
Feb 232016

An early 1970’s photo of a “mockup” of the Rockwell B-1 bomber. Rather than building an expensive plywood mockup that accurately recreated the complex curves of the B-1, this one was vastly simpler… a “side view” diagram of the B-1 with a few interior details, with a “shadow” on the floor. If you look carefully, it looks like this photo has been censored… the bays fore and aft of the main landing gear have been blacked out. Presumably these showed the payload of SRAMs and/or cruise missiles. One engine and the wing pivot system are included as actual 3-D items, probably mockups. Note that this is not the final B-1 design as built… the nose contours are a bit off.

b-1 2d mockup

 Posted by at 3:27 pm
Feb 232016

One of an extremely large large number of designs put forward for Weapons System 324A, Tactical Fighter X, which eventually became the F-111. This particular design, circa 1962, is the WADD 46 from the Wright Air Development Center and is pretty typical… a twin engine supersonic design with sizable variable-sweep wings.

Two full-rez pages from the WS324A Characteristics Summary have been posted to the 2016-02 APR Extras Dropbox folder for all $4 and up APR Patreon patrons.


 Posted by at 12:04 am
Feb 222016

I’ve babbled about this a time or two in the past, but the specifics keep changing. But I think I’m zeroing in on the final form. The diagram below is meant for 24 X 36; the diagrams are at 1/72 scale. The final print will be black ink on white translucent mylar.

misc-132 24x36 X-20-Titan III-Model

As shown here, it’s still a ways away from being complete; much more data to add, some refinements and additions to the diagrams, perhaps some artistic flourishes (though since I’m apparently devoid of any actual artistic talent, that sort of thing will be kept to an engineering minimum).

There will be only a limited number of these printed up, based on interest expressed in advance. The price is yet to be determined, but $50 is a very high upper limit. That comes from the price of something vaguely similar… the 24X36-on-white-mylar blueprints of the Nostromo from “Alien” and the Sulaco from “Aliens” that used to be available here:

Those two I got a few years ago, but only recently got around to framing (cheapo poster frames, but frames nonetheless). They look *spectacular.* And as they are substantially more spectacular than the X-20/Titan IIIc, my diagrams shouldn’t be priced at the same level.

If anyone has suggestions, I’d be interested.

 Posted by at 8:23 pm
Feb 222016

Just brought Raedthinn home from the vet. He is, it seems, All Better… but that came at a substantial cost. In fact, two days at the vet cost more than a months work on USFP01 and USVP01 brought in. Behold:


So… time for another sale. For the next day or two or three, I’m running another Downloadable Stuff Sale. This applies to all APR’s and articles, USxPs, Air & Space Drawings & Documents, ANED01. As per usual… make your purchase using the Paypal buttons, and I’ll refund the sales difference.

Up to $50: 10% off

From $50.01 to $75: 15% off

More than $75: 20% off

UPDATE: Sale has ended as of 2/24/2016


And as always, feel free to toss something into the Tip Jar if’n yer of a mind to:

Feline Tip Jar

 Posted by at 10:47 am
Feb 212016

Not really sure how this is supposed to work, but this showed up in my inbox this evening…


I suspect if I were to click on the “PURCHASE ORDER.html” link, it’d take me somewhere I really don’t want to go. Perhaps instead of an html file it’d be an exciting new .exe file…

 Posted by at 9:19 pm
Feb 202016

Jeb Bush has suspended his campaign. It’s kind of amazing how amazingly poorly he’s done; a year ago he was seen as if not inevitable, then at least highly likely. And yet he never got *anywhere.*

And since Bernie got burned in Nevada, chances are pretty good that Hillary’s coronation as nominee is back on. Which means that chances are *really* good that this will be our President in a year:

dillary clump

Gah. What a choice.

 Posted by at 7:48 pm