
Jun 152016

Today’s launch resulted in the Falcon 9 first stage hit the barge hard, apparently due to inadequate thrust on one engine. However, it was entirely successful in putting its payload into orbit.

Good launch & flight vid, suck landing vid:

Just the landing, such as it is:

 Posted by at 4:42 pm
Jun 152016

Obviously Hillary and Trump are out. I’d been considering Gary Johnson, even though he’s pretty lackluster. But now… all I have are people to vote *against.* Why? Behold:

Gary Johnson Shoots Himself in the Foot: Throws Out Austin Petersen’s Gun

Short form: after clinching the Libertarian nomination, Austin Petersen, another Libertarian candidate, gave Johnson a replica of George Washington’s flintlock pistol. A little odd, but I guess a nice gesture. But hotel guests saw Johnson dumping the pistol into a trash can, fished it out and returned it to Petersen.

Weak. Weeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaak.

 Posted by at 12:05 am
Jun 142016

Another interesting tidbit has come out about Omar Mateen: he was a registered Democrat. Snopes has confirmed that in 2006 he so registered… but of course, Snopes then goes on to hem and haw: “His U.S. political affiliation (if any) at the time of the shooting is unknown.”

Now, it’s true: it has been ten years since Omar registered as a Dem, and that’s a good long time. But imagine the media firestorm if he had registered as a Republican or a Libertarian. Yeesh.

So, what have we got?

Gay. Muslim. Person of color. Child of immigrants. Democrat. And has made great strides in the holy quest of getting the Evil AR-15 banned. Omar Mateen is a political correctness wet dream.

 Posted by at 1:41 pm
Jun 142016

Qatar convicts Dutch woman held ‘after being raped’

She got roofied, knocked unconscious, raped and then reported it… and then got convicted of having sex outside of marriage and has been fined $824. The only good part of the story is that she’s also being deported, which, under the circumstances,  is a definite bonus.

The article also points out that further hijinks like this are afoot in 2022, when Qatar hosts the Fifa World Cup. That’s apparently some sort of Gathering of the Juggalos-type get-together for a bunch of drunk British hooligans to come and watch some teams play a paint-dryingly-boring childrens game and riot.

 Posted by at 8:22 am
Jun 142016

WFTV sources: Arrest of alleged accomplice in mass shooting expected

Basically no data beyond the headline, so let the speculating commence!

All kinds of possibilities here. Low-end “accomplices” would be some schmoe who just helped him carry stuff, or did straw purchases, that sort of thing… knew they were doing something illegal, but weren’t really “in” on what the plan was. Maybe it was the gun store owner, arrested as a political showpiece. Maybe it was the imam who might have helped radicalize him. Maybe it was his current wife (?) who may have known the plan. Speculation free-fire zone!

 Posted by at 8:05 am
Jun 132016

Orlando Shooter Was Reportedly a Regular at Pulse and Had a Profile on Gay Dating App

So, the attack was carried out by an ISIS-loving gay Muslim extremist. Expect that this added wrinkle will only make some people more certain that American right-wing Republicans (especially Christians) are to blame. In fact, you can see that in some of the comments there.

This goofball could turn out to also have been a card-carrying member of the Communist Party and some people would *still* blame the Republicans…

 Posted by at 7:10 pm