
May 022016

A photo of a NASA wind tunnel model of a hypersonic aircraft configuration. The circa 1960 NASA brochure (promoting the organization to college students) that included this provided no further information, but I’m reasonably sure I’ve seen the wind tunnel test report on this, calling it a reusable booster or reusable launch vehicle. If that’s the case, the upper stages and payload were *probably* going to be carried on the things back.


 Posted by at 8:58 am
May 012016

On the one hand:

Can you ram it? Your rights if someone blocks your driveway

In short… if someone trespasses on your property, not only is there basically nothing *you* can do about it, there’s almost nothing the police *will* do about it… because it’s not considered a crime.

But on the other hand…

Pensioner convicted after telling hijab-wearing mother: ‘British women don’t cover up’

If you simply *speak* in Britain, the cops will merrily fine you a reasonably substantial sum.

 Posted by at 10:02 am
May 012016

I admit that the USBP series looks kinda… bland. It’s text and line drawings; not a whole lot can be done to jazz that up. Especially since I have no head for graphics design whatsoever apart from layout diagrams.

Still, one reader sent me a mockup of a revised cover of USBP #18:


Things are moved around a little bit, but the obvious change is the addition of color. The suggestion was also made to consider color-coding each title in the USXP series. Just off the top of my head, I came up with:

Bombers: Olive Drab

Spacecraft: Black

Launch Vehicles: Blue on bottom, transitioning to black at the top

Fighters: slightly bluish gray (like the F-15 or F-22)

Transports: ??

VTOL: ??

The USBP#18 cover was re-done to reflect this, thusly:


Thoughts? Is this more appealing?How about color-coding… good idea or not? And if so, what colors?

I tried something vaguely like this once before, with USBP#05.

 Posted by at 9:43 am
May 012016

Or $750/lb. SpaceX pricing for the Falcon 9 and Falcon 9 heavy:


For comparison, the Delta IV Heavy costs $375,000,000 with a LEO payload of 28,790 kg/63,470 lbs, or $13,025/kg or $5920/lb.

SpaceX stands a decent chance of monopolizing the launch market in the US. And while the price does not include a Dragon capsule, the US is currently paying the Russians $70 per astronaut to fly on a Soyuz. That’s more than the price of an entire Falcon 9 launch which, with a Dragon V2 capsule, should carry 7 astronauts.


 Posted by at 9:17 am
Apr 292016

That’s the claim, anyway:

The train goes up, the train goes down: a simple new way to store energy

It’s basically a giant battery. Electric locomotives haul massive concrete slabs up a shallow hill, using grid power when there is excess capacity. When there is greater need for electricity, the locomotives coast downhill, using regenerative braking like an electric car. Should be simple and rugged… rails, rail cars, locomotives and concrete slabs are well understood and not exactly delicate.

This would of course be most useful when applied to fickle weather-power systems like wind and solar.

 Posted by at 9:18 pm
Apr 292016

Belgium to provide its entire population with iodine pills in case of a nuclear accident at one of its ageing power plants

In short: the anti-nuclear movement has been so successful at halting the development of new reactors that old reactors have had to remain in place, serving well past their originally intended use-by date; with the result that the Belgian government is apparently in something of a panic about their reactors.

Good job, Greens. Thanks to you there may soon be radioactive Walloons running around. And does anybody know what sort of superpowers a person would get if they’re bitten by a radioactive Walloon? I sure as hell don’t.

 Posted by at 8:37 pm
Apr 292016

Protests rage outside Trump rally in Orange County; 17 arrested, police car smashed

Anti-Trump protesters displayed their dismay over the Horrible Evil No Good Trump by:

stomping on cars, hurling rocks at motorists …  smashed a window on at least one police cruiser, punctured the tires of a police sport utility vehicle, and at one point tried to flip a police car.

The also chucked rocks at passing cars and used benches to block a freeway entrance.

But always remember, it’s the Republicans who are the violent ones.

 Posted by at 9:07 am
Apr 292016

Well, that didn’t take long. The fine young example of rational progressivism displayed a few days ago at U Mass Amherst has been granted a name by the internet: Trigglypuff.

It *seems* she may have been identified (an archive of the suspects Facebook page is here… be warned, there are selfies). The college bio page of the student who has been identified – by the internet, so this could be erroneous – describes her thusly:

She was first introduced to social justice through youth-led community-based groups in the Boston area, such as the City School and Sub/Urban Justice. From here, she developed feminist, fat liberation, anti racist, and anti capitalist perspectives, which she believes all play an integral role in working towards collective liberation. As a fatty, she’s very eager to see fat justice and all its intersections with gender, race, disability, queer/trans liberation, class, and anti capitalism, become part of radical movements.

Regardless of anything else… all reasonable people should be aware that when they see someone describe themselves as “anti-capitalist,” they’re unlikely to be dealing with a calm, reasonable person.

Spectacularly, her meltdowns have been turned into remix fodder. As always when dealing with excited lefties, note that the audio is NSFW.

She has a Know Your Meme page now.

It would be interesting to check back in on her in a few years. Will she have matured? Will she be professionally medicated? Will she continue to go ’round the bend? Will she appear on an episode of “The Internet Ruined My Life?”

 Posted by at 1:59 am
Apr 282016

Still, it’s cool, and not a bad hoverbike for a few weeks work. Looks like it’s firmly glued to the ground effect so it won’t be carrying anyone more than a few inches up. It seems that apar4t from throttles this thing is wholly devoid of mechanical or electronic control systems. This was due to weight concerns; the pilot aided in that area by not weighing the vehicle down with such trivialities as helmets or even goggles.

 Posted by at 9:14 pm