
Apr 102016

Ron Downey’s aviation history blog, Aviation Archives, recently posted a pile of nicely high-rez photos of the McDonnell ASSETT lifting re-entry test vehicle from the mid-1960’s. If you’re interested in such things – and if you’re here, chances are good – wander on by and take a look. The rest of the blog is jam-packed full of goodies as well including documents and diagrams, mostly from McDonnell-Douglas programs like the F-4 and F-15.


 Posted by at 1:32 pm
Apr 092016

There seem to be some details left out of this report:

Chebucto Heights bullying worries parents

In short, a Canadian school seems to be facing a spot of bother over some new students who are bullying (i.e. threatening and attempting murder) the previous student body.

UPDATE:This story has been removed.” The updated page for the story claims that the original story was incomplete, which it certainly seemed to be. The original story included such vague details as the school having a whole bunch of “refugees” as students, but didn’t say from where. It mentioned incidents of new students choking other students with *chains,* but left out details about what kind of chains (necklace chains? Bike chains?). It didn’t mention anything about these bullies being expelled, arrested or deported, which you’d certainly expect to see from a civilized nation that cares about its own, such as Canada.

Note that this story has been edited down at least twice. The original print article referred to “brutality” in the headline; that got weakened to “bullying,” then the article was finally removed altogether.

 Posted by at 10:17 pm
Apr 092016

Belgian Suspect Ameroud Said to Have Carried Potentially Toxic Material

And by “toxic” they mean “typhoid and cholera.” Just wait until these spiritual seekers actually succeed in coming up with something good, like Ebola or some effective plague or flu. One wonders how the remaining Europeans will respond. History does not bode well for an alien religious/ethnic minority group that finds itself sufficiently hated in Europe. And I suspect unleashing biowarfare upon Europeans *might* be enough to nudge them in that direction.

 Posted by at 10:01 pm
Apr 092016

Pretty sure this sort of thing will help speed up the adoption of service robots in the fast food industry:

Employees at Oklahoma Burger King bust out windows after prank call

Now, you don’t typically expect *much* from entry-level jobs like this. But falling for *this* prank, which is so old it’s drawing Social Security and complaining about kids on its lawn? That takes a special breed of dumbass.

 Posted by at 9:48 pm
Apr 092016

Before Mr. Pointy met Mr. Rotary Saw yesterday, I was on the road and caught site of a vehicle I’ve seen bombing around for a few years. Get a load of this beast:

WP_20160408_002 WP_20160408_003

I know nothing about it, other than it’s not exactly a speed demon. But if it is self-sufficient, it seems likely to be a handy device for bopping around out here in the sticks. In a major city? Not a chance. It’d get stripped for parts in about thirty seconds. And that’s before it came to a stop.

 Posted by at 7:22 am
Apr 082016

Was working on a model for a client, using a dremel tool with a rotary saw to cut through some fiberglass. The axle of the saw somehow bent around and the saw bit my fargin index finger, taking a chunk off it. Boy howdy has there been a lot of blood. It’s wrapped up tight, but I’m suspecting a visit to the doc might be advisable. Maybe the vet. Probably cheaper.


Next Day UPDATE: Went to the doc.

“You need a few stitches. When did this happen?”

“About 10 hours ago.”

“Oh. Well, too late for stitches.”

So the wound was cleaned up (a process that involved scrub brushes and scissors… *finally,* some good old fashioned *pain*), disinfected, bound up like a big ol’ clown nose, got a tetanus shot, sent on my way. It didn’t look quite as bad as it did last night, but of course last night it was a blood-gusher.

 Posted by at 10:10 pm