that the war dragged on for another two and a half years… all that effort and destruction, for nothing. And in the end, the allies set up a punitive system that virtually ensured that something worse would come along… and of course it did.
A few days ago well after midnight I noticed unusual lighting conditions outside. Turns out some distance down the block someone had a medical emergency of some kind; in response an ambulance, a fire truck and at least three police SUVs showed up. The cameraphone photo made the resulting illumination look more festive than was intended, but interesting nonetheless.