
Jan 192016

Faith, according to many, can impart many good behaviors. But then it can also do this:

The boy accused of blasphemy who cut off his hand

In short: at a mosque in Pakistan, a 15-year-old boy mis-heard a question raised by the imam: “Who among you doesn’t believe in the teachings of the Holy Prophet? Raise your hands!”

He raised his hand. He was promptly accused of blasphemy by the imam. This being one of the worlds many Dumb Regions, the accusation of blasphemy is taken quite seriously (it often leads to an official death sentence, coupled with unofficial lynchings; in court, you’re generally not allowed to defend yourself, and even the accusation can’t really be brought out in court because *that* would be blasphemy). So, the kid did what I suppose makes sense if you are a religious nut who has been accused of committing blasphemy with your hand: he chopped it off and tried to hand it to the imam on a plate.

Since this is a Dumb Region, the locals did not drag the kid to a hospital to try to reattach the hand; they bandaged him up and buried the hand. They did not shake their heads and bemoan the fate of the poor, crazy dumb kid… they have decided to revere his act of religious devotion. People from surrounding villages have started to swing by to express their admiration.


But on the other hand (snerk)…

I can see an opportunity here. Is it possible to advertise and promote this act among others of his religion who are equally religiously nutty? Get them to believe that it is an act to emulate? Beyond the utility of having people who might otherwise be building suicide bombs disarming themselves (heh), there’d be just the sheer entertainment value.

 Posted by at 2:24 pm
Jan 192016

For English cop, Detroit’s streets are a culture shock

Well, duh.

Where the article gets it wrong: the blame here seems to settle almost entirely on “gun culture.” But there’s not more of a “gun culture” in Detroit than there is in, say, Salt Lake City. What there *is* is a difference in *overall* culture between the two cities. Detroit has been run by scumbags, for scumbags, for decades.

Well, as Britain starts to load up on “migrants” who seem to have as high a tolerance of scumbaggery as many of the denizens of Detroit… get ready for London policing to become more like Detroit policing.

 Posted by at 1:44 pm
Jan 182016

We’ve seen this story more and more recently:

Wisconsin lawnmower factory says it will FIRE all 53 of its Muslim employees if they take unscheduled prayer breaks

In short: a bunch of the employees on an assembly line walk away from their jobs twice a day, apart from the scheduled break times. The business has a problem with this… not really surprising, as having people step away from an assembly line can mean the whole process grinds to a halt. The article does not say how many employees the company has as a whole, but if the prayer-walkoffs do cause the whole company to lock up, then I can see why this would be a major problem.

So, I have a solution which everyone should appreciate.

Some groundrules for my solution:

  1. Those who want to wander off and pray are allowed to do so.
  2. Those who don’t should not be made to pay for it. This means not only the company, but other employees… they shouldn’t have to put in extra time because their co-workers weren’t on the job.

So… my solution is simple. If shutting down the production line twice a day for, say, ten minutes at a time without extending the work day to make up for it costs the company (handwave) $5000 a day in lost productivity… those employees who want to leave to go pray get to make up the difference. Fifty employees cough up the $5K/day difference, or $100 per day per employee.

Seems simple enough.  The company doesn’t suffer economic losses, the other employees don’t have to stay late, and those who want to go pray get to go pray. Simple! Fair! Equitable!

Also noted in the story is that the company has a dedicated “prayer room.” One wonders… if during  Prayer Shutdown someone wanted to use the “prayer room” to sacrifice a pig to Odin or Pele, or even just have a ham sammich, swig some mead, and sing sagas about That One Time Ragnar Went A’Whorin’ In Cairo, would the other inhabitants of said prayer room complain? Well, if history is any guide, Odinists are not really welcome in generic “Multicultural Rooms.” Which is exactly why if there are any pagans working at this manufacturing facility, they should make full use of the “prayer room.”

 Posted by at 9:14 am
Jan 182016

Video of the Falcon 9 landing,  burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. Or something like that. Basically it boils down to “oooh, so close.” I’m not convinced that the rocket would have stayed upright even if the landing gear hadn’t collapsed, due to the rough seas; but it’s still a hell of an effort.


Given that weather seems like it might have played a role here, my earlier comment hearkening back to the Challenger suggestion “don’t launch when it’s cold” suddenly seems pretty applicable. “Don’t launch when it’s foggy,” or, more likely, “don’t expect to get it back if you launch when it’s foggy.”

 Posted by at 12:56 am
Jan 172016

Gentlemen, behold! The absolutely dumbest thing you’ll read all day. And unless you also read Donald Trumps dream journal, very likely the dumbest thing you’ll read all week:

International students, here’s what you need to know about guns in America to survive your education

The sheer amount of dishonest propaganda contained in this screed simply boggles the mind. For instance:

States that allow guns on campus. Since guns are carried in a concealed fashion, it will never be clear who is packing one, so these are the most dangerous states: Colorado, Idaho, and Utah.

The author is attempting to claim that university campii in Colorado, Idaho and Utah are particularly dangerous places because they allow concealed carry on campus. Guess how many students have been shot by a concealed carry license holder on Utah or Idaho since 1990. Go on, GUESS.

Here’s a hint for anyone considering visiting the US, as a student, tourist, on business travel or whatever: if you don’t want to get shot, follow this one simple rule: don’t engage in criminal behavior. That’s the number on thing that gets people shot: their own criminality. Yes, there are some places to avoid. Seedy areas. Run down areas. Chicago. Detroit. Anyplace with a long record of Democratic party dominance. But these are unlikely to be the places you want to go anyway.

 Posted by at 4:29 pm
Jan 172016

A SpaceX Falcon 9 was launched out of Vandenberg today, putting an ocean observation satellite into orbit. A secondary goal was to land the first stage on a barge out at sea… it appears that this was not successful. The rocket landed on the barge but didn’t stick the landing; it seems one of the legs may have collapsed due to hitting too hard. Ocean conditions were pretty rough, as can be seen in the video below… which cut off literally seconds before the landing at about 50:30.

So… from a limited dataset, the Falcon 9 is good at landing on pads that aren’t bobbing up and down, not so good at landing on pads that are in motion. Even if this issue isn’t resolved, it’s still useful on many missions to be able to land-recover the first stage.

So, presuming the booster was lost on landing, what we have here is a learning experience. If it was NASA… program shutdown, months of Congressional hearings. SpaceX: “don’t launch when it’s cold.” Or to be more specific, don’t expect to land when the seas are rough.

 Posted by at 12:59 pm
Jan 152016

If this is accurate, it indicates that the Swedish government is *insane:*

Sweden: “No Apartments, No Jobs, No Shopping Without A Gun”

Now, Swedes see the welfare system failing them. More and more senior citizens fall into the “indigent” category; close to 800,000 of Sweden’s 2.1 million retirees, despite having worked their whole lives, are forced to live on between 4,500 and 5,500 kronor ($545 – $665) a month. Meanwhile, seniors who immigrate to Sweden receive the so-called “elderly support subsidy” — usually a higher amount — even though they have never paid any taxes in Sweden.

Worse, in 2013 the government decided that people staying in the country illegally have a right to virtually free health and dental care. So while the destitute Swedish senior citizen must choose between paying 100,000 kronor ($12,000) to get new teeth or living toothless, a person who does not even have the right to stay in Sweden can get his teeth fixed for 50 kronor ($6).

Neat. So… who wants a Scandinavian-style welfare state here in the US?

 Posted by at 7:42 pm