
Jul 062016

A Nation Ruled by Science Is a Terrible Idea

Neil deGrasse Tyson sent out a simple tweet:

Earth needs a virtual country: #Rationalia, with a one-line Constitution: All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence

And this writer from Slate got all snippy about the idea: “Tyson is a very smart man, but this is a very stupid tweet, and a very stupid idea.”

Because, sure, the best way to runs things is via chaos and superstition. That’s a winning solution.

In short, the author of the piece hearkens back to hacks like the Nazis and the Commies who claimed to have “scientific” forms of government. But they did not. Not in the “no true Scotsman” sense, but in the “complete distortion of what science actually means” sense. What the Nazis and the Commies and the Great Society and New Dealers did was to look at the problems they faced and asked their chosen experts what the solutions were, then said, “Ok, we’ll do that, those are the answers” and then tried to ram those solutions through, regardless. But what might *real* scientific governance be? Something I’ve been wanting for decades:

  1. All new laws must, like a scientific hypothesis, say not only what they are intended to achieve, but to also lay out predictions about what those laws will do. “This law will raise revenues, or lower crime, or fix the ozone hole or…”
  2. All new laws that are passed are then judged on their efficacy in fulfilling their predictions.
  3. Laws that do not live up to the original hypothesis *AUTOMATICALLY* and irrevocably sunset after a specified period. A supermajority vote is required to revive a law that has proven to be a failure.

Real science puts forward a hypothesis… then tests it. And if the facts don’t match the predictions, then the hypothesis is abandoned or adjusted to fit the facts.

But this is Slate, after all. And so the left wing war on science continues.

 Posted by at 9:04 pm
Jul 052016

After Bill Clinton’s secret meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the FBI today announced that they’re not recommending charges against Hillary Clinton for her illegal use of a private server.

From FBI Director Comey’s statement:

Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

So, yeah. No charges. Figure *that* one out.

Rule of law?


 Posted by at 11:13 am
Jul 052016

Every now and then ebay provides some interesting items that are just plain too expensive. One such is a Boeing presentation on using the 747 to carry and air-launch MX ICBMs. The original Buy It Now price was over two grand; consequently, the document remained on ebay for something like a year. However, I negotiated down to $250. Still too expensive, but crowdfunding makes it reasonably affordable.

I currently have about 9 people interested in splitting the cost. Nine plus me means the cost is $25 per person… suddenly not quite so horrible. If more people come on board, the price will fall even more. Twenty people total drops it to $12.50 each. Thirty drops it to $8.33, and so on. Each contributor gets a complete high-rez scan of the document.

If you are interested in getting in on this, it’s open to APR Patreon patrons at all levels. Check out the APR Patreon for this and other rewards. The most recent posting at the APR Patreon has a place to comment and express your interest in getting a copy of this document.

The opportunity will be open until the document arrives in the mail, which should be a few days.


 Posted by at 10:36 am
Jul 042016

Generally, a knife is one of the most astoundingly useful tools you can own. But this knife, the “Jagdkommando Tri-Dagger Knife,” has traded general utility for being useful for one thing: stabbing things.


There are several variants of the knife available, different sizes and materials. And the prices are… kinda high.  Is it a quality knife, worth the price? I dunno.


Guess what, though: some people don’t like it, and don’t want you to have it. In all probability this is because they are honestly weenies who live in fear, but there is always the possibility of some deeper conspiracy: the knife makers made a knife specifically design to enrage the trigglodytes, *and*they hired some of the triggly mouthpieces to rail against it. What better way to gin up sales?

What’s the Point of a Dagger Clearly Designed for Killing?

Perhaps I live in a different la-la land, but this doesn’t make any sense to me or anyone else at Gizmodo. So please someone explain. Or let’s get over with it and make this stupid thing illegal.

” I don’t want this. Therefore it should be illegal.” The plaintive cry of the totalitarian.

Some versions on Amazon, should you want to spend a bucket of money on something you probably won’t get a whole lot of direct use out of, but might enjoy if for no other reason than to scare the trigglies:

Microtech MT105-1TAM Mini Jagdkommando Tri-Blade Knife

Micro Tech Knives 1051GR Jagdkommando Fixed Blade Knife with OD Green Finish Waffle Design Aluminum Hollow Handles

Microtech MT105-7TIM Mini Jagdkommando Titanium Tri-Blade Knife

Microtech Jagdkommando Knife, Titanium, 12 5/8in.


 Posted by at 8:32 pm
Jul 042016

Today in “here’s what you *don’t* do” news…

Police: Drunk man praises Allah at Caldwell restaurant, customers panic

One “Ralmanzow Bell” decided it would be a rollicking good time to get likkered up and stand on the counter of a bar and praise the current favorite supernatural entity of the exploding-class while wearing a backpack. End result: tackled by staff, arrested for disorderly conduct. Given that this occurred in Idaho, he’s lucky he didn’t get shot.

 Posted by at 9:40 am
Jul 022016

July 11, at 2PM Pacific time, I’m to be interviewed on The Space Show. The subject will be nuclear pulse propulsion; I am pondering several sub-topics to narrow down the focus. Including:

  1. The history of Project Orion (probably been done to death as far as listeners are concerned)
  2. The engineering of Orion technology – ships and pulse units
  3. How nuclear pulse propulsion has been depicted – often wrongly – in popular culture. And how to depict it accurately and interestingly.
  4. And of course, Pax Orionis. Because.
  5. I was on The Space Show once before, in December 2013, discussing aerospace history archiving, Dyna Soar and the like.


 Posted by at 11:19 pm
Jul 022016

That is, if the people in charge have *any* sort of brains left:

Hannah Cohen: disabled woman badly beaten by TSA on return home from brain tumor treatment

So, short form: a 19-year old woman with a brain tumor, deaf, partially blind, partially paralyzed and easily confused, was beaten bloody by the TSA (with some help by the local PD) in Memphis. Why? Because she was easily confused and didn’t understand why they wanted to run her through the scanner again. Hannah’s mother was *not* allowed to explain to the TSA agents what the story was; instead Hannah was hauled off to the hoosegow.

Authorities later threw out the charges, local news station WREG reported, but the Cohen family has filed a lawsuit against the Memphis Airport, Airport Police, and the Transportation Security Administration.


They’re suing for a whopping $100,000. No, really, that’s it. If there was ever a time to sue for Insane Amounts of Money, this would seem to be it:


As the very first post on the relevant Fark thread said…

This is the face of your government. Have a happy 4th America. 240 years was a good run, wasn’t it?

Ah, now I remember why I haven’t flown in years…

 Posted by at 9:19 pm