
Feb 052016

Assange feels vindicated by U.N. panel ruling he’s being ‘arbitrarily detained’

In short: Julian Assange is wanted by Swedish authorities on charges that he raped a woman. Rather than face the charges, he has been hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for several years now. He is not being prevented from leaving; he can leave whenever he likes. But he is subject to immediate arrest by the British police, since they have an extradition treaty with the Swedes. So he has voluntarily stayed in the Ecuadorian embassy.

And now the UN has come down with a ruling that the Swedes and the Brits have “arbitrarily detained” him. Does this make *any* sense? The Brits didn’t catch him and toss him over the embassy walls, and barred his exit. The Swedes certainly didn’t.

So… WTF???

 Posted by at 10:57 pm
Feb 052016

Sometimes stereotypes exist for a good reason. Take, for example, this video of a very large crane falling in Manhattan yesterday. Listen to the commentary by the witnesses, and see if you can detect the subtle hints that might let you know that this happened in New York. If you are in a business, make sure to crank up the volume to 11; if management complains, simply say that you are spreading a message of tolerance of all cultures, including terminology and modes of speech, and if they have a problem then they are a racist.

 Posted by at 9:13 pm
Feb 042016

Turns out that small explosion on the Somali Airbus that blew a hole in the fuselage and sucked one passenger out to his doom was probably caused by a bomb. A bomb carried by the one passenger who got ejected from the plane.

So, huzzah, I guess. Best of all possible outcomes to a suicide bombing… the bomber was the only one to die.

Probe of Somali Jet Blast Points to Suicide Bomber

 Posted by at 5:40 pm
Feb 032016

Venezuela on the brink of complete economic collapse

Color me stunned: a nation that went so socialist that they nationalized just about everything is facing some economic issues. Their new “economic czar” believes that simply printing more money *doesn’t* result in inflation. Just… shocking.

What’s especially entertaining is that when the socialists took over the economy, Venezuelas oil reserves were a massive source of national income. Essentially free money. And what did the Chavez socialists do with this? Did they build up the national infrastructure and invite foreign investment? Did they make Venezuela an inviting place to do business? No… they did the bread and circuses thing with welfare spending. And while Venezuela had a whole bunch of the sort of poor people that American poor people only *think* they’re as poor as, the Venezuelan welfare state did squat to raise the poor out of poverty. By embracing the nationalization of foreign businesses, the socialists made sure that nobody would want to do business there.

Probably some lessons worth learning here.

bernie-sanders 1

 Posted by at 10:46 pm
Feb 022016

Secretary of Defense Announces How He’ll Waste $582 Billion

… which basically boils down to the author of the piece attempting to make fun of the SecDef because the author believes that all DoD weapon system spending from here on out should be directed solely at fighting ISIS, because obviously the US will never face any other geopolitical threats.

 Posted by at 6:19 pm
Feb 012016

There I was, driving through the dreary interior of California on a 200-mile trip to go out on a date, when I turned on the radio to hear that the Space Shuttle Columbia had exploded on re-entry. There followed at least an hour  of the dusty nothingness that is the road to Sacramento, and then the date, which involved meeting the young ladies mother. Neither of them gave a rats ass about the Shuttle, while I was kinda desperate to see the news on the TV. Yeah, not what you’d call a great social success story. Oh well.

Anyway, there has long been debate on whether if, with enough knowledge and effort, the crew could have been saved. I’m of the opinion that the moment the foam smacked the wing, the crew was pretty much doomed. But maybe…

The audacious rescue plan that might have saved space shuttle Columbia

 Posted by at 9:24 pm
Feb 012016

Well, how about that: Cruz won the Iowa caucus with 28%; Trump got 24%. The big surprise is that Rubio got 23%.

On the other side, Clinton (D:Dishonesty) has 49.8 %, while Crazy Uncle Bernie got 49.6%. The third guy got 0.5%, so the Dems can’t claim that they are torn between two bad candidates… they had three to choose from, along with (I suppose) write-ins and “None Of The Above.” The third guy has dropped out, not that anyone is going to notice.

 Posted by at 8:58 pm
Feb 012016

OK, so we’ve got a white guy in charge of an Arizona branch of the NAACP. If that’s not hi-larious enough, he used the F-word to apologize for using the T-word to describe a portion of a female reporter while at a protest over some students using the N-word. Throw in: a preacher wanting to remove the guy from his position at the NAACP due to his “white privilege.”


 Posted by at 1:56 pm